Kodiak Deer limit change

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You Tube’s reach is far greater big fella!

I’m just jelly I’m not going with you.
Most YouTube videos are watched by wanna bees who will never get off the couch. You can't plan a hunt off YouTube... maybe get the fire started. You can plan an entire hunt down to the smallest details off Rokslide... that was my point. Ed F
Most YouTube videos are watched by wanna bees who will never get off the couch. You can't plan a hunt off YouTube... maybe get the fire started. You can plan an entire hunt down to the smallest details off Rokslide... that was my point. Ed F
There’s a least one vid out there, can’t remember who’s, and I’m certainly not gonna search and post it here for even more attention, but it went through the exact how to’s of planning a Kodiak hunt. Intricate level of detail, right down to a gear list. Also website links to the various entities involved. Dumbed it down to moron level. I remember watching it a couple years ago and thinking, well there goes that…

Of course, the same thing exists for hunting every western state now. Hence the problem. Don’t tell me I’m wrong Ed, I’m grumpy enough already. AZ has me started off to a crappy application season!
Well maybe I didn’t use the correct wording but AK does have Outfitter welfare I.e use a guide no draw needed, go DIY stand in line for the draw.

Any your “never” is laughable at best with all the changes going on up there.
Can you give an example?
No, Im not going to spell it out to make the odds worse. Think Vancouver Island, Queen Charlottes, next one.
That's only for Black Bear and only that unit. I honestly didn't know about that one either. Never bothered looking at hunting that. And to be honest why would anyone? When you can fly and hunt same day black bear in 16B, 5 bears, no closed season, why waste time with that one? You can also boat a lot of that area and even drive a good portion of 16A.
Black bears is probably the easiest thing to get a HT for of everything in really accessible areas. Drive in.
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That's only for Black Bear and only that unit. I honestly didn't know about that one either. Never bothered looking at hunting that. And to be honest why would anyone? When you can fly and hunt same day black bear in 16B, 5 bears, no closed season, why waste time with that one? You can also boat a lot of that area and even drive a good portion of 16A.
Black bears is probably the easiest thing to get a HT for of everything in really accessible areas. Drive in.

Sorry, it’s not only “that unit” keep looking . Bottom line I made my point, and Alaska is changing big time. As touched on before, if they scream loud enough the guides and transporters will get their way, and the 3 deer quota will be back in action…… IF you use a guide.

5-6 K for one deer? INov? Sorry there are a lot better options now.
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Can you give an example?
There are a couple units on the west side that are no longer OTC for NR (moose) and draw only... the odds on those are WAY better if you are going guided. There could be more but I specifically came across these when I was putting in for moose tags. These are units that I hunted several years ago OTC. Its been happening more and more for NR, sucks for me.... but I get it and glad that AK actually takes care of the residents.
They give tags to every non-res that puts with a guide in any given unit? That is not
My understanding.
Not all units but he’s correct on a few of the most desirable ones. Outfitters will only have as many clients put in for the draw as they have tags for. 100% draw rates for nonresidents while even if a resident wanted to go with a guide they’d be in the standard resident pool with terrible odds. Guide welfare at its finest.
What’s going to be interesting is the drop we will see in transporter/flights out. We will surely see a drop in NR, and im pretty sure the same will be said for residents.
Why do we allow Social Media to have this impact on us? We need a boycott! The only way to turn the tide is to stop watching, stop clicking and for heavens sake stop liking, following and subscribing. If you do these things you are a contributor to the problem. It’s time to get harsh about it.
Ummmm, aren’t we basically social media on the RS??? 🤨
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