Poseurs and Ballers....

Wow. . I'm not going to lie, I wasted a solid 40 minutes that I should have been working on a project reading this. Couple of observations though.

1. To all those pissed about repetitive questions, did you ask questions when you joined? I use the search feature but half the time it or my phone suck and I get terrible results. thus I ask questions, and try to answer others questions where I have knowledge

2. Some of the get off my lawn crowd need to go have a drink, roll a joint, or do whatever you need to to calm the F down. I'm sure it was sweet hunting New Mexico every year in the 90s, or getting good draws because you got in when points first started being a thing. I bet you loved hunting and not seeing another soul for 10 days. . . Oh but now you're pissed that I want to come hunt too? Sorry I was 7 in 94' and didn't have an opportunity to buy points on the front end. Sorry I grew up hunting deer but when I got some income as an adult wanted to expand. Sorry I used my hard earned money to buy some matching Sitka from the classifieds cuz they make good stuff and it was a deal. Sorry I came to your state to learn a unit and kill game on OUR public land! Sorry I wasn't born early enough to cash in on the "glory days" so I do what I can with what I have. And maybe even though I hunt, I don't support EVERYTHING that falls under the 2A umbrella. Doesn't make me an ANTI it makes me a realist! I don't feel like any of this makes me a BRO or #HUSHIN, or an ANTI anything. I'm just a slightly younger dude doing what you did 20 years ago...

Have a mentos Brah.......62C54647-AD8E-4485-94AC-208816034A7B.png
"I don't support EVERYTHING that falls under the 2A umbrella"

Thanks for outing yourself... Could you please enlighten the ignorant, unwashed masses such as myself to the never before seen wisdom which teaches that no one needs a bolt gun bigger than 6.5 cm to hunt, and "common sense" gun control will save the world?
Please sprinkle in how mag cap limits and "assault rifle" banning will teach criminals that gun free zones are sacred ground.
Im DYING to (drink the Koolaid)... Er, I mean seek the path.
Thanks in advance.
First, I really hope your day gets better.
That rant was pretty awesome though. The only thing that drives me crazy and it’s not just isolated to the hunting world is that’s when people take a truck and make it look like it is some off Roading super machine, but in reality it never leaves pavement.
That’s because most of those cry babies are too lazy to take a water hose, rag and a bucket of soap and get a little dirty and wash that over wheel sized piece of crap!
And yet, and yet...a constructive political conversation regarding potential impacts to hunters and gun owners was closed...
Working in the industry it's amazing to watch this unfold every time a new podcast or person reccomended something as the new gotta have item.
What is with people?

Does this stem from a Social Media lifestyle competition?

Or is it everyone WANTS to be an Operator? TactiCool?

Yes and yes.

You totally left out "mountain athlete" alongside Operator and TactiCool!! What's wrong with you?? How could you have left that out?? Go to the corner NOW Mr!!
Well in the spirt and all......People who say I was on this site or that site first and now they suck....Really because you spend time playing on the inter web and signed up first your special.....
I call it the Trump effect. It's when the economy gets so good that it's too easy for people to make too much money and they just blow it on sh*t they don't need or on stuff they have no idea what they're talking about.

Yeah, and then they broadcast the craziness over social media for all to see :LOL:
I just sit here and wonder, do people have nothing going on in their lives that they care about this stuff?
If you work 80+ hrs/wk, I’ll tell you, you’ll find out what you really care about and want to spend your little free time on. Getting angry at social media isn’t one of those things.