Kung flu and the 2nd?


Dec 10, 2015
I'm also seeing A LOT of suburbanite first time gun buying going on around me. The local Scheels and Cabelas have hours long waits to get up to the gun counter, background checks taking days to process, and shelves are absolutely stripped clean of ammo. My wife asked me today if I would show one of our neighbors "guns 101" because the lady (our neighbor) bought a pistol and knows nothing about it. I'm pretty sure the 2nd Amendment is pretty safe for the time being, I think alot of people who were middle of the road, are probably solidly in the pro second camp now. I'm more concerned someones going to get hurt with all this gun buying from people that dont know anything about gun safety, and they are stressed out and on edge from this virus stuff.


Apr 21, 2018
Northern Nevada
I'm also seeing A LOT of suburbanite first time gun buying going on around me. The local Scheels and Cabelas have hours long waits to get up to the gun counter, background checks taking days to process, and shelves are absolutely stripped clean of ammo. My wife asked me today if I would show one of our neighbors "guns 101" because the lady (our neighbor) bought a pistol and knows nothing about it. I'm pretty sure the 2nd Amendment is pretty safe for the time being, I think alot of people who were middle of the road, are probably solidly in the pro second camp now. I'm more concerned someones going to get hurt with all this gun buying from people that dont know anything about gun safety, and they are stressed out and on edge from this virus stuff.

From what I gathered in my conversations with those waiting, alot of them sounded like the "surburbanite" you described. First timers that are nervous, nervous about the unknown, nervous about being vulnerable.
But, but they all seemed reassured by having a way to protect themselves. Knowing how to use the damn thing is a different story though.
Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
Correct. I know several of these “government nerds” personally. This isn’t TV. Our government, in capacities that actually matter, have far more advanced computing capabilities than any “hacker” these guys have seen in movies.
That's until the folks that made those computers and software for the gov't decide to hack. LOL
Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
I have elderly relatives that used to live in the Soviet Union. The police used to knock on your door at night and you would peacefully go with them and never be heard from again for merely saying something critical of the govt or speaking to someone who was not popular. I asked an old relative why did people go peacefully knowing you would be probably tortured and killed. She sad no one had guns to fight back. Same for my Jewish relatives in the former Czech Republic when the NAZI's came.
Cool story, but if they had guns to fight back, they would have been killed anyway.

So many people are in denial when it comes to where they stand vs. a "tyrannical gov't."


Feb 16, 2014
Cool story, but if they had guns to fight back, they would have been killed anyway.

So many people are in denial when it comes to where they stand vs. a "tyrannical gov't."

In the event of a conflict with a tyrannical government, do you think there would be any difference between armed citizens and unarmed ones? I’m not talking about the outcome necessarily, but the conflict itself.

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Apr 28, 2019
In the event of a conflict with a tyrannical government, do you think there would be any difference between armed citizens and unarmed ones? I’m not talking about the outcome necessarily, but the conflict itself.

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no, I don’t think there would be a difference.
Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
In the event of a conflict with a tyrannical government, do you think there would be any difference between armed citizens and unarmed ones? I’m not talking about the outcome necessarily, but the conflict itself.

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Does it really matter what I think? The pro gun nuts are in their trench, and the anti-gun nuts are in their trench, and the vast majority of us navigate the war zone in-between while trying to live our lives.

One thing I do know is facts be damned when it comes to dealing with anyone in a trench.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
I should have been more clear. They are in denial about what impact they can have vs. a tyrannical gov't with their "arms." But hey, Red Dawn was a cool movie.

I'm not sure if there's any denial with that either. You just don't know until you know. But either way, it doesn't really matter how it ends........many (or maybe only the 3%) will be willing to fight to keep our nation regardless how it ends. I think that's the thing you and a lot of people don't seem to understand. What other option is there........lay down and become a slave to the government? That's not even an option for some people. Those are the ones that will be fighting, and dying for their nation. BTW, Red Dawn was fighting against a Russian invasion, not a tyrannical government.

Every government infringement is designed to limit "the people" in their ability to fight against a tyrannical government.
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Apr 28, 2019
We have been at war for 15+ years with people that are basically only equipped with small arms.

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I am not sure they are attacking or trying to overthrow our government on our soil. We are policing in other countries. It is business and politics, not at all a similar comparison.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
I am not sure they are attacking or trying to overthrow our government on our soil. We are policing in other countries. It is business and politics, not at all a similar comparison.
I can see we aren't going to agree, guess your computer common sense is so much smarter than everyone else's. Aren't we are using airplanes, drones tanks, against these insurants? It sure would change the view of the government if they do those same things here.
I got to experience a place where a couple guys with AK-47 could create a lot havoc and disappear. It's the long game and it's all about buying time and getting the message out to the masses then growing the movement. Without weapons to resist you cant buy the time.

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Apr 28, 2019
I can see we aren't going to agree, guess your computer common sense is so much smarter than everyone else's. Aren't we are using airplanes, drones tanks, against these insurants? It sure would change the view of the government if they do those same things here.
I got to experience a place where a couple guys with AK-47 could create a lot havoc and disappear. It's the long game and it's all about buying time and getting the message out to the masses then growing the movement. Without weapons to resist you cant buy the time.

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good luck.