Poseurs and Ballers....

I love these threads...

Controversy sells. Post something short on facts, with a lot of speculation, with a certain tone, and BINGO! You are trending!

Congratulations, we are now proving to the media that this tactic works and that by that we want more of it.
This thread is nuts. I can’t imagine walking around so frustrated. I feel like you could move somewhere rural and quit all social media and it would solve most of your problems. I honestly didn’t understand more than half of your original references and I’m not particularly old. But I do live fairly rural and other than this site, detached from social media.
I believe you said you were a cop. That must be so hard long term. I don’t like cops. I don’t say that to be mean,I’ve just never run across any that didn’t immediately treat me poorly. But when I think of the job they do I know I would be as bad or worse than most of them in that job.
Make some changes. For yourself. The world isn’t about to get any more tolerable.
Sorry I said I don’t like cops. I hope it doesn’t ruin the tone of my post. Just keeping it real.

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I have accepted that many, many people are concerned with what they have/appear to be and not who/what they really are and just go about trying to be the best I can be every day.
In the end the day to separate the wheat from the chaff may just happen but in the meanwhile I just bite my tongue (a lot) and try to stay true to myself.
Shot at a semi public range this weekend. The numbers of expensive semi production rifles on the line was staggering. Optics more than my entire rig. And two Skinny Jean poseurs high 5ing after hitting a 36" plate at 600 yards...No LRF, no ballistic Ap, nada. Realize it's their money and "Right", but for what? An Instagram post?

I love a good cathartic rant as much as the next guy, Lord knows I’ve spewed my share. And I don’t usually pile on or jump to defend because I’m too busy chuckling at any good rant. But.....

Are you bemoaning new shooters with high dollar rigs in one sentence while complaining of not using LRF and ballistic apps.....in the same sentence? Or am I misreading that? Because if I were a newbie that unknowingly spent my whole budget on the best gun and scope I could afford, and didn’t know I needed a LRF and paired app (because I didn’t log on and ask for advice due to not wanting to cause an experienced shooter to rant), you can bet I’d high five my Brah when I hit the three footer at 600. That’s how they used to do it with rolling block Henrys back in the day - put lead in the air til you started hitting things. Spending money on ammo and time at the range to get dialed in rather than bluetoothing a LRF to an app and a scope.

On the other hand, if they were just taking selfies for instagram then flame away!
This thread is nuts. I can’t imagine walking around so frustrated. I feel like you could move somewhere rural and quit all social media and it would solve most of your problems. I honestly didn’t understand more than half of your original references and I’m not particularly old. But I do live fairly rural and other than this site, detached from social media.
I believe you said you were a cop. That must be so hard long term. I don’t like cops. I don’t say that to be mean,I’ve just never run across any that didn’t immediately treat me poorly. But when I think of the job they do I know I would be as bad or worse than most of them in that job.
Make some changes. For yourself. The world isn’t about to get any more tolerable.
Sorry I said I don’t like cops. I hope it doesn’t ruin the tone of my post. Just keeping it real.

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I don't think it's to the point of daily frustration. More like old faithful - pressure builds, she blows (everyone jumps in since "he started it"), and everything settles down for awhile. And since misery loves company, venting is better when shared.

This is a hunting forum - these are noted, yet personal, pet peeves in our little corner of the world. Everyone has pet peeves - parking lot etiquette, grocery store etiquette, neighbor relations, lawn mowing technique, basketball shooting form, snow shoveling posture, slow drivers, fast drivers, etc.

If you tell me that you have zero pet peeves in any part of your life, no gripes, no annoyances, I would say you're living in a fantasy world.
So angry about someone just trying to get a decent sleeping bag....

We can complain it's laziness and entitlement or you can say it's smart that ppl are trying to use a growing medium to figure out quickly if their $400 tent is ACTUALLY a "4 season" tent.

Either way, getting upset that someone has a cooler truck than you seems counter intuitive.

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Are you guys running the 48 round mags downloaded by two? Or will that rig handle them topped off? I want to get it all dialed in before I head in deep to get my scouting in. Pic for attention TIA
For a forum with a right-leaning membership who allegedly embraces liberty and freedom, there sure do seem to be a ton of folks on here who spend too much time worrying about other people's choices.

But see your missing the point. They do believe in freedom and liberty as long as it’s with in the bounds of what they deem as liberty and freedom.

You know kind of like how everything is to be blamed on millennials. Because you know, it’s only millennials that are in debt up to their eye balls. Definitely isn’t the late 30s to late 40 year old crowd house/pickup/suv/toys poor. Definitely was the millennials that got our asses bailed out in 2008.

I have said it a couple times on this forum. Your life will be much better if you worry about yourself and not about everyone else.

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