Wow. . I'm not going to lie, I wasted a solid 40 minutes that I should have been working on a project reading this. Couple of observations though.
1. To all those pissed about repetitive questions, did you ask questions when you joined? I use the search feature but half the time it or my phone suck and I get terrible results. thus I ask questions, and try to answer others questions where I have knowledge
2. Some of the get off my lawn crowd need to go have a drink, roll a joint, or do whatever you need to to calm the F down. I'm sure it was sweet hunting New Mexico every year in the 90s, or getting good draws because you got in when points first started being a thing. I bet you loved hunting and not seeing another soul for 10 days. . . Oh but now you're pissed that I want to come hunt too? Sorry I was 7 in 94' and didn't have an opportunity to buy points on the front end. Sorry I grew up hunting deer but when I got some income as an adult wanted to expand. Sorry I used my hard earned money to buy some matching Sitka from the classifieds cuz they make good stuff and it was a deal. Sorry I came to your state to learn a unit and kill game on OUR public land! Sorry I wasn't born early enough to cash in on the "glory days" so I do what I can with what I have. And maybe even though I hunt, I don't support EVERYTHING that falls under the 2A umbrella. Doesn't make me an ANTI it makes me a realist! I don't feel like any of this makes me a BRO or #HUSHIN, or an ANTI anything. I'm just a slightly younger dude doing what you did 20 years ago...
FYI hunting has being going on for more than 20 years
I think that is why many on here are concerned that the younger generation, many it seems who now want to get into hunting, ( with zero knowledge of hunting's tradition and culture) because they listened to some huntin bro broadcast , want to get likes and be acknowledged on social media wearing kuiu and sitka etc gear. I and many others hunted decades in surplus military gear, old wool clothing. Look at the old pics of Dwight Schu, Larry Jones, Paul Brunner , Fred Bear, Pope and Young, Chuck Adams, Jack O Conner, Paul Schaefer ( best bow hunter/hunter ever IMHO) , Theodore Roosevelt...
And you want to start hunting, get the instant gratification and think that firearms bans and confiscation, predator hunting bans , trapping bans are a great idea. Plus banning free speech as you see now on all university campuses.
Why would we embrace these "new hunters" who want to redefine hunting?
Hunting out west, hunting in Alaska used to be about hard work, lots and lots of driving and travel, donating time and Manual labor to help help ranchers and farmers to get access and info, and and expenses, paying your dues and sometimes years without filling a tag and now it's screaming and crying if you don't get the answers and handouts sitting behind a computer.
We're basically seeing the californiafication of hunting now like the rest of our culture.
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