Kung flu and the 2nd?


Jul 28, 2019
A government is simply a monopoly on violence. When the government does not have the resources necessary to maintain that monopoly, smaller firms will be forced to provide their own violence. In times like these, the government is stretched thin trying to deal with the wolf in the house, not the ones at our doors. I certainly am glad I live in a place where I can protect my door.

I hope that this doesn't change anything in regards to the 2A. It means that we're back to life as usual.
Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
If you believe you'll fail before you begin how could you ever succeed?

Somethings are worth dying for and that belief in and of itself makes for a formidable opponent.
Who says I believe I'll fail? LOL You're just making stuff up now.

Lots of ways to measure "success" or "failure." And lots of things that are worth fighting for and dying for. I guess we're all free to pick which ones those are for ourselves.


Feb 16, 2014
Who says I believe I'll fail? LOL You're just making stuff up now.

Lots of ways to measure "success" or "failure." And lots of things that are worth fighting for and dying for. I guess we're all free to pick which ones those are for ourselves.

You said it. Did you forget about your previous posts this thread?


Dec 8, 2018
Wow how do you come to that conclusion?

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Because he hates guns and want a gun confiscation. Over 100 million innocent people killed by communists the past century in countries where guns were outlawed and confiscated. I find it weird that anti gun types would come on a hunting forum. Maybe to push their anti gun agenda?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
How do you prove that? You can't any more than he can prove his claims.

At this point, we're all shooting at straw men and it's a complete waste of time.

I'm out.
When shit hits the fan logically more options have got to be better than less. I just don't see how being unarmed provides more options.

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Dec 8, 2018
When shit hits the fan logically more options have got to be better than less. I just don't see how being unarmed provides more options.

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When you have members in law and enforcement and the military that grow up in a culture with the second amendment as a fundamental part of society they are much less willing to turn on their families, friends and neighbors and kill and disarm them. Ive worked a good deal of my career in large cities where firearms are prohibited for law abiding citizens and of course only violent criminals have firearms. Ive worked with cops and bureaucrats that grew up in these cities and never owned a firearm and none of their family members owned a firearm because it was prohibited and they were taught that firearms were evil, scary and dangerous like some of the members on here. . Many thought that only the police and the military should own firearms and the common citizen should remain unarmed victims. Ive also worked in rural areas with small town police and sheriffs' departments where everyone grew up with firearms. Everyone of those LEO's stated they would never turn on family and friends and disarm them if the the anti gun politicians passed gun confiscation laws. Look at all of the firearms sanctuaries created by police chiefs and sheriffs around the country now in rural areas.

BRS' logic makes no sense. Criminals and mass shooters avoid areas where people carry guns and defend themselves and their families from being murdered. The specifically target gun free areas like schools, bars, churches, businesses.

Again really weird people that want to ban firearms hang out on hunting forums. I guess its to get attention.


Feb 16, 2014
When you have members in law and enforcement and the military that grow up in a culture with the second amendment as a fundamental part of society they are much less willing to turn on their families, friends and neighbors and kill and disarm them. Ive worked a good deal of my career in large cities where firearms are prohibited for law abiding citizens and of course only violent criminals have firearms. Ive worked with cops and bureaucrats that grew up in these cities and never owned a firearm and none of their family members owned a firearm because it was prohibited and they were taught that firearms were evil, scary and dangerous like some of the members on here. . Many thought that only the police and the military should own firearms and the common citizen should remain unarmed victims. Ive also worked in rural areas with small town police and sheriffs' departments where everyone grew up with firearms. Everyone of those LEO's stated they would never turn on family and friends and disarm them if the the anti gun politicians passed gun confiscation laws. Look at all of the firearms sanctuaries created by police chiefs and sheriffs around the country now in rural areas.

BRS' logic makes no sense. Criminals and mass shooters avoid areas where people carry guns and defend themselves and their families from being murdered. The specifically target gun free areas like schools, bars, churches, businesses.

Again really weird people that want to ban firearms hang out on hunting forums. I guess its to get attention.

One of the things I like about living in Texas. I have a license to carry and the police here actively encourage citizens to do so. To the point that a local officer gave me a pass on a speeding ticket if I "promise to keep my sidearm with me at all times". This was after I gave him my drivers license and LTC and told him that I didn't have a firearm with me at the time. I'm not a native Texan and have only been living here for 3 years, but it was apparent immediately that the culture here with respect to firearms ownership was one that I could adjust to very easily.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
If "only" 3% fought back, that would be almost 10,500,000 people (200k+ per state average). That's a formidable opponent to any government, and should scare them. They say that hunters make up 7% of the population. That's 24 million. And some wonder why the left wants to disarm the people???? SMH

Jim Carr

Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 29, 2012
North Idaho
I think it will strengthen the 2a for awhile .Ive had a couple non gun owner family members asking what guns they should get.


Apr 21, 2018
Northern Nevada
I think it will strengthen the 2a for awhile .Ive had a couple non gun owner family members asking what guns they should get.

People finally realizing its ultimately up to them since odds are the cops wont get there in time. Not a swipe at LEOs at all, but people always forget when seconds count the police are minutes away.
I've told a few people just buy a security style 12ga and hope you never need it for its intended purpose.


Dec 19, 2016
Eastern Montana

Well this bill was sent up the chain to the subcommittee 3/10, no mention due to the virus.

I read the entire thing, Fed Lic for every owner,
No AR/AK, but really weird they exempted mini 14, SKS, no idea why.

Says all firearms must be secured or locked unless carried at the time.

No chance of passing right now, but if economy and virus isn’t contained by Nov, all bets are off