2nd Amendment Arguements

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Think about this the idiot in the white house is doing nothing to curb immigration but actually encouraging it, how you ask in the near future they are going to start handing out green cards, the democrat cities are giving out all sorts of freebies. That’s just a quick few not to mention things such as health care, and other benefits you me and others worked for,Now you ask what this has to do with the right to bear arms, there’s a push to include the immigrants in the census now there in lies the goal population counts equals extra members in congress, immigrants in democratic states given everything equals democrat votes,which relates to a overwhelming percentage of democrat congressional representatives on top of that say a democrat senate with a president from there party will be able to garner enough states under there control and the constitution along with the bill of rights is out the window. Things are not as safe as we want to think.
They're not pushing to they already have included illegals in the census. As a result in the 2020 census California got an additional ~12 electoral votes and several blue states got additional house seats filled with you guessed it, dems. Now this did favor states like Texas as well, so it isn't completely 1 sided. However, you need to understand this is why they've been working so hard to flip Texas blue. If they ever succeed, it's over.

The great replacement isn't some crazy conspiracy theory. We're living through it.
It’s about War…. not duck hunting, carrying a handgun in public, or anything other than War. That perspective completely changes the narrative.
It’s about War…. not duck hunting, carrying a handgun in public, or anything other than War. That perspective completely changes the narrative.
Perhaps, but you can’t hunt ducks when there is no guns.
It's not about either. It's about the state. It is an explicit limitation on the state. It denies the state the authority to regulate weapons of war.
Perhaps, but you can’t hunt ducks when there is no guns.
Back when I was a kid (50's?, 60's?), aMr. Chisum would bring films to play for us kids.
ONE of them, was Fred Bear duck hunting with a recurve!
I'll NEVER forget that!

Sooooo....don't say can't!

As Festus used to say. "It can be did, Matthew!"

...and "YES!", he was pass shooting the ducks!
Just the good ol government trying to bend me over and make me want to depend on them.

Honestly though "Everyone wants the cushy, high paying government job but nobody wants to work the 20 hours a week"

Maybe with those 20 hours they should focus on parenting, respect, and mental well being. we all tote around here, difference is we were raised different.
I think arguing the point just locks the other side into firmer and firmer resistance and delusion.

Firearms are tools that I need to own and will continue to own. Others can believe whatever they want and choose to not own them or to lobby and vote against them. It won’t change my stance and I can’t change theirs
I think arguing the point just locks the other side into firmer and firmer resistance and delusion.

Firearms are tools that I need to own and will continue to own. Others can believe whatever they want and choose to not own them or to lobby and vote against them. It won’t change my stance and I can’t change theirs
This is a prime example of "the side that just wants to be left alone will always lose to the side willing to enforce their world view."

Many people truly are ignorant and will side with either the best sounding argument or the side that appears to be winning. The latter is often not the majority but the louder minority.
Back when I was a kid (50's?, 60's?), aMr. Chisum would bring films to play for us kids.
ONE of them, was Fred Bear duck hunting with a recurve!
I'll NEVER forget that!

Sooooo....don't say can't!

As Festus used to say. "It can be did, Matthew!"

...and "YES!", he was pass shooting the ducks!

I have some old-er oriental artwork depicting pass-shooting waterfowl with bows .... So we know it's not a stunt, lol.

And I'll add this--

All very well, but the Second Amendment is not about hunting. It is a limitation on government to protect the liberty of individuals and the citizenry.
This is a prime example of "the side that just wants to be left alone will always lose to the side willing to enforce their world view."

Many people truly are ignorant and will side with either the best sounding argument or the side that appears to be winning. The latter is often not the majority but the louder minority.
I can see your perspective. I’ve lived a lot of my life feeling the same as you. That we need to be strong and fight back.

What I’m saying is easily verified by observing the world around us. Resistance creates strength. Look at the war on drugs, homelessness, terrorism, left, right. It’s the law of the pendulum. All of these thing have gotten stronger through resistance to them. The Trump trial is another great example. The result of his trial was massive donations and a nearly guaranteed landslide victory in November.

I’m not sure what the solution is, but arguing just creates more resistance from the other side. We’re going to need to learn to coexist and find common ground with the left if they’re ever gonna soften their opinions.
+1 on the reading the Federalist Papers. I think #29 and #46 are the applicable editions. Be sure to read the whole document, not just the first couple paragraphs.

I had a guy at the office (BITD) ask me if I ever read them and I had to admit I hadn't. He said I should and would learn that 2A milita was the national guard and firearms weren't for the general populace. Well, did read them (it's not hard) and found that he was flat out wrong. Then he quit before I had a chance to ask him if he ever read them, because his reading comprehension had to be better than that.
. Not everything can be accomplished within our life span and some times that has to be acceptable.
A very important point so many people miss regarding the founding fathers. They knew they were sewing seeds and I think prayed very hard (well most) that those who tended the seedlings understood that.
.... Resistance creates strength. Look at the war on drugs, homelessness, terrorism, left, right. It’s the law of the pendulum. All of these thing have gotten stronger through resistance to them. ....

This isn't making the point you think it is. All of these could have been won/fixed if we had the wherewithal and intention of ending/fixing them. The system is designed to facilitate the continuation of these problems. The dirty little secret is that politicians don't want to fix problems, they want controversial problems that they can raise money promising to fix. However, they know that fixing the problem ends the cash cow.
This isn't making the point you think it is. All of these could have been won/fixed if we had the wherewithal and intention of ending/fixing them. The system is designed to facilitate the continuation of these problems. The dirty little secret is that politicians don't want to fix problems, they want controversial problems that they can raise money promising to fix. However, they know that fixing the problem ends the cash cow.
So you’re saying that politicians benefit off of polarity between two different opinions on these issues? That’s exactly the point I’m trying to make. So long as we see anti gun people on the left as “the other” the politicians and globalists will continue to profit and gain power from us. Divided we fall. I’m not saying we abandon our positions, just that we listen and try to understand the other side rather than trying to win the battle of persuasion
I think arguing the point just locks the other side into firmer and firmer resistance and delusion.

Firearms are tools that I need to own and will continue to own. Others can believe whatever they want and choose to not own them or to lobby and vote against them. It won’t change my stance and I can’t change theirs
So....the squeaky wheel gets the grease?
The "other side", as you so blithely stated, can't get any firmer in their conviction.
They want guns banned, outlawed, destroyed.....

Sorry dude! I'm not going to sit silently by while some liberal fruitcake who thinks he is a woman tries to decide which bathroom to use!
Get in their face!
So you’re saying that politicians benefit off of polarity between two different opinions on these issues? That’s exactly the point I’m trying to make. So long as we see anti gun people on the left as “the other” the politicians and globalists will continue to profit and gain power from us. Divided we fall. I’m not saying we abandon our positions, just that we listen and try to understand the other side rather than trying to win the battle of persuasion

The other side is clear in their objectives; they do not want an armed populace.

They can go eat a dick as far as I’m concerned. Apathy and compromise on our side is what got us to the restrictions we currently have in place.

They are openly trying to ban things around the blatantly clear Supreme Court decisions on firearms ownership.

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