Poseurs and Ballers....

Wow. . I'm not going to lie, I wasted a solid 40 minutes that I should have been working on a project reading this. Couple of observations though.

1. To all those pissed about repetitive questions, did you ask questions when you joined? I use the search feature but half the time it or my phone suck and I get terrible results. thus I ask questions, and try to answer others questions where I have knowledge

2. Some of the get off my lawn crowd need to go have a drink, roll a joint, or do whatever you need to to calm the F down. I'm sure it was sweet hunting New Mexico every year in the 90s, or getting good draws because you got in when points first started being a thing. I bet you loved hunting and not seeing another soul for 10 days. . . Oh but now you're pissed that I want to come hunt too? Sorry I was 7 in 94' and didn't have an opportunity to buy points on the front end. Sorry I grew up hunting deer but when I got some income as an adult wanted to expand. Sorry I used my hard earned money to buy some matching Sitka from the classifieds cuz they make good stuff and it was a deal. Sorry I came to your state to learn a unit and kill game on OUR public land! Sorry I wasn't born early enough to cash in on the "glory days" so I do what I can with what I have. And maybe even though I hunt, I don't support EVERYTHING that falls under the 2A umbrella. Doesn't make me an ANTI it makes me a realist! I don't feel like any of this makes me a BRO or #HUSHIN, or an ANTI anything. I'm just a slightly younger dude doing what you did 20 years ago...


FYI hunting has being going on for more than 20 years

I think that is why many on here are concerned that the younger generation, many it seems who now want to get into hunting, ( with zero knowledge of hunting's tradition and culture) because they listened to some huntin bro broadcast , want to get likes and be acknowledged on social media wearing kuiu and sitka etc gear. I and many others hunted decades in surplus military gear, old wool clothing. Look at the old pics of Dwight Schu, Larry Jones, Paul Brunner , Fred Bear, Pope and Young, Chuck Adams, Jack O Conner, Paul Schaefer ( best bow hunter/hunter ever IMHO) , Theodore Roosevelt...

And you want to start hunting, get the instant gratification and think that firearms bans and confiscation, predator hunting bans , trapping bans are a great idea. Plus banning free speech as you see now on all university campuses.

Why would we embrace these "new hunters" who want to redefine hunting?

Hunting out west, hunting in Alaska used to be about hard work, lots and lots of driving and travel, donating time and Manual labor to help help ranchers and farmers to get access and info, and and expenses, paying your dues and sometimes years without filling a tag and now it's screaming and crying if you don't get the answers and handouts sitting behind a computer.

We're basically seeing the californiafication of hunting now like the rest of our culture.

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I don't care how anyone else spends their money, but the tacticool jargon that has invaded almost all hunting forums is pretty entertaining. I run my dogs, run races, run a tab, and occasionally, run amok, but I have, own, or use equipment. Unless your full time job description includes the possibility of fast roping into bin Laden's compound, you don't "run" anything. You just have some hunting equipment.
Thanks for the heads up! I just started visiting this site, but now I will have to spend my free time doing more productive things than reading b.s. from a bunch of wanna be’s.
Don’t know if I’m a poseur or a baller. Yep, I have a Jeep JK, lifted 2”, 34” tires a winch and roof rack, ( no tent thingie) instead I have a motorhome. My rifle was built in ‘52 by Sako with JC Higgins stamped on it, scope is a CDS system and can shoot a decent group out to 600 yds or so, oh and I use exotic 30-06 hand loads. I also have AR’s that I haven’t gotten around to tricking out, only been 6 yrs, no hurry. I CAN do a pull up, and a sit up, at 72 getting out of bed counts as both right? Oh and........................Huh, I forgot what else there was, oh well.:unsure::unsure::unsure::sleep::sleep::sleep:
I'm probably close to being on Time Out for being an AH on the Slide. This site a few years ago was a place I could come to for information and actually learning. Guys more Hardcore than I was and had "Been there and done that" more than I had. Could learn about making meals better/cheaper than Mtn House, leuko tape, lacing techniques, reducing ES and SD in load development, etc. Real information.

Lately....WOW! I guess it's time to remove myself. Overall I am simply floored by the amount of Poseurs. So many things chap my ass. What is with people? I see SOOOO many rifles....was ARs five years ago...now it's the PRS/LR game. With soooo much shit on them. Like it's a contest to see how much money you can spend, or how heavy you build your rifle. How much BLING you can add.......to increase your Drip, your Flo or your Swagger. WTF? Buy a new scope.....Oh, Bra.....you gotta put the sun shade on.....look how much bigger it looks! It's no longer Shocks, Pegs = Lucky. It's like everyone has enough money to build an alcohol dragster....but never had a driver's permit.

Does this stem from a Social Media lifestyle competition? Where people can take pics of their blinged out 1 ton truck on 37s, their LR Rifle, their Nock On matching blinged out bows, Mtn Ops flat brim?

Rubicon Jeeps with dual lockers, 37s, Warn recovery system....oh...don't forget the roof rack tent thingy with the ladder.....so the lions in Africa don't eat your ass! Even tho those poor tires have never seen dirt.

Or is it everyone WANTS to be an Operator? TactiCool? I work in Law Enforcement. I've seen some of the biggest pussies, who don't work out, couldn't do ONE pull up or bench their body weight, shoot like absolute shit....show up with Tactical Tomahawks, Shemags, Multi Cam everything, punch knives, 16 tourniquets, etc. Again....WTF?

Shot at a semi public range this weekend. The numbers of expensive semi production rifles on the line was staggering. Optics more than my entire rig. And two Skinny Jean poseurs high 5ing after hitting a 36" plate at 600 yards...No LRF, no ballistic Ap, nada. Realize it's their money and "Right", but for what? An Instagram post?

Is this just "Sportsman's Warehouse......set me up with the whole schmear.....I've got more money than God....put a whole rig together. I don't care what it cost......I'll be there at 3pm and I expect to walk out Chris Kyle"

Many posts and comments seem to floor me. I guess 9th Graders need to obtain guidance and information on things they can't afford and will never purchase also?

I guess it's the beauty of living in the Country we do and having that Freedom. I'm extremely grateful and practice gratitude daily. I'm personally in a great spot. Love life. Love my close circle of who and what I have. Just extremely underwhelmed with 90% of modern people and society. Maybe I'm a day away from trying to buy a Whammy Burger and fries?

can't say you're on any short list with us but I do want to chime in on a few things about Rokslide, and this is not just responding to you, but many of the posts I saw on the four pages I made it through.

1) Of course this place has changed! It's not the 1,000 hard core guys that were originally attracted to it. If it were it wouldn't exist anymore as 1,000 guys can't attract enough sponsors to keep the lights on (it's been tried again since Rokslide started and it failed). In fact, the whole forum poser and PIA blowhards are part of why some of those guys (members and staff) are gone--life's easier when they can just do their thing and not be challenged or see people challenged on every opinion or post. Trust me, I was there when the left and that's a big reason why. Remember that when you're complaining about the "good old days" Maybe they weren't so good.

2) Of course it's all about gear. That has been our core following since day 1. We work hard to provide as many gear reviews as we can as that is what gets read. Very seldom does a hunting article on here get the readers that a gear review does. Sorry, just how it is and is why as your editor I don't publish a lot of them (but I do publish some) We are not Eastman's. Only one of our top 10 or so articles last year wasn't a pure gear article--Jim Carr's "What It Takes to Be a Successful Hunter".

3) I see stupid stuff on here and social media all the time, but I also see it in the break room at work, and everywhere people gather. But I try to remember that just because someone's got a different opinion or approach than me, doesn't really make him "stupid". We're not all the same and we don't have to agree, but we don't have to get upset if everyone is not the same as us. That was that first 1,000 guys, but those days are over. Be a little more welcoming and you might find some of these guys who irriate people are actually new or inexperienced hunters. By the grace of God your life was such that you got to go deep into hunting, but that's not everyone!! We need those guys but we gotta remember they're not going to be just like us! It's not the Gen X vs the millenials vs the hippy hunters vs the "true hunters" (whatever in the heck that means?!?!) We all need to be a little more tolerant of people, in all society. And if someone is truly an agitator, (or a thread is stirring up agitators) we just ban them, lock them or delete them--it calms the air (except for the few that wanna keep stirring).

There's a few in the hot seat right now and I'll be glad when they're gone, unless of course they change their behavior. I've seen that happen before. I won't say any names be several of our most serious contributors/hunters have been warned and once they realized what they were doing, turned it around. That's progress!

If you're hoping Rokslide will never change, I think you're going to be disappointed, but I'm pretty sure most changes can be good. I learned a long time ago on here "we don't all have to agree", but let's get along and not sweat the small stuff.
FYI hunting has being going on for more than 20 years

I think that is why many on here are concerned that the younger generation, many it seems who now want to get into hunting, ( with zero knowledge of hunting's tradition and culture) because they listened to some huntin bro broadcast , want to get likes and be acknowledged on social media wearing kuiu and sitka etc gear. I and many others hunted decades in surplus military gear, old wool clothing. Look at the old pics of Dwight Schu, Larry Jones, Paul Brunner , Fred Bear, Pope and Young, Chuck Adams, Jack O Conner, Paul Schaefer ( best bow hunter/hunter ever IMHO) , Theodore Roosevelt...

And you want to start hunting, get the instant gratification and think that firearms bans and confiscation, predator hunting bans , trapping bans are a great idea. Plus banning free speech as you see now on all university campuses.

Why would we embrace these "new hunters" who want to redefine hunting?

Hunting out west, hunting in Alaska used to be about hard work, lots and lots of driving and travel, donating time and Manual labor to help help ranchers and farmers to get access and info, and and expenses, paying your dues and sometimes years without filling a tag and now it's screaming and crying if you don't get the answers and handouts sitting behind a computer.

We're basically seeing the californiafication of hunting now like the rest of our culture.

And people use to have to ride in covered wagons...not gas powered cars
And people use to wear moccasins..not tennis shoes...not boots
And people use to have to talk to their neighbors...not call their brother half way around the world on a phone

Do I need to go on? Keep complaining about it, it will bring back the "glory" days you remember.
And people use to have to ride in covered wagons...not gas powered cars
And people use to wear moccasins..not tennis shoes...not boots
And people use to have to talk to their neighbors...not call their brother half way around the world on a phone

Do I need to go on? Keep bitching about it, it will bring back the old "glory" days you remember.

Dont forget a hooker was only a nickel.
Screw that I just want 25 cent fuel and a house that didnt cost me 15 years worth of salary.

Haha just live in the middle of no where 180000 gets you a new house with a icf basement on the edge of town. i dont know if it is a draw back or not but the closest wallmart is 100 miles away
Haha just live in the middle of no where 180000 gets you a new house with a icf basement on the edge of town. i dont know if it is a draw back or not but the closest wallmart is 100 miles away

I’m in the process of moving and buying a house for 2 years salary. Mainly so I can invade lots of western states and steal their game........
I found this place looking for a quality made pair of boots that wouldnt leak after 3 months of hard use. I found out about hoffmans, which i didnt know existed and am glad i spluged for a pair. However the rest of my gear minus socks is not top of the line anything. I use a vanguard delux in 7mm mag with a 3x9x50 redfield revolution scope. This place is great for the budget minded hunters like myself as well that don't have access to stores that carry everything in my opinion. On the flip side i am also a truck camp hunter and not a hardcore backpack hunter. But i do love reading about the experiences of the people that do. You take the good with the bad and people like me are probably in your part of the bad category...
can't say you're on any short list with us but I do want to chime in on a few things about Rokslide, and this is not just responding to you, but many of the posts I saw on the four pages I made it through.

1) Of course this place has changed! It's not the 1,000 hard core guys that were originally attracted to it. If it were it wouldn't exist anymore as 1,000 guys can't attract enough sponsors to keep the lights on (it's been tried again since Rokslide started and it failed). In fact, the whole forum poser and PIA blowhards are part of why some of those guys (members and staff) are gone--life's easier when they can just do their thing and not be challenged or see people challenged on every opinion or post. Trust me, I was there when the left and that's a big reason why. Remember that when you're complaining about the "good old days" Maybe they weren't so good.

2) Of course it's all about gear. That has been our core following since day 1. We work hard to provide as many gear reviews as we can as that is what gets read. Very seldom does a hunting article on here get the readers that a gear review does. Sorry, just how it is and is why as your editor I don't publish a lot of them (but I do publish some) We are not Eastman's. Only one of our top 10 or so articles last year wasn't a pure gear article--Jim Carr's "What It Takes to Be a Successful Hunter".

3) I see stupid stuff on here and social media all the time, but I also see it in the break room at work, and everywhere people gather. But I try to remember that just because someone's got a different opinion or approach than me, doesn't really make him "stupid". We're not all the same and we don't have to agree, but we don't have to get upset if everyone is not the same as us. That was that first 1,000 guys, but those days are over. Be a little more welcoming and you might find some of these guys who irriate people are actually new or inexperienced hunters. By the grace of God your life was such that you got to go deep into hunting, but that's not everyone!! We need those guys but we gotta remember they're not going to be just like us! It's not the Gen X vs the millenials vs the hippy hunters vs the "true hunters" (whatever in the heck that means?!?!) We all need to be a little more tolerant of people, in all society. And if someone is truly an agitator, (or a thread is stirring up agitators) we just ban them, lock them or delete them--it calms the air (except for the few that wanna keep stirring).

There's a few in the hot seat right now and I'll be glad when they're gone, unless of course they change their behavior. I've seen that happen before. I won't say any names be several of our most serious contributors/hunters have been warned and once they realized what they were doing, turned it around. That's progress!

If you're hoping Rokslide will never change, I think you're going to be disappointed, but I'm pretty sure most changes can be good. I learned a long time ago on here "we don't all have to agree", but let's get along and not sweat the small stuff.

Jim Carrs write up was awesome, I really enjoyed reading it. I understand most of you guys (mods, staff and admins, whatever your titles may be) are busy scouting, hunting dealing with your lives and livelihoods but a few of those type of in depth articles a year make for a great read.
Change does suck sometimes, but its inevitable. Reading gear reviews is what brought me to the sight after some major WTF gear failures. I believe the most irritating thing for alot is just the same question being asked over and over in again in multiple threads. The search function works wonders, the inability to type in some words and scroll a few pages tends to set people off. I get that some people want their own thread but most of the time it's not necessary. It really does seem to trigger the "get off my lawn" crowd.
I’ll clarify one micro thingy...not much of my rant was aimed directly at the Slide. When you are searching for very specific intel or user experience on specific gear/equipment...this is the place. But I will not renig that “What is a good broadhead” gets old AF....you don’t even need to use the search function...read the 1st two pages in any forum and the answer or identical post...is there

But our society is very much full of Tools and Douche Bags. It’s not UnEducated....it’s that plus Flakey, Spineless with a large splash of Pansy. Stuff all that under a flat brim (ears tucked in of course) and wash it down with an IPA that tastes of rotten pine nuts and burned coffee....and there we are......Poseurs
Man, people bitch about the same questions being asked but continue to drone on and on about our society this and our society that. As if this is something new and it hasn't been happening for the last however long you believe man has been on this earth.
I’ll clarify one micro thingy...not much of my rant was aimed directly at the Slide. When you are searching for very specific intel or user experience on specific gear/equipment...this is the place. But I will not renig that “What is a good broadhead” gets old AF....you don’t even need to use the search function...read the 1st two pages in any forum and the answer or identical post...is there

But our society is very much full of Tools and Douche Bags. It’s not UnEducated....it’s that plus Flakey, Spineless with a large splash of Pansy. Stuff all that under a flat brim (ears tucked in of course) and wash it down with an IPA that tastes of rotten pine nuts and burned coffee....and there we are......Poseurs

"Tools and Douche bags"

That's what I'm talking about right there. Not necessary!!!
I used to have a mullet (@Ryan Avery thinks I still do) and the generation ahead of me referred to me with names like that. But am I? Or was I just different than their crew cuts?

I'm about to delete this thread.
Man, people bitch about the same questions being asked but continue to drone on and on about our society this and our society that. As if this is something new and it hasn't been happening for the last however long you believe man has been on this earth.
thanks for pointing that out! Ryan and I paid for the server space, so so what if someone asks a question that has been answered? It's a chat room, people chat!!!!