Pennsylvania public land bucks

For those hunting public land / game commission property, do you notice a difference in hunter participation for rifle. I know where I’m at there seems to be less trucks parked every year

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The pressure is still there for the big days (First weekend, the next 2 Saturdays, and throw in the first Monday). The change I notice is the all day, die hard hunters have decreased significantly. Lot of vehicles leaving at lunch. If I sit till dark, by the time I'm driving out, seeing another vehicle is extremely rare.
Also have to agree with above, definitely notice people leaving hunts earlier than I normally would. Both archery and rifle season. Seems like they give it a few hours and then leave. Lack of blood,hair, or drag marks tells me it's not because of them being successful either.
Where I hunt, Archery season is practically dead, may see one or two guys each weekend and no movement during the week. In rifle season, the only day that see's traffic is opening day and this has changed since the opener has changed to Saturday. Folks in PA will always hunt opening day no matter what day of the week it is.

I'm in agreement with others, that most folks are cutting out early and don't really put in the effort. I'm usually one of the last vehicles to come out of the state forest road.
Crossbows have really changed the pressure profile in the areas I hunt. There are also just some weird anomalies. Early muzzleloader and late muzzleloader have more pressure than firearms season in my favorite spot. Weekend hunting is mostly futile, the last 2 years all my kills happened on week days when i had the woods mostly to myself.
There may be a lot of hunters in PA but I don't think they are hunting very much on average. License sales are down over the last 20 years but not by a lot. Where I hunt, you don't see many other hunters on public. State cabins are mostly empty. The only busy times are weekends during rifle season.