Lightweight Suppressor Comparison and Poll

For Backcountry hunting, which suppressor

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I ordered a Banish Backcountry. Overall length is more important to me than total sound suppression.
I guess I'm naive.....I was under the assumption that people bought suppressors to suppress.....sound, and the fact that they help mitigate muzzle blast/jump. At least those were important reasons for me.

On paper, there isn't really anything wrong with the Banish Backcountry compared to some other choices. To General Lee's point, he is concerned with length first and foremost and suppression next.

Everyone's priorities are different. For instance, some people don't care that a rifle scope is primarily an aiming device and needs to be reliable.

As the chart below shows, the Banish Backcountry is short (Gen. Lee - check) and has more volume than the Jäger, Raptor 4, and TBAC Ultra 5, and therefore can be expected to offer more suppression than those cans.

There isn't too much difference in volume between the Backcountry and Raptor 6; the Raptor is less expensive and probably better suppression, especially given you can add the reflex.

Others are more concerned with weight, with enough suppression to make it hearing safe for a couple of shots in the field.

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Just off the phone with AB Suppressors...

Their recommendation for 6.5 CM was:
1. Raptor 8
2. Raptor 6 with 5" Reflex

Rep thought that a Raptor 6 with 5" Reflex would be just a quiet as Raptor 8 with flush mount.

Range practice with Reflex; in the mountains with flush mount. Just re-verify zero.
Did the rep say flush mount for hunting? Why not the reflex for hunting? Maybe I don’t understand the mounting system but wouldn’t shorter be an advantage? Or was this because of weight? I feel like I’m more concerned about length
Did the rep say flush mount for hunting? Why not the reflex for hunting? Maybe I don’t understand the mounting system but wouldn’t shorter be an advantage? Or was this because of weight? I feel like I’m more concerned about length
No, that was me for keeping weight down
I guess I'm naive.....I was under the assumption that people bought suppressors to suppress.....sound, and the fact that they help mitigate muzzle blast/jump. At least those were important reasons for me.
sounds/ blast vs the size and weight.

Its a trade off that only you can decided where the happy medium is for you.

hunting i take a little less suppression for lighter weight

shooting all day take a heavier can for quieter.

also remember that these are all rifles that break the sound barrier so there will always be a sonic crack.
I don't believe in 1 size fits all cans, I believe in dedicated can for dedicated purposes.

the do all cans are just a compromise no matter what.
I had been thinking about an Ultra 5, but now I'm thinking I should get a larger suppressor. So, glad for this thread.
Not sure that I've seen it listed on this thread yet but what are y'all's opinions on the Diligent Defender Enticer s-ti?

Curious to see sound comparisons as well for some of these that aren't on PewScience like the Alaskan 360, Backcountry and the Raptors.
Not sure that I've seen it listed on this thread yet but what are y'all's opinions on the Diligent Defender Enticer s-ti?

Curious to see sound comparisons as well for some of these that aren't on PewScience like the Alaskan 360, Backcountry and the Raptors.
Buddy ordered one yesterday. It appears pretty solid. Sounds like a few members here will be able to provide some hands on feedback on a few of these in near time.

I’m sitting on my hands waiting to get some more feedback on a few of these (Raptor 6, Banish Backcountry, Alaskan Ti, Enticer Sti ) to see how they compare to what most say are solid (nomad ti and Hyperion k) mid length cans.
For me it comes down to having a realistic understanding and goal for a piece of equipment.

The ultra 5 is a good back country hunting suppressor. It’s light, compact, and the sound suppression is good for a couple shots in hunting scenarios. Is it awesome at the range for 20+ rounds of fire? Not for me.

The ultra 7 is a great all around suppressor. It’s still pretty light with a decent size profile. The suppression is significantly better than the ultra 5 and works way better for range sessions but can still be used in most, or all, hunting situations.

Also, the poi shift with both my TBAC’s have been almost identical and repeatable across 5+ rifles.

I have been eyeing the gunwerks and the AB pretty heavily lately and will pick one of them up in the next month or so.
I did a quick yard pop session with the 4stack VS the silencerco EVO a have a few initial impressions

-FRP is very noticeable with the 4stack with both the reflex and flush mount
- the first shot has lots of flash ( expected with a ti can )

I shot 3 rounds of 6.5 prc with the evo and 6 total rounds with the 4 stack . While FRP was noticeably louder on the raptor the second shot wasn’t much different than the evo (to my ears) .also Flash isn’t a big issue because I won’t be night hunting with it .

I plan on using this silencer strictly out west mountain hunting so I will probably be running it with the flush mount . I’d like to do some accuracy testing with the reflex and flush mount and see how much the POI changes .

Overall I’m pretty happy with it so far . I do think it’s a very niche silencer and someone with less silencer options may want to get the 6 or 8 stack.


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I did a quick yard pop session with the 4stack VS the silencerco EVO a have a few initial impressions

-FRP is very noticeable with the 4stack with both the reflex and flush mount
- the first shot has lots of flash ( expected with a ti can )

I shot 3 rounds of 6.5 prc with the evo and 6 total rounds with the 4 stack . While FRP was noticeably louder on the raptor the second shot wasn’t much different than the evo (to my ears) .also Flash isn’t a big issue because I won’t be night hunting with it .

I plan on using this silencer strictly out west mountain hunting so I will probably be running it with the flush mount . I’d like to do some accuracy testing with the reflex and flush mount and see how much the POI changes .

Overall I’m pretty happy with it so far . I do think it’s a very niche silencer and someone with less silencer options may want to get the 6 or 8 stack.
Dang Skippy...that looks really handy!

I'm hoping the 6 stack doesn't have that FRP...
My Raptor 6 Form 2 was messed up, so my SOT had to send can back to AB. In the meantime a couple of things changed for me:
1. Decision to suppress 358 Win as well as new acquisition - 375 H&H
2. Learning of JK Armament JK 155 Versax modular suppressor

Since my can went back to AB to fix paperwork, I changed the can to Raptor 8 .375 and put in an order for the Versax.

3.7 oz in short config; 9.3 oz in long config

I've updated the comparison table in the OP.
Quite a few threads on Suppressors, which got me re-assessing my Omega 300 for backcountry hunting.

Disclaimer: I'm actually pretty happy with the Omega 300 performance (although I'll admit I've not shot some of the other suppressors being discussed on RS). On the range, I wear muffs or custom molded ear plugs. When hunting, I choose no ear pro (confirmed by getting "jumped" by a black bear in CO one year). Thus far, I haven't taken a suppressor into the backcountry.

My primary goal is a significant reduction in weight over the Omega 300 while remaining hearing safe for a couple of shots.

I've collated some info into spreadsheet to help with decision making. There were some surprises for me:

1. Banish Backcountry has more potential volume than my Omega 300
2. Only the Jäger, Raptor 4, and Ultra 5 have less potential volume than my Omega 300
3. AB Raptor 6 looks pretty good and would likely be better performance than my Omega 300

Take a look at the info below, then place your vote (2 choices), then give your rationale. I know "potential volume" isn't really a solid indicator of suppressor performance, but it's a starting point for some comparisons. If you know of less expensive options for any of the below cans, let me know.

Edit: Primarily shooting 22CM, 6CM, 6.5CM. Also did not add in volume of the Raptor reflexes (as I don't really know their full impact).

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I find the omega 30 a bit thicker than you have listed in your table.

The volume I came up with is 11.6ci fwiw. Doesn’t really matter but may change the comparisons for a few of them a bit.
A little dated, but good info on various silencers anyway.....
