Sorry, I did mean enforcement and I am not saying that there are not good outfits. Just because you got checked twice in one week doesn't mean they are checking everyone, nor does it mean they are enforcing anything. I am surprised it was ADF&G who checked you since it is typically AST who enforces our game laws. I am well aware of what the regulations say constitutes guiding, however that's why I said that part was my opinion. When you go with a guide they pick the location and I don't know of guide that would pick a poor area. If the client asks to get dropped off on beach that is unreachable that's understandable. Also thanks for the info on the weather, I live here so I am well aware of the challenges and limitations due to weather. I think using weather/safety as a guise for where they are taking clients is a bit of a scapegoat, obviously they aren't going to park in the Shelikof and have clients dropped off there. Maybe I am just jaded because I have had run ins with clients from some of these outfits and had outfits drop clients right on top of us, not illegal but not very ethical. I think that some of the transport laws need amending, just my opinion though.