Men’s Mental Health Challenge

Feb 14, 2024
I have a young son at home and my wife just had twin girls that were in the NICU for a few weeks. Nothing serious just born a little earlier than expected. They are angels though and we brought them home last week. Grateful to God for an amazingly resilient wife, a happy son, and beautiful girls. Not sleeping much these days but I wouldn't have it any other way.


Feb 21, 2016
Texas & Alaska
First kid on the way … a little girl due in early March. So greatful, so excited, but also terrified. Wife and I are both 40 and first kid for us both. I haven’t been able to express how much I am worried… worried about her health, providing, and the state of the world we are bringing her into, and a million other things.

With all the worry, I am still so proud to become this little angel’s dad.

Sep 7, 2018
First kid on the way … a little girl due in early March. So greatful, so excited, but also terrified. Wife and I are both 40 and first kid for us both. I haven’t been able to express how much I am worried… worried about her health, providing, and the state of the world we are bringing her into, and a million other things.

With all the worry, I am still so proud to become this little angel’s dad.

It will become normal and a lot of those worries will go away, some of them will be other worries. Congrats to you.


Feb 3, 2017
I've always advised my wife and kids to not fret and worry about something until you have something to worry about. Too many people bring stress and anxiety on themselves trying to anticipate all the "what-ifs" in life.
My father-in-law found out the artery in his neck was almost completed clogged with plaque, he needed surgery to remove it. A week before the surgery my wife and Mother-in-law were sobbing and distraught thinking about it. I asked my wife - "Why are you upset now - this is a good thing, they found the problem and are going to get it taken care of, sure there are risks with any surgery, but why not go into with a positive attitude thinking he will be come out of it fine and be better than ever. If God forbid something bad happens then you will have something to be upset about - get upset about something that actually is, not what could be"
Jan 26, 2017
WA State
I've always advised my wife and kids to not fret and worry about something until you have something to worry about. Too many people bring stress and anxiety on themselves trying to anticipate all the "what-ifs" in life.
My father-in-law found out the artery in his neck was almost completed clogged with plaque, he needed surgery to remove it. A week before the surgery my wife and Mother-in-law were sobbing and distraught thinking about it. I asked my wife - "Why are you upset now - this is a good thing, they found the problem and are going to get it taken care of, sure there are risks with any surgery, but why not go into with a positive attitude thinking he will be come out of it fine and be better than ever. If God forbid something bad happens then you will have something to be upset about - get upset about something that actually is, not what could be"
This is the mindset I try to maintain as well. Working to have this way of thinking be your new norm will provide immense stress, anxiety and depression relief for a lot of people. Science backs this claim.

I would highly recommend this book to everyone in this thread. Alot of anxiety and depression today stems from chronic stress and the inability to effectively handle it, you're brain and nervous system never get a break and the result is a feeling of helplessness that creates anxiety/depression. Listen to it or read it, either way. Takes zero effort to listen to a book on tape when you're driving or fiddling in the garage, etc.

The Stress Prescription: Seven Days to More Joy and Ease