Non resident OTC archery elk is over in Colorado

To the guys out east offering up whitetail spots, which state allows for the most whitetail tags for NRs? I’m good with just doe tags. I just want to take my kids hunting as much as possible.
If you hunt in Virginia or Maryland, there are plenty of places with unlimited urban archery doe tags.

You just need to learn how to thread your arrow through the swing set in someone's backyard.

Don't even need game bags; you can kill it and grill it w/in 100 paces in some spots.

Don't need a fancy 4WD, just something like this: Mommy Wagon of Death

Either that, or a ground blind that looks like a school bus...
To the guys out east offering up whitetail spots, which state allows for the most whitetail tags for NRs? I’m good with just doe tags. I just want to take my kids hunting as much as possible.
It would be hard not to point you at Georgia. You can kill 12 deer on your license you buy at walmart.....
Question for @BigAntlerGetter

What your Resident to NonRes client ratio?

95% non resident, I’m not really mad about doing away with OTC, I’d prefer it all be draw myself resident and non resident, I think everywhere is over crowded, everyone I’ve talked to that has gone to all draw for archery has started seeing better hunt quality and better game quality. I’ll give up a tag every other year for a better hunt myself as a resident.

Most the people I have for resident clients are for packing gear in/out or retrieving their game animal when they realized they got to deep and couldn’t handle it. It’s usually an emergency to get it off the mountain for them now.

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If it goes to all draw where it is now OTC, how do you think the private ranch hunters will get their elk tags if they are hunting with an outfitter? Do you think it will be landowner vouchers similar to New Mexico?? Just wondering. I hunt a private Ranch in 78/81, but now purchase my bull tag for 2nd rifle season OTC.
NR here, I rifle hunt Units 12 and 13, private land and hardly see anyone including on the adjacent BLM which is easily accessible. Sounds like all the crowding is on public, there should be distinction!
To the guys out east offering up whitetail spots, which state allows for the most whitetail tags for NRs? I’m good with just doe tags. I just want to take my kids hunting as much as possible.

Not sure about the most but in WI it’s county specific. So if you gun hunt in my county it’s typically 1 buck tag (state wide) and 3 doe tags good for the county and have to be specified public or private land. It would be the same amount of tags for bow hunting. So you could end up with 8 and hunt for months. There are usually extras leftover as well.
Residents are the stakeholders. Non-res traditionally foots the bill, but residents are the voters. So yes, they’ll be the protected population.
How do you propose more opportunity without increasing crowding and maintaining healthy herds?
One proposal that was floated early on was splitting the archery season like the NM model. Would decrease crowding and allow more archery tags to be sold That didn't get any traction, especially from residents, obviously.
One proposal that was floated early on was splitting the archery season like the NM model. Would decrease crowding and allow more archery tags to be sold That didn't get any traction, especially from residents, obviously.
I haven't hunted NM so that's a new concept to me. It's an interesting system. So basically risking an early shot but maybe not in the rut yet vs later and higher likelihood of activity? I can see why they wouldn't vote that in if they didn't have to, although most people don't go out for more than a week anyway so does it really make a visible difference on the ground?
Lot's of opinions for sure. Was the Draw recommended because of crowding or wildlife (Elk) management? I know here in AZ. years ago Game and Fish sent out survey's asking if hunters wanted opportunity or quality. They said it was overwhelming opportunity. Since then we have had back to back hunting from Sept. to Dec. Hunters on top of hunters. Hunters scouting while your hunting. The unit in which I live part time went from trophy bull to raghorns in two years. Roughly 250 tags prior to 1400 after hunters wanted opportunity. It took off backwards here .Hope it works out for you guys up there. We also went to archery draw because of crowding and pressure?
Lot's of opinions for sure. Was the Draw recommended because of crowding or wildlife (Elk) management? I know here in AZ. years ago Game and Fish sent out survey's asking if hunters wanted opportunity or quality. They said it was overwhelming opportunity. Since then we have had back to back hunting from Sept. to Dec. Hunters on top of hunters. Hunters scouting while your hunting. The unit in which I live part time went from trophy bull to raghorns in two years. Roughly 250 tags prior to 1400 after hunters wanted opportunity. It took off backwards here .Hope it works out for you guys up there. We also went to archery draw because of crowding and pressure?
Herd management by archers was not a consideration because we are not a management tool. CPW said that numerous times. It was largely because of crowding caused by an explosion of NRs in OTC. Residents are dropping out because it's such a madhouse, NRs now outnumber residents in most OTC units. It was getting worse as other states become harder to draw.

They (CPW) believes many NRs will switch to OTC rifle, and said those seasons can absorb more hunters. Rifle hunters hunt differently from archers. They do a lot more driving around or sitting on knows. So CPW believes additional hunters won't dramatically affect the quality of the hunt the way it does for bowhunting.
I used to hunt So. Col. in the early 90's didn't seem bad until after labor day. I did see a traffic jam once headed out of Durango didn't see a Colorado plate in the bunch, Georgia, Texas, Oklahome and the list went on. LOL. I will say this we only seen 2 hunters in 4 years of going to the same place. Sure sounds like it changed a bunch.
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To the guys out east offering up whitetail spots, which state allows for the most whitetail tags for NRs? I’m good with just doe tags. I just want to take my kids hunting as much as possible.

Wisconsin has OTC tags and a healthy dose of public land throughout the state. The gun dear season gets a bit crowded but you can definitely find places during archery. I don't want to hear anymore of this "guys out east don't share" yadda yadda nonsense.

1 thing I never see nr's from mostly back east is telling us where we from out west can come to there states and hunt trophy whitetails. Double standard.......

This is an absurd statement. Nobody here is telling guys "back east" "where to hunt trophy [elk]" either so there is no double standard.
Wisconsin has OTC tags and a healthy dose of public land throughout the state. The gun dear season gets a bit crowded but you can definitely find places during archery. I don't want to hear anymore of this "guys out east don't share" yadda yadda nonsense.

This is an absurd statement. Nobody here is telling guys "back east" "where to hunt trophy [elk]" either so there is no double standard.
You haven't worn the shoe on the other foot yet apparently. And 1 tidbit of information you just shared doesn't amount to a hill of beans compared to the million nr's who invade the west during hunting seasons every year. Try putting the shoe on the other foot for a minute and be objective without the "it's federal land and my tax dollars mean I should be able to hunt" argument
well, if it's federal lands then every tax paying hunter should have equal opportunity for hunting that land. no different than anything else that is federal property. why should it be different if you live here or there? equal taxation and equal representation. sounds pretty simple to me and what would be the argument otherwise? well, there isn't any.