Alright internet strangers, here goes nothing!
I have struggled with mental illness my entire life. My official diagnosis is "Complex PTSD" from repeated childhood issues and trauma. I also have been told I am less than "typical" in terms of potentially being neuro-divergent. I'm very awkward in social settings, didn't read until I was in the 2nd grade, but started doing college level math in middle school (I entered undergrad with enough credits to be considered a junior). Luckily, I was able to point those skills/quirks into a career (see username).
Something that has helped so far is EMDR therapy. It sounds hokey, but helped me process a lot of the crap that happened. Being in the outdoors helps a ton as well. If I'm able to make it through a tough hunt and not give up on myself, daily life is much smoother and easier.
Symptoms include anxiety and panic attacks stemming from flashbacks, which sucks because I have two boys now. They'll be doing something innocuous (playing, drawing, etc.) that will bring me right back to a very bad place. It's a work in progress.
If you're struggling, there are some amazing resources out there to help. You don't have to carry this burden alone.