Land Sale bills introduced by Utah Legislators

I personally don't see it as an issue at all as I don't see it happening at a rate greater than what has been going on in recent history. From what I understand, it is not just Republicans that are screwing us with public land, Democrats have too in the past.
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Public lands are very important to me. So is the Supreme Court and the Rule of Law

While Cruz is not my choice of a Presidential candidate, I will vote against Trump, Clinton or Sanders gladly to avoid losing the Constitution.
I personally don't see it as an issue at all as I don't see it happening at a rate greater than what has been going on in recent history. From what I understand, it is not just Republicans that are screwing us with public land, Democrats have too in the past.

So you would not let the candidate know your opinion on this issue?

I am for public access and disagree with any public land transfer or sell
Public lands are very important to me. So is the Supreme Court and the Rule of Law

While Cruz is not my choice of a Presidential candidate, I will vote against Trump, Clinton or Sanders gladly to avoid losing the Constitution.


Please join me in letting whatever candidate you support know that public lands are very important with you. Perhaps in this way, we can persuade all politicians from risking our public lands.
I think it's pretty funny that people are so hell bent on not voting democrat. And yet the last republican pissed all over YOUR rights...

Please stop voting based solely on party lines, democrat, republican who gives a shit. This website wouldn't exist without public lands, I would literally fall into a state of depression without public lands.

It's a sad state of affairs when the best candidate is Donald trump...

No matter who is voted president I don't believe we will lose guns, I do believe that the wrong person in the White House could greatly affect what I love to do.
My representatives know me by name and face. They definitely know where I stand and what is important to me. Unfortunately, I come from the state that elected Sanders in the first place but I don't give up on letting them know that hunting and public lands are critical.
I think it's pretty funny that people are so hell bent on not voting democrat. And yet the last republican pissed all over YOUR rights...

Please stop voting based solely on party lines, democrat, republican who gives a shit. This website wouldn't exist without public lands, I would literally fall into a state of depression without public lands.

It's a sad state of affairs when the best candidate is Donald trump...

No matter who is voted president I don't believe we will lose guns, I do believe that the wrong person in the White House could greatly affect what I love to do.

I am not opposed to voting for a democrat and have many times. I would have to question as to whether Clinton or Sanders would be considered a "democrat." Trump was a democrat and is, well who knows what he is today, and tomorrow he'll be something else if it is good for him.
There are thousands of ALEC's out there. Some good, some bad, and some a mix. I really could care less about most of these organizations, but I expect my representatives to wade through all of the crap and information they get from all sides, and take the best information available in order to make decisions based upon principle, what best represents the people, and decisions which are Constitutional. That is their job. I expect them not to be personally enriched while in office based upon their public service. I will write them when I think they are misguided (just as I did to Ted Cruz on the first day of this thread), and will vote against them when they are dishonest and seek to use the gov't to control the people. I could care less who knows who I vote for, because I feel comfortable justifying my decisions, right or wrong. Some would say I am a little naive...yep, voted for Ross Perot in the general, and later for Fred Thompson in the primary. But I also know that a forest fire starts with just one match.

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.
John Quincy Adams
My representatives know me by name and face. They definitely know where I stand and what is important to me. Unfortunately, I come from the state that elected Sanders in the first place but I don't give up on letting them know that hunting and public lands are critical.

That is good to hear, elkguide. Perhaps we can both toast a cold beer after giving our elected representatives an earful about keeping public lands public! If we are lucky they will listen.
That is good to hear, elkguide. Perhaps we can both toast a cold beer after giving our elected representatives an earful about keeping public lands public! If we are lucky they will listen.

I'm afraid that I have lost a lot of faith in the system of government that we have today. It is more about "the party" than "we the people". But it is the only government that we have so we have to work within the system and hopefully before we implode, we can turn things around. Democracy isn't cheap nor is it easy. It's a very messy thing. This attached quote sums up what we're facing today for sure.

The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.” (Benjamin Franklin)
So you would not let the candidate know your opinion on this issue?

I would and will contact anyone who was wanting to transfer public to private. I am however not so sure about Fed to State. I realize that states have not been necessarily responsible with public land but at heart I want the Feds out of my life as much as possible. I would prefer that the state control as much as possible BUT would not want them to sell public lands. If push comes to shove, I want public by any means over a transfer to the state that ultimately ends up as a public land sell off.

I think it's pretty funny that people are so hell bent on not voting democrat. And yet the last republican pissed all over YOUR rights...

Please stop voting based solely on party lines, democrat, republican who gives a shit. This website wouldn't exist without public lands, I would literally fall into a state of depression without public lands.

It's a sad state of affairs when the best candidate is Donald trump...

No matter who is voted president I don't believe we will lose guns, I do believe that the wrong person in the White House could greatly affect what I love to do.

The previous Republican pissed on our liberties and the current crop of leftists has pissed like a race horse and topped it off with a big pile of crap all over our rights.

The President's only role with respect to gun rights will be nominating a supreme court justice. When the "5" switches to nay with regard to gun rights there is nothing the President can do. Unfortunately....I don't see the new justice being a gun rights advocate regardless of POTUS as it stands now. I only trust Trump slightly more than Hillary.
I would and will contact anyone who was wanting to transfer public to private. I am however not so sure about Fed to State. I realize that states have not been necessarily responsible with public land but at heart I want the Feds out of my life as much as possible. I would prefer that the state control as much as possible BUT would not want them to sell public lands. If push comes to shove, I want public by any means over a transfer to the state that ultimately ends up as a public land sell off.

The previous Republican pissed on our liberties and the current crop of leftists has pissed like a race horse and topped it off with a big pile of crap all over our rights.

The President's only role with respect to gun rights will be nominating a supreme court justice. When the "5" switches to nay with regard to gun rights there is nothing the President can do. Unfortunately....I don't see the new justice being a gun rights advocate regardless of POTUS as it stands now. I only trust Trump slightly more than Hillary.

At this point I don't know who I'm voting for.. It's a shame when your constantly voting against people rather then for someone. I just know Cruz won't one of them.

Our president shouldn't be chosen by who we think will destroy shit the least..
Said it before, will say it again, the two party system needs to go. It's because of this we vote for the best of the worst. The circle the wagons mentality is why Americans are so disgusted with Congress.
I'm a straight up libertarian, who in reality are more liberal than so called "liberals" which is a misnomer and as such are giving real liberalism a bad name. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal. And libertarians beliefs are applied liberally to include economic liberty which is in stark contrast to so called liberals. Its the belief in freedom of force from the government or anyone else.

On the other hand, they are much more conservative than today's so called conservatives. The only politician I have ever donated to is Ron Paul in both his 2008 and 2012 campaigns. Dr. No! Both the democrats and the republicans hated him so I knew I was on to something. Anti State, Anti War, Pro Market.
The House Committee on Natural Resources is having a subcommittee meeting this Thursday on more sale/transfer legislation.

Another round of contact with your representatives is in order.

Here are the committee members:

I am not asking for anybody to vote for any particular candidates, but just to speak out against these specific proposed laws.

I try to stay out of "politics" especially on hunting forums. After reading through the above posts I quickly remember why... BB, can you break it down for me? The link above shows the representatives for each state (or at least most of them). Should we just email them our thoughts on the transfer of lands issue? Thanks...
HR 3650 allows for the transfer of up to 2 million acres of national forest specifically for development. The language says lands after transfer should be managed "primarily for timber production." It makes no mention of maintaining hunting or other recreation.

I think it is good to contact all of your current representatives and any candidates you might support in the upcoming elections.

And BTW,

I also stay out of politics generally, and online specifically, but I see this issue as incredibly important to hunters and specifically members of this site. My opinions on this are mine and mine alone, and have nothing to do with this site or any affiliation I have with it.
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