Maven RS1.2 2.5-15x44 new model

Scope weight and elsewhere.

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Got it.
Surely could. I value my money a lot more than 7oz in the center of the action. Especially when there seems to be a 24-26oz bottom to where things stop being reliable. You can give up "features" and be fleet of foot with a SWFA, or pay a whole lot more for a March.

I think around $1k for something that works, is easy to use, and is under 2lbs is a happy thing.
I find myself rooting for Maven on this scope. I hope they sell an ungodly amount of them and are strongly supported by the rockslide community for listening to us. I can't help but think that if this is a huge success for them they will continue to cater to us.
I find myself rooting for Maven on this scope. I hope they sell an ungodly amount of them and are strongly supported by the rockslide community for listening to us. I can't help but think that if this is a huge success for them they will continue to cater to us.

I agree. A new kid on the block making something reliable should make the Vortex/Leupy contingent take notice.

Vortex in particular seems to respond to trends well. Maybe the next trend can be shit that works.

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I agree. A new kid on the block making something reliable should make the Vortex/Leupy contingent take notice.

Vortex in particular seems to respond to trends well. Maybe the next trend can be shit that works.

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I don't think vortex and Leupold will ever take notice. The overwhelming majority of hunters in this country are East Coast l guys shooting less than 100 yd. Your scope can lose zero and you're still going to hit deer. The greatest percentage of East and West Coast hunters don't even realize this stuff. Their numbers will never reflect us.
And when is this happening?

Its all in the thread.....What do you mean you havent read all 21 pages........for shame.

I don't think vortex and Leupold will ever take notice. The overwhelming majority of hunters in this country are East Coast l guys shooting less than 100 yd. Your scope can lose zero and you're still going to hit deer. The greatest percentage of East and West Coast hunters don't even realize this stuff. Their numbers will never reflect us.

Mostly true except for impacts like sliding down a wall on to padded carpet that causes a leupy to shift my 18" right and 2" down.
Its all in the thread.....What do you mean you havent read all 21 pages........for shame.

Mostly true except for impacts like sliding down a wall on to padded carpet that causes a leupy to shift my 18" right and 2" down.

That will get labeled a “pulled shot.”

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Fwiw- I shot 180 ish rounds with the maven yestrrday It is a fabulous optic. Checks every box

I did a version of the drop test but the ground was so soft I dont feel like it was apples-apples. It was so soft it wasn’t bouncing but just a very dull thud
The 3x36 drops on the illumination broke the illumination but the bullets went where they were supposed to. It rode 50 ish miles in a sxs and 120 in the bed of my truck (decked drawer) on forest roads/ blm desert roads. Maintained zero
Also on the drop test it got a few drops closer to 40” since my buddy is significantly taller than me and a poor judge of height

Will do another drop test on harder ground next weekend

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Oh damns, got us another drop tester, heck yeah
I find myself rooting for Maven on this scope. I hope they sell an ungodly amount of them and are strongly supported by the rockslide community for listening to us. I can't help but think that if this is a huge success for them they will continue to cater to us.
Agreed. I would certainly get one if it proves durable/reliable.
Oh damns, got us another drop tester, heck yeah

Not near the standard of the others but I’m happy to do the drops.
I didn’t do the full tracking test at 100 yards like they do
I did spin the turret up and down and left-right all over between shooting and it always rtz and dialed the necessary correction

It did zero in 13 rounds- fired 3 read the correction in the reticle and confirmed in my spotter dialed the correction and presto bingo the next ten were zerod. 14-24 confirmed on a fresh target

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Bundle sale was back in stock and I couldn't resist. Guess i'll need to move another beloved LRHS or LRTS to lessen the $ hit.

Edit: anyone know what the reticle thickness is? Their sub-tensions illustration is funny, tells you the dimensions that are already labeled in the reticle :ROFLMAO:
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Anybody know if form has one of these to test? Honestly the 3ft drops are “good enough” for me to jump in, but I think some extra publicity for Maven might help these scopes take off a bit more. I don’t want to, but I will, hoard a closet full of a one-hit-wonder like I am with the bushnell LRHS 😂
Do you guys believe the the RS.1 is the same as the RS1.2 minus some features? I'd rather have the capped turrets. I also wish for just a straight plex reticle.
Anybody know if form has one of these to test? Honestly the 3ft drops are “good enough” for me to jump in, but I think some extra publicity for Maven might help these scopes take off a bit more.
I think if Form performed and posted the formal drop sequence using the bonded rifle, shot it a bunch more, drove around with it etc and it passed, a boatload of people would jump right in.