Maven RS1.2 2.5-15x44 new model

Great idea. I love my Aadmounts and am waiting on a set to give to a buddy. I’m guessing Maven takes precedence!
I guess my only criticism so far is that I don't need 10 different brightness settings for the reticle illumination. Three or so would have been plenty.

So far so good. Appreciated the tool-less turrets when I rezeroed in the headlights to accommodate a last minute suppressor. Loved the reticle at 624 & 10x.

My biggest complaint is the parallax knob on mine is stiff at room temperature, and REALLY stiff below freezing.
How’s the illumination on these? Any bleed through on the rest of the reticle when turning it up? Does it get the red halo affect around outer edges when turned up higher?
How’s the illumination on these? Any bleed through on the rest of the reticle when turning it up? Does it get the red halo affect around outer edges when turned up higher?
I have three of them. Two illuminate the center dot only and no bleed through. One of them (the one that was dropped) does bleed through a bit and will light up the whole reticle at max brightness
Oh damn! Did you discover a chink in the armor???

No. Nearly all scopes will bleed illumination when turned to the highest power. Every model I have does that. One of the two RS1.2’s I have bleeds noticeably more at max power. It’s normal.
Oh damn! Did you discover a chink in the armor???
To be fair I never looked at the illumination before dropping it. But honestly I could care less. It will be nice to use it I get on a pig depredation permit this year otherwise doubt I’ll even use it.
No. Nearly all scopes will bleed illumination when turned to the highest power. Every model I have does that. One of the two RS1.2’s I have bleeds noticeably more at max power. It’s normal.
When you said the groups opened up after being dropped, did they go back down or did they increase and stay at 1.6”? Was it a POI shift or just larger groups within the cone of fire? How does one explain larger group sizes?
When you said the groups opened up after being dropped, did they go back down or did they increase and stay at 1.6”?

No. As soon as you stopped dropping it the groups went back to normal size.

For clarity-

Shoot 10 to 20 rounds- the group is 1.3 MOA.

Then, drop it from 36” ten times and shoot a shot after each drop- the group is 1.6 MOA.

Then shoot ten rounds with no drops- the group is again 1.3 MOA.

Was it a POI shift or just larger groups within the cone of fire?

Zero never shifted, the cone just got a touch larger.

How does one explain larger group sizes?

I am not an engineer, however- something slightly shifting/binding in the erector. The first shot resets it. Turning the turret a bit and back down would also reset more than likely.
Of note, the product scope did not do this, not does other two I am aware of personally that went through the drop eval.

A slight increase in group size during the drop portion is not unusual. It’s not unusual for S&B’s, SWFA’s, or Trijicon to do it. Again, on the order of about .25 MOA increase. About the only scopes that don’t do it ever, or I’ve never seen do it, are NF NXS, NX8, or 4-16x ATACR’s.