Moving to Alaska

When I lived on Kodiak, the slickest move was a couple from Atlanta who had a shipping container dropped off at their house - they loaded it to the gills and simply had it delivered in front of the new house in Kodiak. The cost didn’t seem like a lot, although I can’t remember - it might have been $5k or $10k.

A year later she was ready to move back to Atlanta. It’s often not cold weather, but remoteness. You can’t just jump in the car and drive to your mom’s house for the weekend, one or two states over. Your friends won’t visit.
Ive thought about this as well since it would double as a storage unit while setting things up. I could easily get everything in one container.
I drove with my own ammo. That was the one thing the moving company wouldn’t take.

Thats the dillema, most companies have an issue with the ammo, but I will try one of those mentioned in this thread.

To me the ammo is the most important since it will be so costly to buy up there. Everything else I could load in my car or replace once I get there.

My wife absolutely loves Alaska, FWIW. We both agree it’s the best thing we’ve ever done.
You got lucky your wife likes it. You never really know for sure even if she seemed ok with it prior to the move. It was probably a good time to move as I imagine the costs are getting higher by the day with inflation.
Glad to hear you both go enjoy it!!!!

Maybe one day I’ll start a thread like this. I know my wife and I fell in love with Alaska two years ago when we went on a caribou hunt and fished the Kenai River for 6 days. We talked for months about potentially moving there. Hard to do with aging family though

We’re headed back again this September 2 thru 19 on a float hunt for moose and we can’t wait for the dead silence again out in the wilderness!

Good luck and God Bless you on your adventure!

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Curious what yalls age is if you don’t mind me asking. I’m 38 and my wife is 31.

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We're in our early 30's. If you and your wife are coming through FBX for your hunt, give me a holler and we can grab a beer and/or store some gear for you while you're out.
So I just moved up here last august from Idaho. put the cars on a barge with a 6x12 trailer.

It was cheaper to buy a trailer and resell it once I got up here than to rent a U-Haul.

All my animals got stuffed in my suburban and loaded onto the barge.

My guns I spent a small fortune on sending usps to the local post office in Palmer as ( general delivery)

My handguns and two rifles with two suppressors I flew with.

The move I think was around 23$k haha almost enough to pay for a guided dall sheep hunt!

I did sell the trailer for what I bought it for so that was a plus!

Pm me if you have any more questions!
We're in our early 30's. If you and your wife are coming through FBX for your hunt, give me a holler and we can grab a beer and/or store some gear for you while you're out.

I’m not familiar to the reference with FBX. lol

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