What's the most valuable thing you have found hunting?

I forgot about the giant gold ring with diamonds I found one time. I was coming out from moose camp and was in the parking lot loading a 4 wheeler when I saw something smashed down in the gravel and mud. I reached down and grabbed this huge gold ring with diamonds all around it. One of those big chunky gold man rings where the nuggets are fused together and flat along the top.

I grabbed it and took it home to clean it up and there was no inscriptions on it but they dang thing looked kind of familiar to me. I actually had a moose so got busy dealing with that and the ring went to the back burner. I went to go back out to camp to help family members and look at one my wife’s uncles finger and saw a matching ring. Asked him are you missing a gold ring that looks just like that. He looked at me funny and said yes this is a fake I lost my real one a few years ago. At the time of him losing it I lived out of state and wasn’t at camp so I didn’t know about the days of metal detecting 3 moose kills and all around camp when he originally lost it.
He was very happy to have it back. It has survived several winters of snowplowing and hundred of wheelers driving over it to when I found it. He figured he had taken it off while cleaning moose that day and then lost it when he pulled his truck keys out in the parking lot.
Nothing too valuable, but an old Leatherman someone must of left after cleaning an antelope or mulie. This was in SE MT in the middle of nowhere.

Found a pretty nice pair pf binos one time too in a ditch beside the road we were camped on. Was able to reunite them with the owner.
Last month I was wandering the Arizona desert hunting quail and noticed I lost my phone. I spent an hour backtracking. Unfreaking believable I found it!
Finding my own arrow after a miss!! But in seriousness I once found a shotgun shell bag in a random public slough. No identifying characteristics to return to anyone. I still use it and had a maglite in it. All other items were ruined due to being waterlogged for who knows how long as it was several weeks into the season.
Ginseng (green gold) used to have a goal to sell 7-10k every winter . normally bought all of our Christmas gifts for my entire family .
I found a very expensive Spanish SxS 12 gauge shotgun. Not entirely random, as I know the guy that last it and the general area it went overboard. This was three years later, however, so it was in pretty rough shape.
Buddy of mine found a diamond worth over 4k in the river. Same buddy got thrown from a horse on an archey hunt and lost a rigged out bow worth 3k.
I find free camping gear cached in trees on forest service all the time - stoves, tents, what a great deal! Found a fully rigged fly rod at a takeout. I had helped a guide load his raft so assuming it was his and he'd be back, I left it propped up against a sign. On the way home got to thinking I should have kept it because he was kind of a dick. My son has found at least 6 pairs of sunglasses on the river. My wife found fly box loaded with sweet hand ties. I once found a broken rod in the river that had a seized up reel. It became a lawn ornament. I still have lost much more than I've found.