This is not limited to the related increase in winter kill. It also include the viability of Does and Cows; meaning the decreased ability to get pregnant, and the decreased ability to carry to full term. The stress caused by shed hunters (why we even call them hunters is beyond me) obviously has a significant adverse impact on the animals in the areas being shed scavenged. This is happening on wintering grounds where the animals are condensed, thus affecting a great number of animals. It has a direct relation to significantly lower birth and survival rates of offspring. This is a very very serious issue, and we as hunters and true conservationists should and need to be at the head of this.
Many that shed scavenge do not hunt, they simply want the monetary gain, or fame, as has been pointed out. The bottom line is that shed scavenging desperately needs to be regulated. With regulation come expenses to the regulating agency, almost exclusively our Fish and Wildlife Departments. Our F&W departments happens to be an agency that is exceptionally underfunded and stretched beyond reason across the nation. To make matters worse, our court systems simply do not take crimes against wildlife seriously, and implement pathetic punishments that results in excessive and abnormal recurrence rates; clearly indicating that the easy punishments handed out are not effective.
Without a doubt, shed scavenging needs to be regulated. Clearly, our underfunded F&W departments need funds to enforce any shed scavenging regulations that are in place or adopted. The activity is a separate activity from hunting, but happens to take place on some of the same grounds that are hunted. If we as hunters do not recognize the above, and insist on the activity of shed hunting be regulated with a means of providing for regulation enforcement, our herds will continue to suffer, likely leading to our herds demise.
Over the years, generations actually, our herds have endlessly suffered, starting with the population of this country by European settlers, settling in the most fertile areas, and critical winter habitat. We have continued to take and take critical winter habitat. There has been numerous events, too many to list, that our North American history exhibits significant adverse impact on our herds, and we continue to adversely impact our herds, with shed scavenging being just one more example, but a significant one. Yet, with all this adverse human activity our herds have endured, we still have viable herd numbers and a sustainable resource, that includes sustainable with hunting.
The bottom line is that North America has plentiful outdoor activities in which our wildlife are being adversely affected, which the Pittman Robertson act should be expanded to cover with it's imposed taxes being directly provided for wildlife and habitat management. However, there are activities such as shed scavenging with do not require any such equipment covered under the Pittman Robertson Act. These activities and the people engaging in the are riding on the Coattails of hunters and the Pittman Robertson Act. In short they are getting a free ride at the expense of our wildlife.
Frankly, I get plenty of antler from my hunting success for more than my needs. More often than not, I give away my antlers to a few select friends. I have no need to go antler scavenging. As hunters, I am sure my example here is the majority. The only reason I would have for shed scavenging is for the monetary gain. So, those that are engaging in shed scavenging, in my not so humble opinion should pay for their activity and the impact they have on our wildlife and enforcement, just as we hunters do.
Those that complain about government waste, miss appropriation are correct, these things happen and will continue to happen. But to dismiss regulating such adverse activities and enforcement of such activities and funding for such is IMNSHO, exceptionally short sighted. We HUNTERS should be at the forefront and trumpeting the need to protect our wildlife, and the need to regulate activities affecting our wildlife, wildlands and it's ecosystems, along with the desperate need to fund adequate enforcement of such.