Poseurs and Ballers....

Internet hunting forums are a bit like a night at the bar in slow motion. 20 years ago it early, happy hour. It was just the diehards all getting along. Ideas started flowing and everyone had the happies. A good atmosphere. There were some really good times about a decade ago. It's now last call, a lot of chests puffed out and there are fights going on everywhere amongst the amateurs. The pros are all home already avoiding the mess.
I'm probably close to being on Time Out for being an AH on the Slide. This site a few years ago was a place I could come to for information and actually learning. Guys more Hardcore than I was and had "Been there and done that" more than I had. Could learn about making meals better/cheaper than Mtn House, leuko tape, lacing techniques, reducing ES and SD in load development, etc. Real information.

Lately....WOW! I guess it's time to remove myself. Overall I am simply floored by the amount of Poseurs. So many things chap my ass. What is with people? I see SOOOO many rifles....was ARs five years ago...now it's the PRS/LR game. With soooo much shit on them. Like it's a contest to see how much money you can spend, or how heavy you build your rifle. How much BLING you can add.......to increase your Drip, your Flo or your Swagger. WTF? Buy a new scope.....Oh, Bra.....you gotta put the sun shade on.....look how much bigger it looks! It's no longer Shocks, Pegs = Lucky. It's like everyone has enough money to build an alcohol dragster....but never had a driver's permit.

Does this stem from a Social Media lifestyle competition? Where people can take pics of their blinged out 1 ton truck on 37s, their LR Rifle, their Nock On matching blinged out bows, Mtn Ops flat brim?

Rubicon Jeeps with dual lockers, 37s, Warn recovery system....oh...don't forget the roof rack tent thingy with the ladder.....so the lions in Africa don't eat your ass! Even tho those poor tires have never seen dirt.

Or is it everyone WANTS to be an Operator? TactiCool? I work in Law Enforcement. I've seen some of the biggest pussies, who don't work out, couldn't do ONE pull up or bench their body weight, shoot like absolute shit....show up with Tactical Tomahawks, Shemags, Multi Cam everything, punch knives, 16 tourniquets, etc. Again....WTF?

Shot at a semi public range this weekend. The numbers of expensive semi production rifles on the line was staggering. Optics more than my entire rig. And two Skinny Jean poseurs high 5ing after hitting a 36" plate at 600 yards...No LRF, no ballistic Ap, nada. Realize it's their money and "Right", but for what? An Instagram post?

Is this just "Sportsman's Warehouse......set me up with the whole schmear.....I've got more money than God....put a whole rig together. I don't care what it cost......I'll be there at 3pm and I expect to walk out Chris Kyle"

Many posts and comments seem to floor me. I guess 9th Graders need to obtain guidance and information on things they can't afford and will never purchase also?

I guess it's the beauty of living in the Country we do and having that Freedom. I'm extremely grateful and practice gratitude daily. I'm personally in a great spot. Love life. Love my close circle of who and what I have. Just extremely underwhelmed with 90% of modern people and society. Maybe I'm a day away from trying to buy a Whammy Burger and fries?
I hope I never get pulled over by you 😆 haha, j/k

i don't think much has changed, i think your perspective has changed... there have always been wannabes and facades on internet forums, there have always been measuring contests, but you didn't know as much, so the focus was all of the new information rather than the fluff and BS.

once you learn what you came here to learn, then it turns into the same old stuff, and there is less interesting things, the newness is gone, and the content becomes more limited.

from there it's up to you... take a break, accept it for what it is, take initiative to pass on what you have learned, etc.

i know exactly where you are coming from though. i just ditched a forum that was more local, i got sick of it, i started noticing the attitude you describe, seems like nobody fishes or hunts because they like doing it, they do it in hopes they can make a success post on facebook or instagram, that's it, and in between those posts, they fake it like they are elite status, and in their mind, they are (nobody fills more than 3 elk tags in 12yrs right?😉.... in their own mind...)

i got sick of it, every little thing to make it hopefully easier they are all over, even though gadgets don't fill tags, they hope this one will.

they finally kill something and talk about it for 5yrs like it was yesterday.

i know there are usually many ways to skin a cat, but it irritates me when people are giving misinformation, and acting like it's the right info, especially when it's one of those wannabes who only talk the talk, knowing the info they do have is from the internet, and not experience.... nature of internet forums.

there is still plenty of good if you choose to focus on it, i love hearing about people's hunts, successful or not, that's always enjoyable. i also like different perspectives..... i'm open minded, and different points of view can be beneficial.... always something good if you don't focus on the things that annoy you.
I'm probably close to being on Time Out for being an AH on the Slide. This site a few years ago was a place I could come to for information and actually learning. Guys more Hardcore than I was and had "Been there and done that" more than I had. Could learn about making meals better/cheaper than Mtn House, leuko tape, lacing techniques, reducing ES and SD in load development, etc. Real information.

Lately....WOW! I guess it's time to remove myself. Overall I am simply floored by the amount of Poseurs. So many things chap my ass. What is with people? I see SOOOO many rifles....was ARs five years ago...now it's the PRS/LR game. With soooo much shit on them. Like it's a contest to see how much money you can spend, or how heavy you build your rifle. How much BLING you can add.......to increase your Drip, your Flo or your Swagger. WTF? Buy a new scope.....Oh, Bra.....you gotta put the sun shade on.....look how much bigger it looks! It's no longer Shocks, Pegs = Lucky. It's like everyone has enough money to build an alcohol dragster....but never had a driver's permit.

Does this stem from a Social Media lifestyle competition? Where people can take pics of their blinged out 1 ton truck on 37s, their LR Rifle, their Nock On matching blinged out bows, Mtn Ops flat brim?

Rubicon Jeeps with dual lockers, 37s, Warn recovery system....oh...don't forget the roof rack tent thingy with the ladder.....so the lions in Africa don't eat your ass! Even tho those poor tires have never seen dirt.

Or is it everyone WANTS to be an Operator? TactiCool? I work in Law Enforcement. I've seen some of the biggest pussies, who don't work out, couldn't do ONE pull up or bench their body weight, shoot like absolute shit....show up with Tactical Tomahawks, Shemags, Multi Cam everything, punch knives, 16 tourniquets, etc. Again....WTF?

Shot at a semi public range this weekend. The numbers of expensive semi production rifles on the line was staggering. Optics more than my entire rig. And two Skinny Jean poseurs high 5ing after hitting a 36" plate at 600 yards...No LRF, no ballistic Ap, nada. Realize it's their money and "Right", but for what? An Instagram post?

Is this just "Sportsman's Warehouse......set me up with the whole schmear.....I've got more money than God....put a whole rig together. I don't care what it cost......I'll be there at 3pm and I expect to walk out Chris Kyle"

Many posts and comments seem to floor me. I guess 9th Graders need to obtain guidance and information on things they can't afford and will never purchase also?

I guess it's the beauty of living in the Country we do and having that Freedom. I'm extremely grateful and practice gratitude daily. I'm personally in a great spot. Love life. Love my close circle of who and what I have. Just extremely underwhelmed with 90% of modern people and society. Maybe I'm a day away from trying to buy a Whammy Burger and fries?
Maybe you’re just a whiner.
I think it is funny that the scale is tipped so far in both directions. One one hand, you have the guys who have the baddest shit made and every upgrade. On the other hand, you have the guys who try to prove that you do not need any of that shit and brag about killing animals with just a loin cloth, grandpa's 30-30 and a pile of shit pick up truck. haha To each their own, like MT100 said, the classifieds are a busy place on here now. I think we all have things that bother us and you just vocalized yours'. Me, I can not stand guys who wear matching camo. I make it a point to always mismatch, I think it makes me not look like such a tool with my Sitka, Kuiu, Swaro's, Mathews bow, long range rig and tricked out side by side. hahahaha
You don’t think it’s worse to purposefully mismatch? Seems like you’re putting just as much emphasis on what you wear, just in a different way. Why not just not worry about what other people think?
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Thank you Jesse Jaymes, I needed the laugh. This thread with its gripes and complaints sum up the modern face of hunting.

Most have all become insecure, instant gratification seeking whores who would sell their own ass out for #SUCE$$, its beyond nauseating anymore.

With alot of the stuff I read on here it's hard to believe I was able to kill so much shit growing up in blue jeans, a tee shirt and whatever Walmart boxers my parents bought me to grace my butt cheeks. With a Savage rifle nonetheless, chambered in a evil belted magnum! Inferior! According to experts it was supposed to be a complete POS, being topped with a lowly Simmons 3x9.

With all the 6.5 craze junk going on it can make a man go nuts. The 6.5 Swedish mauser and the 264 Win Mag cant accomplish what? Oh wait everyone is a para military sniper now, raining in death from 7/8ths of a mile.

I really do appreciate this site, alot. I have gained so much from sifting through these threads for the past several years and finally registered an account almost two years ago. There has been alot I agreed with and alot I do and did not. There have been some complete head scratchers on here and there have been some rude Aholes. To all that I may have offended that are reading this, get over it! Lifes way too short to let simple petty things get at you. What I have learned on this site is that if your polite and respectful, people will more than willingly return the favor.

Most have become victims of marketing and attention, vindication is all they know, at all cost.
Rock on JJ, this thread was long over due.
I'm probably close to being on Time Out for being an AH on the Slide. This site a few years ago was a place I could come to for information and actually learning. Guys more Hardcore than I was and had "Been there and done that" more than I had. Could learn about making meals better/cheaper than Mtn House, leuko tape, lacing techniques, reducing ES and SD in load development, etc. Real information.

I can relate to this as its exactly how things are now days on Snipershide. I became a member there in early 2009 and with that site and a lot of ammo (loaded by me) I taught myself long range shooting and went on to be very competitive for many years there after. I loved it on the Hide back in the day. It was a no holds barred cage match and you could be as raw as you wanted to be. This kept a lot of the twat waffles either silent or not signed up at all. Eventually that all changed and well......now it is what it is today.

Lately....WOW! I guess it's time to remove myself. Overall I am simply floored by the amount of Poseurs. So many things chap my ass. What is with people? I see SOOOO many rifles....was ARs five years ago...now it's the PRS/LR game. With soooo much shit on them. Like it's a contest to see how much money you can spend, or how heavy you build your rifle. How much BLING you can add.......to increase your Drip, your Flo or your Swagger. WTF? Buy a new scope.....Oh, Bra.....you gotta put the sun shade on.....look how much bigger it looks! It's no longer Shocks, Pegs = Lucky. It's like everyone has enough money to build an alcohol dragster....but never had a driver's permit.

Long range shooting/hunting has become a "cool" thing. Everyone is a "PRS shooter". I could go on for an hour about this topic alone, but I wont.....as I'm sure most don't care or Id hurt people's feelings. I got into PRS when nobody knew what PRS was. My member number is 3**. Now I believe they are somewhere close to 6000 or more. To see it evolve from what it was when we started and it was just Rich and Lauren running the whole show, to what it is now is very bitter sweet. Oh yeah.....the sunshade comment, I laughed my ass off. That drives me insane when I see that shit. Ive shot countless matches and I can only remember just a very few situations where I needed a sunshade. And those ass hats that buy a new Nightforce scope and don't take the fu**cking inspection sticker off......I have no words. I guess those are the same people that leave the stickers and price tags on their flat bill hat. If I'm at a match and I see that shit, I'll go over and peel it off just to be a dick.

Does this stem from a Social Media lifestyle competition? Where people can take pics of their blinged out 1 ton truck on 37s, their LR Rifle, their Nock On matching blinged out bows, Mtn Ops flat brim?

Rid your life of all social media. I did several years ago and I'm much better off.

Rubicon Jeeps with dual lockers, 37s, Warn recovery system....oh...don't forget the roof rack tent thingy with the ladder.....so the lions in Africa don't eat your ass! Even tho those poor tires have never seen dirt.

Those are Mall Crawlers. They need all that shit to tackle those higher curbs and speed bumps.

Or is it everyone WANTS to be an Operator? TactiCool? I work in Law Enforcement. I've seen some of the biggest pussies, who don't work out, couldn't do ONE pull up or bench their body weight, shoot like absolute shit....show up with Tactical Tomahawks, Shemags, Multi Cam everything, punch knives, 16 tourniquets, etc. Again....WTF?

Not even going to touch on this one. Id just hurt people's feelings.

Shot at a semi public range this weekend. The numbers of expensive semi production rifles on the line was staggering. Optics more than my entire rig. And two Skinny Jean poseurs high 5ing after hitting a 36" plate at 600 yards...No LRF, no ballistic Ap, nada. Realize it's their money and "Right", but for what? An Instagram post?

Stay away from ALL public shooting ranges. They are a gathering place for Fudds. Best case scenario youll end up pissed off and hating people in general even more than you already do. Worst case scenario.....youll end up with a flesh wound or dead.

I guess it's the beauty of living in the Country we do and having that Freedom. I'm extremely grateful and practice gratitude daily. I'm personally in a great spot. Love life. Love my close circle of who and what I have. Just extremely underwhelmed with 90% of modern people and society. Maybe I'm a day away from trying to buy a Whammy Burger and fries?

Just do you man......things around us are only going to get worse. We are a deteriorating society. It cant be changed or stopped at this point. It has to run its course. In the last year or two Ive really tried to just focus on me and stay in my own lane. Getting away from social media helped me so much. Don't let the day to day minutia bog you down and take away from your quality of life.
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Since we are just ranting now....... WTF is the deal with people tucking their ears inside their hat?? Yes, its always a flat-brimmer doing it. You never see a "good ole boy" with a dirty reverse taco brim pulled down low with his ears tucked in.

And what is the deal with people saying "its a good piece of KIT"?? Just say its a good knife, backpack, belt.....etc.
Wow. . I'm not going to lie, I wasted a solid 40 minutes that I should have been working on a project reading this. Couple of observations though.

1. To all those pissed about repetitive questions, did you ask questions when you joined? I use the search feature but half the time it or my phone suck and I get terrible results. thus I ask questions, and try to answer others questions where I have knowledge

2. Some of the get off my lawn crowd need to go have a drink, roll a joint, or do whatever you need to to calm the F down. I'm sure it was sweet hunting New Mexico every year in the 90s, or getting good draws because you got in when points first started being a thing. I bet you loved hunting and not seeing another soul for 10 days. . . Oh but now you're pissed that I want to come hunt too? Sorry I was 7 in 94' and didn't have an opportunity to buy points on the front end. Sorry I grew up hunting deer but when I got some income as an adult wanted to expand. Sorry I used my hard earned money to buy some matching Sitka from the classifieds cuz they make good stuff and it was a deal. Sorry I came to your state to learn a unit and kill game on OUR public land! Sorry I wasn't born early enough to cash in on the "glory days" so I do what I can with what I have. And maybe even though I hunt, I don't support EVERYTHING that falls under the 2A umbrella. Doesn't make me an ANTI it makes me a realist! I don't feel like any of this makes me a BRO or #HUSHIN, or an ANTI anything. I'm just a slightly younger dude doing what you did 20 years ago...

Since we are just ranting now....... WTF is the deal with people tucking their ears inside their hat?? Yes, its always a flat-brimmer doing it. You never see a "good ole boy" with a dirty reverse taco brim pulled down low with his ears tucked in.

And what is the deal with people saying "its a good piece of KIT"?? Just say its a good knife, backpack, belt.....etc.

KIT.......everyone trying to sound like a special forces operator. I personally blame Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper, but I will admit I did go see American Sniper in theaters. In the months after that motion pictures release, the world went tactitool. Lazy every day cowards starting building 1000 yard "weapons system" for the fantasy Red Dawn invasion playing out in there heads. Bros that were clean shavin instantly had the "rugged" SEAL beard on deployment look going. I noticed this same phenomenon when Duck Dynasty was at its height and everyone became the worlds most hardcore mallard killing machines. This damn near made me shave my beard off so I wouldn't get lumped in with all the rest of the candyasses!