Montana bans TikTok

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Oct 4, 2014
Governor Gianforte claims he signed the the bill to keep the ChiComs from accessing our private data.

I bet Greg has been sick of all the influencers blowing up his spots and signed the bill as a reaction to that.

Wonder if Greg will ban YouTube, too? If Newberg goes missing, we’ll know the covert war on influencers and spot burners is for real.

Montana residents this is a PSA: the Treasure State has become the first in America to outright ban TikTok for everyone.⁠

Republican Govenor Greg Gianforte signed a bill that was approved earlier this year and it will officially come into effect at the beginning of 2024.⁠

He said: "Today, Montana takes the most decisive action of any state to protect Montanans’ private data and sensitive personal information from being harvested by the Chinese Communist Party."⁠

Under the new rule, TikTok won't be able to operate in the state and app stores would be forbidden from allowing smartphone users to download it, with fines of up to $10,000 a day if they break the law.⁠

However, the rules are unclear as no one knows if it's only new users who will be banned from the app or if it will apply to everyone.⁠
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He also needs to add age verification to online porn like Utah. None of you guys will be affected, but porn addiction by young boys is one of the most pernicious problems our society faces. Hell, and not just young boys - everyone.

You can mock that it's 'cancel culture' all you want, but wait a generation and you will wish you could come back to today and smash it all. We are headed for cultural suicide.
Lmao. Has he devised a Tiktok jammer or something that knocks it out when you cross the border?

I'm dying to ban something. I think I'm going to ban something in my house tonight.

If someone wants to use tiktok they deserve to have their data harvested, and maybe their organs, too.

Public IP address gating, along with cell towers. It's not that difficult to geofence at all.
Now that we are collectively supportive of our government infringing on our 1st amendment rights, we should be good with politicians extending that to all our Constitutional rights (even the one that explicitly states "...shall not be infringed.”). You guys with me? Or are we OK picking and choosing which Constitutional rights are protected while vehemently objecting to politicians who do the same damn thing?
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