Figured I should update this thread.
My wife and I did the drive starting 6/23 and got into town 6/27. Thankfully, we had absolutely zero issues. Saw tons of bear, some stone sheep, and a moose. Total driving miles was ~3,800 and 65 hours of drive time.
We shipped 95% of our stuff, including guns, taxidermy (that I crated) and my wife’s car, with a moving company and then gave away or sold everything that wouldn’t fit in my pickup. I just got my final invoice for the move today and the difference between this option and a U-Haul box truck was ~$4k. Truthfully, it was very stress free financial decision for us. For about four years now, I had been saving up for a sheep hunt and happily burned that entire account to make the move. Money very well spent in our eyes, especially because I didn’t have to deal with the firearms and taxidermy, and my wife and I could carpool the entire way.
I also bought a 7’x14’ double-axle trailer and a four wheeler with a plow and towed that along.
For anyone traveling the Alcan this year: the road was very easy going up until Destruction Bay. From there to about Tok the road was rough with lots of construction that got us stuck behind a line of 20-ish RVs.
I was getting 10 MPG nearly the entire way and, winter travel notwithstanding, have no clue how people run out of gas on that highway.
The border on both sides was extremely easy, which based on previous experience relayed in this thread I was thankful for.
Finally, the very first thing I did on Wednesday morning was get my drivers license. The year-long wait has commenced!
Thanks for the tips from everyone in the thread. Hopefully in following years I can contribute to the Sheep Meatpoles!