Kodiak Deer limit change

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That is more or less a guide allocation. And disappointing. They should not have made the next of kin and commercial guide separate.
Could you elaborate on this for us newbies? You said there's no outfitter allocation in AK and never will be but then you said there is a guide allocation. What is the difference? You seem to be well versed in everything so could you please explain this to us? Whats the difference between a guide and outfitter? Doesn't a guide have to work for an outfitter? Are you confusing Assistant Guide with Registered Guide? Thank you for your time.
Could you elaborate on this for us newbies? You said there's no outfitter allocation in AK and never will be but then you said there is a guide allocation. What is the difference? You seem to be well versed in everything so could you please explain this to us? Whats the difference between a guide and outfitter? Doesn't a guide have to work for an outfitter? Are you confusing Assistant Guide with Registered Guide? Thank you for your time.
I was clearly wrong.
I don’t think there will be much of an increase in SE. For one there has not historically been much of a transporter industry, there is a ton of timber that hides the little bastards, and they are spread out amongst 18,000 miles of coastline on over 1000 islands.
Be my guest.
But with the abundance of deer in AK I don't think there is an AK resident good enough to find 3 deer in Oregon. Especially in a week.

There is a big difference in a biological reason, and the fact AK residents are better about crying to the govt rather then just hunting harder.
Biologically I think Oregon should quit mule deer hunting all together for at least 3-5 years.

But if we had numbers I wouldn't cry about competition.
In 2021 Alaska had an estimate deer population of 330,000. In the same year Oregon had an estimate deer population of 500,000 with 336,000 being black tails.

SE Alaska is 35,138 square miles. The entire state of Oregon is 98,381 square miles, species maps show blacktail are in less than one third of the state. Kodiak has an estimated population of 80,000 deer on 3,595 square miles.

Kodiak density=22.3 deer/sq mi
SE Alaska density=9.4 deer/sq mi
Oregon density=10.2 deer/sq mi

So, given the deer densities and your logic, stop whining and hunt harder. Your density is higher (you lumped all AK residents together and there are certainly parts of western Oregon that have higher than average densities, just like in AK).
In 2021 Alaska had an estimate deer population of 330,000. In the same year Oregon had an estimate deer population of 500,000 with 336,000 being black tails.

SE Alaska is 35,138 square miles. The entire state of Oregon is 98,381 square miles, species maps show blacktail are in less than one third of the state. Kodiak has an estimated population of 80,000 deer on 3,595 square miles.

Kodiak density=22.3 deer/sq mi
SE Alaska density=9.4 deer/sq mi
Oregon density=10.2 deer/sq mi

So, given the deer densities and your logic, stop whining and hunt harder. Your density is higher (you lumped all AK residents together and there are certainly parts of western Oregon that have higher than average densities, just like in AK).
I'm not whining about the density of people in my area though. I would never support reducing opertunity unless its for biological reasons.
By my reasoning I am saying that I am willing and will hunt harder.
Oregon Blacktail tags are otc, come one come all, your opertunity will not limit my success.
Might not limit your success but it could make it alot harder if you view success is killing something and not going for a hike with a gun. Not sure how familiar you are with regs in ak but they get changed frequently and not always for low animal populations. How many miles do you think you Can hike on kodiak a day? Sure kodiak is a "big" island but there are only so many places a float plane can land especially after mid october when they stop flying to alpine lakes.

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Might not limit your success but it could make it alot harder if you view success is killing something and not going for a hike with a gun. Not sure how familiar you are with regs in ak but they get changed frequently and not always for low animal populations. How many miles do you think you Can hike on kodiak a day? Sure kodiak is a "big" island but there are only so many places a float plane can land especially after mid october when they stop flying to alpine lakes.

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I've hunted with trucks in every turn out, even had guys park so close to my new truck I wrote down there plate because they may door ding my new truck.
Does it suck? sure, is it less the optimal sure.

Did I email odfw to NOT limit opertunity and change archery deer to draw, and put 13 more elk units in draw, yes.
Multiple times I have contacted my state and asked them not to limit opertunity.

Going draw in Oregon on a unit greatly reduces NR opertunity. And I was and am against it.
Its great you got your way. And I do expect a state to support its residents first.

All im saying is spending $5k to shoot one kodiak deer just isn't on my to do list.
At least 3 deer it would average down to $1667 per deer.
I'm not whining about the density of people in my area though. I would never support reducing opertunity unless its for biological reasons.
By my reasoning I am saying that I am willing and will hunt harder.
Oregon Blacktail tags are otc, come one come all, your opertunity will not limit my success.
Any non-resident who feels they don't have adequate opportunity for blacktail in Alaska has already proven they cannot hunt hard (general statement, not directed at you). There is another island with equal deer density to Kodiak and a non-resident can take 4 bucks, same as a resident. It lacks the cool factor though.

I do not hunt Kodiak, I'm too poor. Give it a year or two, it will probably change. A few years back anyone who did not reside in a certain unit (including AK residents) had a lower bag limit. It is back to equal bag limits for all.
Any non-resident who feels they don't have adequate opportunity for blacktail in Alaska has already proven they cannot hunt hard (general statement, not directed at you). There is another island with equal deer density to Kodiak and a non-resident can take 4 bucks, same as a resident. It lacks the cool factor though.

I do not hunt Kodiak, I'm too poor. Give it a year or two, it will probably change. A few years back anyone who did not reside in a certain unit (including AK residents) had a lower bag limit. It is back to equal bag limits for all.
Soon as some Influencers post up about it so I can figure it out ill be rite on it this time.
This changes things (a little) for me... the ability to keep hunting on multiple tags was an attraction. I still have a few more Kodiak hunts left in me... the adventure is worth it for one deer... but, it won't be an easy and spontaneous decision anymore.

I saw what was happening when I was there in August. We flew out the afternoon before opening day and my #1, #2 and #4 spots already had camps at them. This had never happened to me before. The "I'm going to Kodiak" threads on Rokslide have increased 10 fold...

I'm heading to 40 Mile this September for my last (probably) Caribou hunt. This will be my 16th Alaskan DIY hunt. Good Moose hunts are very hard to get spots on and good DIY hunts are in the 10k range... I'm biting the bullet for one more.

I don't think for a second this decision has anything to do with management. Mother Nature plays a part in this but the deer on Kodiak have proven to be a resilient resourse. There is a trend happening right now in quite a few states... non-residents are not as welcome as they once were.

I've been very fortunate... I'm feeling disappointed for those who are in their hunting prime and will not have the opportunities... they are disappearing. My 2 cents... Ed F

Well Ed if you need a young stud to carry some of your gear next time you want to plan a trip back to AK shoot me a text. I was just looking the other day at our old emails back in 09' about hunting AK.
I've been trying to get an answer from F&G on when this will take effect. Been getting the run around. One person said that typically these types of changes won't take effect until the year following it's passage, but couldn't guarantee that in this case. Seems kind of late in the game to make such a drastic change for this season, since many people have already bought tags, booked transporters, guides, etc. I was also told that it was possible that the reduction gets reversed, with all the negative input they've been receiving about it the past few days. It would be nice to have concrete answers so plans can be made or ditched regarding this fall.
I've been trying to get an answer from F&G on when this will take effect. Been getting the run around. One person said that typically these types of changes won't take effect until the year following it's passage, but couldn't guarantee that in this case. Seems kind of late in the game to make such a drastic change for this season, since many people have already bought tags, booked transporters, guides, etc. I was also told that it was possible that the reduction gets reversed, with all the negative input they've been receiving about it the past few days. It would be nice to have concrete answers so plans can be made or ditched regarding this fall.
I don't know for certain, but I'd say there is a 99% chance it goes into effect this coming regulatory year (July 1). Since they didn't close the season, there is no reason for them to delay it, IMO. A bunch of people complaining about it won't reverse the decision, at least not in the near term. The board meets once a year, and rarely to discuss changes they made or other immanent changes needed for management. You think you're having a hard time, imagine having a $20k sheep hunt booked, with a deposit for 19C this year. They closed sheep hunting, no year delay as far as I know.

The people that don't think hunters will go to SE over Kodiak is surprising to me. Those boat based hunts in Kodiak can be just as easily done in SE. Look at how many people are complaining about the reduced bag limit and it being the reason they are not going to go... in SE the bag limit is still 4-6. Logistics aren't really any harder.
I don't know for certain, but I'd say there is a 99% chance it goes into effect this coming regulatory year (July 1). Since they didn't close the season, there is no reason for them to delay it, IMO. A bunch of people complaining about it won't reverse the decision, at least not in the near term. The board meets once a year, and rarely to discuss changes they made or other immanent changes needed for management. You think you're having a hard time, imagine having a $20k sheep hunt booked, with a deposit for 19C this year. They closed sheep hunting, no year delay as far as I know.

The people that don't think hunters will go to SE over Kodiak is surprising to me. Those boat based hunts in Kodiak can be just as easily done in SE. Look at how many people are complaining about the reduced bag limit and it being the reason they are not going to go... in SE the bag limit is still 4-6. Logistics aren't really any harder.
Yeah, but Kodiak sounds cool, none of your friends will know how cool you are if you tell them you hunted around Kake, or on Revillagigedo, or (pick any place in SE AK).
Is there early season alpine hunting in SE?

Kodiak was on my radar as a very early season hunt.
That way I could get back down and hunt the lords critter.
Bull Elk
I know tags are available.
My understanding is SE is more of a big timber hunt clear cut edges type of hunting.

I'll do some digging when I have more time.
I've just never heard/ seen anything about high alpine above Timberline hunting there.
There is plenty of alpine in SE AK if you are willing to but through timber to get to it. Most people don't want to do the work.
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