I'm probably close to being on Time Out for being an AH on the Slide. This site a few years ago was a place I could come to for information and actually learning. Guys more Hardcore than I was and had "Been there and done that" more than I had. Could learn about making meals better/cheaper than Mtn House, leuko tape, lacing techniques, reducing ES and SD in load development, etc. Real information.
Lately....WOW! I guess it's time to remove myself. Overall I am simply floored by the amount of Poseurs. So many things chap my ass. What is with people? I see SOOOO many rifles....was ARs five years ago...now it's the PRS/LR game. With soooo much shit on them. Like it's a contest to see how much money you can spend, or how heavy you build your rifle. How much BLING you can add.......to increase your Drip, your Flo or your Swagger. WTF? Buy a new scope.....Oh, Bra.....you gotta put the sun shade on.....look how much bigger it looks! It's no longer Shocks, Pegs = Lucky. It's like everyone has enough money to build an alcohol dragster....but never had a driver's permit.
Does this stem from a Social Media lifestyle competition? Where people can take pics of their blinged out 1 ton truck on 37s, their LR Rifle, their Nock On matching blinged out bows, Mtn Ops flat brim?
Rubicon Jeeps with dual lockers, 37s, Warn recovery system....oh...don't forget the roof rack tent thingy with the ladder.....so the lions in Africa don't eat your ass! Even tho those poor tires have never seen dirt.
Or is it everyone WANTS to be an Operator? TactiCool? I work in Law Enforcement. I've seen some of the biggest pussies, who don't work out, couldn't do ONE pull up or bench their body weight, shoot like absolute shit....show up with Tactical Tomahawks, Shemags, Multi Cam everything, punch knives, 16 tourniquets, etc. Again....WTF?
Shot at a semi public range this weekend. The numbers of expensive semi production rifles on the line was staggering. Optics more than my entire rig. And two Skinny Jean poseurs high 5ing after hitting a 36" plate at 600 yards...No LRF, no ballistic Ap, nada. Realize it's their money and "Right", but for what? An Instagram post?
Is this just "Sportsman's Warehouse......set me up with the whole schmear.....I've got more money than God....put a whole rig together. I don't care what it cost......I'll be there at 3pm and I expect to walk out Chris Kyle"
Many posts and comments seem to floor me. I guess 9th Graders need to obtain guidance and information on things they can't afford and will never purchase also?
I guess it's the beauty of living in the Country we do and having that Freedom. I'm extremely grateful and practice gratitude daily. I'm personally in a great spot. Love life. Love my close circle of who and what I have. Just extremely underwhelmed with 90% of modern people and society. Maybe I'm a day away from trying to buy a Whammy Burger and fries?
I hope I never get pulled over by you

haha, j/k
i don't think much has changed, i think your perspective has changed... there have always been wannabes and facades on internet forums, there have always been measuring contests, but you didn't know as much, so the focus was all of the new information rather than the fluff and BS.
once you learn what you came here to learn, then it turns into the same old stuff, and there is less interesting things, the newness is gone, and the content becomes more limited.
from there it's up to you... take a break, accept it for what it is, take initiative to pass on what you have learned, etc.
i know exactly where you are coming from though. i just ditched a forum that was more local, i got sick of it, i started noticing the attitude you describe, seems like nobody fishes or hunts because they like doing it, they do it in hopes they can make a success post on facebook or instagram, that's it, and in between those posts, they fake it like they are elite status, and in their mind, they are (nobody fills more than 3 elk tags in 12yrs right?

.... in their own mind...)
i got sick of it, every little thing to make it hopefully easier they are all over, even though gadgets don't fill tags, they hope this one will.
they finally kill something and talk about it for 5yrs like it was yesterday.
i know there are usually many ways to skin a cat, but it irritates me when people are giving misinformation, and acting like it's the right info, especially when it's one of those wannabes who only talk the talk, knowing the info they do have is from the internet, and not experience.... nature of internet forums.
there is still plenty of good if you choose to focus on it, i love hearing about people's hunts, successful or not, that's always enjoyable. i also like different perspectives..... i'm open minded, and different points of view can be beneficial.... always something good if you don't focus on the things that annoy you.