Rifle stock build progress thread

I haven’t done many recoil pads, but each time I do, I swear I’ll get a belt sander for the next one…. Next time! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Finishing this one with files and sand paper, it’s really my most dreaded part, mostly because an ugly fitted recoil pad, just throws everything off. I’m still working on the toe a bit, it’s slowly coming.


I think I’m done the profile on the grip cap now, I domed it a little. I keep going back and forth on if i shoulda went with Ebony, or even a metal cap. I think it should look good once some finish is on there though.


My marine Tex came in today, as did an apron. My lady was tired of the dusty clothes I guess lol.

Next up will be the bedding, I got my pillars filed down to the correct lengths. After the bedding is complete, it may need a cleaning and a test fire I think :).


Are you going to put your initials or anything else on the grip cap? That always seems like the classiest place for such engraving. So subtle!

I’m thinking of maybe having it checkered when I get the stock checkered. Im not particularly tied to this rifle, so nothing with any identification as it may get sold or traded in the future. I will put my name and date somewhere though, probably in the barrel channel.
Man.... Awesome work.... I think you got a beautiful piece of wood too! Decide on a finish yet? The root and tung oil might be my pick as the Danish appears to mute the grain just a touch. I'm sure pictures don't do any of them justice, so really don't think you can go wrong.

I hope you don't ever sell or trade this, and it's passed down, but, just in case, can I have first right of refusal lol.
Grip looks great to me from those few pictures. I did a couple with ebony, steel, etc, at this point I think I prefer it plain wood.

Oh, and sanding down a pad entirely with grit paper by hand is crazy talk.
Man.... Awesome work.... I think you got a beautiful piece of wood too! Decide on a finish yet? The root and tung oil might be my pick as the Danish appears to mute the grain just a touch. I'm sure pictures don't do any of them justice, so really don't think you can go wrong.

I hope you don't ever sell or trade this, and it's passed down, but, just in case, can I have first right of refusal lol.

I’m still debating on a finish. I’m 3 coats in on a test piece with the Danish, tung and tung/mineral spirit/varnish, all with Alkanet, all 3 are looking quite similar so far.

I wet sanded the third coat in this morning, so I’ll add a couple more coats now and see what happens.

Left to right,

Danish oil / tung oil / tung oil, mineral spirit, varnish

Grip looks great to me from those few pictures. I did a couple with ebony, steel, etc, at this point I think I prefer it plain wood.

Oh, and sanding down a pad entirely with grit paper by hand is crazy talk.

Luckily there wasn’t a whole lot of rubber overhanging. That Shinto file on its fine side did a pretty good job at taking it down close to the wood.

My skeleton grip cap finally made it through customs this week. I’m excited to start practicing with it and using it some day on something.
The Marine tex came in so I jumped into the bedding. I must say, the marine tex was awesome stuff to work with!! Iv bedded 4 rifles, with 4 different bedding compounds (devcon, acraglas, pro bed 2000 and now marine tex). I think this marine tex is the best one Iv used workability wise. But, I did end up with my first air pocket, I think I’ll chalk it up to a tough area to bed though.

It’s on the web of wood between the mag well and trigger mortise, the wood is thin there so not a lot for the compound to grip to. I’m a little worried about that web and cracking tbh, looking back I wish I would have bedded in a blind cross bolt.

Another mishap was not plugging the bolt release pin holes enough. The bedding pushed the putty in a little creating a tiny tit, it would have fit into that recess in the metal, but figured I’d sand it off. Looking back, I should have just scraped it off or palm chiseled it, woulda saved the eyesore.

Definitely lessons being learnt here, but the bedding feels good, everything’s straight and plum, next I will add a very small dab of marine tex to each end of the bottom metal just so things stay good.

That finish stage is getting close!!


Sold as the bottom metal is bedded in, I will work on the final sanding around the tang to make things flush.

Oh! I got my shipment from New England guns, this grip cap is some gorgeous!! I look forward to playing with it some day. Also picked up one of their recoil pads, not sure how I feel about it yet. Looks more like a shotgun pad maybe? Lol.


Also ordered “A” inletted sling base, I guess they don’t get sold in pairs lol! This one will get me practicing anyway though.
Fantastic project! Thanks for documenting along the whole process.

Also picked up one of their recoil pads, not sure how I feel about it yet. Looks more like a shotgun pad maybe? Lol.
You will like the finished product a lot more with that NECG pad than with the open-sided, white line one.
The ebony forend and the solid black recoil bad will visually balance very well.
Thanks a lot guys! I enjoy sharing the process. Iv been tied up the past couple weeks, but am looking forward to getting this stock finished and then hopefully get my prc stock finished before spring as well.

Fantastic project! Thanks for documenting along the whole process.

You will like the finished product a lot more with that NECG pad than with the open-sided, white line one.
The ebony forend and the solid black recoil bad will visually balance very well.

Good call on matching up the black. I already had the Pachmayr mostly fitted to the stock by the time the necg pad showed up though.

Im thinking about stepping up the quality of blank figure on whichever stock I build next. I really want something with some deep dark marbling in the buttstock. That necg pad would be perfect for such a build.
Well, I can’t say that I’m super impressed. The finish came out a bit darker then I would have liked I think. My test pieces, the brew had soaked for a couple weeks, it’s now been about a month and half. I’m wondering if I should have diluted the finish a little.

I think once it’s dry, I will knock it back a bit with 600 grit paper then try filling the pores with straight Danish oil or maybe even just tung oil.

Iv lost track of the hours, im somewhere in the 200-220 neighbourhood I think. I will add more photos as the finishing process unfolds, I think I will try going for a little lighter look though.


The lighting is bad in my basement, it does look darker than it actually is. This photo lightens it up a little to more if it’s actual tone.
That looks great, any plans on checkering ?? I'm not as brave as you, I modify composite stocks for myself and friends, it's basically like auto body work .....if i mess up i can just fill back with epoxy and start over unlike wood ...