Kodiak Deer limit change

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I was in the 7%… Sweet!

Interesting… Just go right past two deer to one deer… sounds fishy.

It's not fishy, it's all right there in your post. Only 7% of NR shoot 3 deer, so limiting NR harvest to 2 was unlikely to have much of an effect. Therefore, they jumped from 3 deer to 1 deer for NR because they wanted to give the reg change a chance at actually having an impact (34% of NR shoot more than 1 deer as opposed to 7% that shoot more than 2 deer).
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I spoke to the Big Game Commercial Services Board chair and he informed me that the BOG proposal to limit the deer quota was directly linked to a Hunt Planner group who pivoted from caribou (due to political closers) to Blacktail and flooded the SE communities with so many clients that they tried to get a transporter to buy a 3rd boat to support their NR deer hunter clients. From that fear and the increase in hunter traffic, the proposal was requested and passed.

You guys must thank Huntin Fool directly for their actions.

Certainly shouldn’t impact the folks that are adding a BT tag onto a bear, goat, or caribou trip. However, I would think that few if any NR would make that trip for only one BT tag even if fishing as well…. Thinking that it will even be tough to entice a NR buddy to join in on a Kodiak trip with one tag available…
It's not fishy, it's all right there in your post. Only 7% of NR shoot 3 deer, so limiting NR harvest to 2 was unlikely to have much of an effect. Therefore, they jumped from 3 deer to 1 deer for NR because they wanted to give the reg change a chance at actually having an impact (34% of NR shoot more than 1 deer as opposed to 7% that shoot more than 2 deer).
Is it about the deer population? Or is it about who’s killing the deer? @Larry Bartlett explaned it pretty well.
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Besides rats in NYC, there may not be a more resilient animal on earth than the Sitka deer on Kodiak. Hunting isn’t hurting them and they bounce back quickly after a bad winter. I don’t have the experience some do on here with Kodiak, but I’ve been there over a dozen times for hunting, the last few years have been pretty congested. If one deer isn’t enough, that’s fine, the experience will be better for those that it is enough for. Also, isn’t nearly every hunt in the west for NRs just a bag limit of 1? That question was rhetorical.
Besides rats in NYC, there may not be a more resilient animal on earth than the Sitka deer on Kodiak. Hunting isn’t hurting them and they bounce back quickly after a bad winter. I don’t have the experience some do on here with Kodiak, but I’ve been there over a dozen times for hunting, the last few years have been pretty congested. If one deer isn’t enough, that’s fine, the experience will be better for those that it is enough for. Also, isn’t nearly every hunt in the west for NRs just a bag limit of 1? That question was rhetorical.
Sure and if was $5k and 4 days of travel round trip to hunt those states i wouldn't do that ether.
At least if you got 3 deer they would be less then $2k each.

There is just a limit to the cost of experience for me.

Same as I could take a 2nd mortgage out on my house and do a sheep hunt. Its just not worth it to me.

Now if the transporters want to drop there price by 2/3rds to match the tag allocation i could get down with that.
Social media putting pressure on great areas, then turning them to shit and developing hate and discontent among the resident hunters of that area, Kodiak in this case.
I really had no idea that so many guys were running off to do just like the you tube influencers.

I say that hunting muleys 40 years after reading a book and same for WY antelope.
Sure and if was $5k and 4 days of travel round trip to hunt those states i wouldn't do that ether.
At least if you got 3 deer they would be less then $2k each.

There is just a limit to the cost of experience for me.

Same as I could take a 2nd mortgage out on my house and do a sheep hunt. Its just not worth it to me.

Now if the transporters want to drop there price by 2/3rds to match the tag allocation i could get down with that.
Im doing the same thing right now. cant stomach taking wife to AK during summer cause it would run sbout $15k. 1/2 the cost is getting there, car/rv and lodging. Close to $8k before even cast a line or see a sight. ….uh, no.

Tried to figure DIY and it only cuts the prcie a couple grand. Absolutely cant get below $10k without shortening trip or skipping why im going in the first place.

No idea how folks go every year. How can some folks go for $6k? Maybe that’s just fer 1, i gotta pay fer 2…
It’s it about the deer population? Or is it about who’s killing the deer? @Larry Bartlett explaned it pretty well.

It's about who's killing the deer.

If there was a population-level concern about the resource, ADF&G would've stepped in, but the concern is about access to the resource, so that's where the Board of Game comes in. By design, ADF&G does not deal in allocation issues, that is the roll of the board. While there may not be a population-level concern, there is anecdotal evidence of localized depletion in bays that have seen recent increases in boat-based transporters servicing (predominately NR) hunters. If you happen to be a resident that frequently hunts in (or lives in) one of those bays, you're to likely have feelings about the increase in NR hunting pressure... enter the Board of Game.

This is nothing more than a run-of-the-mill resource allocation issue between user groups and I agree that Larry explained it well.
Why are all the animal populations falling so much? Is it the harvest? Most NR shoot bucks/bulls...
Social media flattens the learning curve for what once were intimidating adventure hunts. So every ding dong with a flat brim heads West, or in this case, Northwest. Then when they arrive, they’ve taken Rambo’s tactical long range shooting course and have an infinity dial on their hot round of the month whiz bang chassis abomination. They don’t even have to walk. Step off the Zodiac, look up, point and shoot.

Seriously, information is too easily accessible and we’re simply too deadly. Throw that on top of winter range development, libs protecting and introducing predators, severe drought followed up by severe snowfall. It’s a perfect storm of suck for western critters.
The success rate is 100%? I feel like there has to be at least a couple non-resident hunters who get skunked but I'm Canadian so I've never hunted Kodiak and don't know what the hunting there looks like.

That’s the breakdown, by number of deer harvested, for successful NR hunters.
Do you live in AK?
I would guess not. I am all for limiting non res opportunities before residents. Lower 48ers can call me selfish. It shouldnt be a compromise. I would bet most people feel the same way if the tables were turned. I cant wait to go back next year, should be a little more elbow room for people to roam around. Sure non res bring in some.money but less non res wont hurt anyone's pocket books. There are plenty of ak residents who would love to get out but probably dont want to pay what the transporter prices have become from the lower 48ers creating a massive demand for transporter services.

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The success rate is 100%? I feel like there has to be at least a couple non-resident hunters who get skunked but I'm Canadian so I've never hunted Kodiak and don't know what the hunting there looks like.
No, but from the blacktail hunting I've done up here it's really close to a 100% thing.

What is confusing to me is why people pay a lot of money to hunt them. They're not trophies. They're pretty good table fare. Good for filling a freezer. But not at the prices NR has to pay they're not.
They make a fun combo hunt. Always nice to go home with something if you get skunked on a goat or elk and the boat based hunts include fishing.
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