Field judging colorado mule deer

I killed a 3x4 buck in Colorado this year. He has big front forks, but I assumed he was only 22” wide since his frame was as wide as his tip to tip spread. I was pleasantly surprised when I took him, and realized his head was very big. His tip to tip ear spread was 24” . In my experience Colorado and Wyoming deer usually have bigger bodies and heads, than deer I’ve taken in states like Utah and Idaho
Thats awesome! Thanks, nice buck!
Take this buck for example, he’s a buck i watched all last winter, come time for shed season he’d disappeared and couldn’t turn them up or someone else found them. Anyways, assume he has 22-23” ears (dozens and dozens of bucks i’ve been around in this country is what’s about average) what do you put him at for width? I haven’t seen personally any 30” bucks on the hoof but I still have a hard time thinking he is, although i bet he’s really close.
I’ve been an avid mule deer hunter my whole life, I never give them 22-23 on the ears. Have you actually measured that as average? Every buck I’ve measured is 20-22 on the ears, 20 is conservative and closer to average, where I’m at at least. If you start there, you will have less ground shrinkage if your other guesses are wrong.

Guess the beams as being within 2-3 inches of the inside spread. Take an ear as 9-10 inches and compare to the forks. 12”-13” forks are extremely rare, 14” is world class. If he looks tall, give him 16, if he looks really tall and there’s some shape to his G2’s, probably 17”-19”, 20” is unbelievably rare. 3” browtines add a lot to a buck’s score.

An average mature buck will be 16”-17” on the mass. Anything over 18” on the mass is pretty crazy heavy in my experience. I don’t understand guys throwing out 20” mass on average type bucks when doing estimates, pretty unrealistic and shows a lack of experience measuring deer. Measure a lot of horns and mass is easy to estimate, and you will only be off a couple inches either way. Everything else is icing on the cake once you get a solid estimate on the frame.
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Muleybuck, where are you from? FYI, the older bucks in Southern Utah and northern Arizona commonly have 24-26" wide ears. The further you go North, the ears do seem to get smaller.
Muleybuck, where are you from? FYI, the older bucks in Southern Utah and northern Arizona commonly have 24-26" wide ears. The further you go North, the ears do seem to get smaller.
Yep I’m up north, MT, don’t get out much… bigger ears help dissipate body heat for deer, so warmer environments will have deer with bigger ears.

Killed one a while back that was right at 200”. His beams were right at his ears, and was 19 6/8ths on the inside…
I use 22” on the ears as a rule here in co. If it’s bigger no worries but I plan on 22”. Never been disappointed w that. Also if ya care about score don’t shoot a buck with out

As per my notes I look over 500+ mature mule deer a year and I can tell ya if ya are nitpickin any buck he is not that big. If ya are attempting to make his pics look better he is not big…

One of the best statements from a good buddy who also looks over more bucks than most = when I show him a pic of any buck I am thinking of hunting is he asks me send over the least flattering pics I got.. Not the hero shot walking away over a ridge. Again you will not be disappointed judging by the least flattering pics/angles…

Simply put most judging unless you are nitpicking a 195” buck to see if he makes the golden mark is it comes down to when ya see a wow buck for you = well you will no doubt know it in 2 seconds.. Kinda silly to be nitpickin 170” deer 🤦🏼‍♂️. Or whatever gets you to wow is what you are looking for and it’s different for all of us and that’s ok…

I will add that unless ya are ok w not filling a tag set that wow buck goal around 160”.. Or ya be honorable and hunt a 180” buck til the last day and odds are eat the tag. As that’s the reality of any season/tag in Colorado now unless ya got the time to do 20+- days of scouting….

Last question is either of the buck below to you wow? Count to 3 to the make the decision to shoot as that’s the reality. Or know what ya want quickly as sometimes ya will only have a few seconds to decide…

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I use 22” on the ears as a rule here in co. If it’s bigger no worries but I plan on 22”. Never been disappointed w that. Also if ya care about score don’t shoot a buck with out

As per my notes I look over 500+ mature mule deer a year and I can tell ya if ya are nitpickin any buck he is not that big. If ya are attempting to make his pics look better he is not big…

One of the best statements from a good buddy who also looks over more bucks than most = when I show him a pic of any buck I am thinking of hunting is he asks me send over the least flattering pics I got.. Not the hero shot walking away over a ridge. Again you will not be disappointed judging by the least flattering pics/angles…

Simply put most judging unless you are nitpicking a 195” buck to see if he makes the golden mark is it comes down to when ya see a wow buck for you = well you will no doubt know it in 2 seconds.. Kinda silly to be nitpickin 170” deer 🤦🏼‍♂️. Or whatever gets you to wow is what you are looking for and it’s different for all of us and that’s ok…

I will add that unless ya are ok w not filling a tag set that wow buck goal around 160”.. Or ya be honorable and hunt a 180” buck til the last day and odds are eat the tag. As that’s the reality of any season/tag in Colorado now unless ya got the time to do 20+- days of scouting….

Last question is either of the buck below to you wow? Count to 3 to the make the decision to shoot as that’s the reality. Or know what ya want quickly as sometimes ya will only have a few seconds to decide…
solid advice and info man i appreciate! that is a really good method and something i will have to start practicing for sure. out of all the big bucks i can recall putting eyes on i'd be shocked if any were past 170-175" MAYBE 180" so yeah i'm not sure if i'd be able to tell the difference between a 170 deer and a 190 deer... maybe it'd be obvious side by side but i just haven't had the opportunity yet. to answer that last question, those are no brainer absolute shooters in my book!😄
Have you actually measured that as average?
yep with bucks either myself, family, friends locally have never had anything less than 22" ears in our country, plus i do euro mounts on the side and measure them as well when they haven't caped them out. Pretty good sample size.
Yep I’m up north, MT, don’t get out much… bigger ears help dissipate body heat for deer, so warmer environments will have deer with bigger ears.

Killed one a while back that was right at 200”. His beams were right at his ears, and was 19 6/8ths on the inside…
i would lean towards i'm in a warmer environment hence the big ears.
This CO september/mz buck's ears are only 21". Inside spread is 25". Outside spread is a hair under 32". He looks mature to me!


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