Non resident OTC archery elk is over in Colorado

1 thing I never see nr's from mostly back east is telling us where we from out west can come to there states and hunt trophy whitetails. Double standard.......

I get invites all the time, but honestly with how most are treated on social media and told to stay home and all that would you be inviting people like that to ur state?

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1 thing I never see nr's from mostly back east is telling us where we from out west can come to there states and hunt trophy whitetails. Double standard.......

Have you asked?

If anyone wants the GPS location for a place to camp and a place to kill hogs and deer on the Chattahoochee National Forest in Noth GA, just PM me.

Leave your side by side at home...You wont be needing it.
all the non resident that don’t draw archery are just gonna go OTC rifle

I've never hunted or even been to Colorado, so as an outsider this is really confusing to me. As I understand it, the archery tags are no longer OTC, but the rifle tags still are?? I get that hunting bulls in September with a bow is really appealing, but that seems backwards with how hunting tags are usually allocated throughout the West, in that archery tags have a higher quantity because it's harder to be successful, regardless of the Rut or not.

Calling these archery units a draw when the quota is how many people bought the tags OTC is as dumb as Idaho calling their NR elk tags OTC. It's insanely misleading.
Residents are the stakeholders. Non-res traditionally foots the bill, but residents are the voters. So yes, they’ll be the protected population.
How do you propose more opportunity without increasing crowding and maintaining healthy herds?
I think the saying "There are no solutions, only tradeoffs" is expecially relevant to wildlife management. In this case CPW traded NR opportunity to address the issue of hunter crowding. Herd health was not mentioned due to the low success rate of archery elk hunting.
I've never hunted or even been to Colorado, so as an outsider this is really confusing to me. As I understand it, the archery tags are no longer OTC, but the rifle tags still are?? I get that hunting bulls in September with a bow is really appealing, but that seems backwards with how hunting tags are usually allocated throughout the West, in that archery tags have a higher quantity because it's harder to be successful, regardless of the Rut or not.

Calling these archery units a draw when the quota is how many people bought the tags OTC is as dumb as Idaho calling their NR elk tags OTC. It's insanely misleading.

It’s ass backwards, yes, harvest percentages are higher in rifle, harvest percentages are way low in archery, especially for newer hunters even with it being either sex usually. So every one of my clients said if they don’t draw their archery elk tag they will come 2nd or 3rd rifle bull. It puts a strain on me to make sure camps are open for my hunters that don’t draw plus try and book other clients in those seasons, but there won’t be much change for several years, as quotas will be high anyways lol with leftover tags after the “non resident archery draw”

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Did not Coloradro try the draw thing and it failed in the 90's , to much revenue lost? I'm good either way, been in a draw system here in AZ. forever. It sucks but it's the only game in town.
We have a few select drawn hunts here in TX, but 98% of the state is private land. Couple that with a 2 month gun season, and it gets ridiculous fast on the little public land we DO have. I guess that's why we don't have too many non residents on public

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I think the saying "There are no solutions, only tradeoffs" is expecially relevant to wildlife management. In this case CPW traded NR opportunity to address the issue of hunter crowding. Herd health was not mentioned due to the low success rate of archery elk hunting.

But anyone that doesn’t draw archery can honor rifle lol how is that any trade off? More guys during rifle season, with higher success, putting more pressure on animals right before they go into her toughest time of year lol. This was the uneducated CPW Commission. The one guy literally said, well we have to do something but not to drastic so people don’t get mad at us. Who gives a shit if it’s what’s best for conservation and wildlife DO IT!!! CPW also knows they need the income from non residents but have to maintain herd quantity. It’s hard to do but honestly CPW should have said this isn’t a recommendation this is the best option and you guys need to stick with it, if people cry then they can go hunt somewhere else. Cause they agreed you can’t take away otc from one but not the other without it causing crowding issues. The thing was more resident bow hunters stoop up and complained, so in the minds of the Commission they had the larger voice and cater to them. If more rifle hunters would have stomped their feet, and they took away otc rifle but left archery it would be the same ordeal. Well didn’t draw my rifle bull guess I’ll go otc archery, and don’t tell me it wouldn’t happen lol the influx in archery hunters has drastically gained in the passed 5 years, it would just be bigger.

The commission didn’t want the finger pointed at them completely so they made “minor adjustments”

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I've never hunted or even been to Colorado, so as an outsider this is really confusing to me. As I understand it, the archery tags are no longer OTC, but the rifle tags still are?? I get that hunting bulls in September with a bow is really appealing, but that seems backwards with how hunting tags are usually allocated throughout the West, in that archery tags have a higher quantity because it's harder to be successful, regardless of the Rut or not.

Calling these archery units a draw when the quota is how many people bought the tags OTC is as dumb as Idaho calling their NR elk tags OTC. It's insanely misleading.

Here's CPW's perspective on that:

1. Archery season in particular has had the most complaints about hunter experience due to crowding.

2. Rifle OTC is bull only. Archery OTC has been either sex. By eliminating OTC and moving to draw, there will be sex specific tags thus better regulating the amount of cows killed. Since OTC rifle is bull only, this particular concern does not apply.
Another nonresident here. I think this is a good thing overall. I support Colorado trying to control the number of archery hunters in specific units. It was out of control in some areas. Colorado is still going to hand out a load of NR tags next year.
Until herd numbers start dropping below target quotas the CPW isn't concerned about rifle season.

There will be plenty of archery tags available. Least now we can start tracking how many hunters are in each unit. I hope they make these changes for rifle season as well.

Time will tell but these changes seem like a step in the right direction.
NR here, IMO there shouldn't be any OTC just make it all draw so you can throttle tags where necessary. Like somebody pointed out, slowly removing certain OTC is just gonna swamp the other OTC's that are left. I think it'd be better to wipe it out across the board.
Probably can't just have a free for all for OTC tags anymore, but Colorado is a different place now. i think too many people are thinking about what it used to be like before all the general recreation numbers went through the roof.. I do find it amusing though the loudest NR critics will turn around and beg for money to fight wolves, and the potential lion ban.
Have you asked?

If anyone wants the GPS location for a place to camp and a place to kill hogs and deer on the Chattahoochee National Forest in Noth GA, just PM me.

Leave your side by side at home...You wont be needing it.
Ha no and not going to. Just saying. But I can tell you if as many people from the west showed up in the Wayne National Forest just outside Coshocton, Ohio during the rut, plus the otc local multitudes that show up with 5 tags in their pockets, and found them in a treestand in the next tree next to where the locals were planning to hunt, you might get a better understanding and have a different point of view.

Because I have no doubt whatsoever, it wouldn't be long before those local Southern Ohio Boyz would be voicing their very strong opinion to lower the number of NR's that are helping the revenue and herd management.

I only use Ohio as an example because I'm from there and know how guarded guys are about where they hunt. Both on and off public lands. Everything is top secret until the next Beaty buck is killed obviously.
As a non-resident, I believe they need to make non-resident rifles hunts go to draw only. If demand is as high as people say it is, people will apply for hunts and creep becomes less of an issue long-term.
Oh the demand will get much higher in 2025. My guess is enough resident rifle hunters are taking notice of what's possible when they've had enough and get political
As a non-resident hunter of CO I too believe that all non-resident tags should go to draw. This would create a way to control the number of tags given out, give advantages to the residents as it should, and hopefully improve the quality of hunts in all units. I wouldn't mind at all sitting out every other year or so if it helped to create more of an opportunity when I do draw.
Oh the demand will get much higher in 2025. My guess is enough resident rifle hunters are taking notice of what's possible when they've had enough and get political

Even though I think metaphor is stupid, this appears to be a prime example of people wanting their cake and to eat it to.

People want to be able to bank points for trophy opportunities, while still having the opportunity to hunt. If hunt opportunity is what the person wants, they can spend points and hunt. If they want trophy hunt, they can build points but not hunt.
To the guys out east offering up whitetail spots, which state allows for the most whitetail tags for NRs? I’m good with just doe tags. I just want to take my kids hunting as much as possible.