Land Sale bills introduced by Utah Legislators

May 16, 2012
Fargo ND
Congressional Action Alert!

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Public Land Grabs Move from States to Congress

The U.S. House of Representatives will consider three bills that would take away vast stretches of national forests and other public lands across the country. Two of the bills would impact public lands in Wyoming. The bills, which will be heard in a meeting of the House Natural Resources Committee on Thursday, represent an escalation of the political movement across the West to transfer America's public lands to the states. Wyoming Rep. Cynthia Lummis has a seat on this committee.

Please contact Rep. Lummis today and say vote "NO" on these land grab bills. SEND EMAIL: (click "public lands" under issue field, or call toll free (888) 879-3599(888) 879-3599 FREE and leave your name and Wyoming town.

On Feb. 12, the Wyoming Legislature heard strong opposition from WWF members and other sportsmen and women who helped defeat two bills that aimed to facilitate a state take-over of public lands in Wyoming. Please email or call Rep. Lummis today.

We must work TODAY to stop this congressional attempt. Here are the bills:

- (HR 3560) Rep. Don Young from Alaska (R), would allow any state to seize control and ownership of up to 2 million acres of national forests within its borders - an area nearly the size of Yellowstone National Park. A state would then be able to auction off the lands to private ownership or for mining, logging, and drilling.

- (HR 2316) Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID), would give states and counties the right to take direct control of up to 4 million acres of national forests across the country for clear-cut logging, without regard to environmental laws and protections.

- (HR 4579) Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT), would turn over what the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance estimates to be 6,000 miles of road right-of-ways on U.S. public lands to counties in Utah, opening the door for road construction and development in protected Wilderness areas.

Chamois Andersen
Executive Director

Wyoming Wildlife Federation
P.O. Box 1312
Lander, WY 82520

[email protected]
(307) 438-1724(307) 438-1724
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