Kifaru Warranty Not What It Used To Be

Feb 20, 2015
It’s disappointing to hear of people having problems with their packs regardless of the warranty. I bought Kifaru as my first pack because of their bombproof reputation and because of their top notch warranty/customer service. This doesn’t sound like the same Kifaru I invested in. There’s a lot of great options these days. Something to think about.

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WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
How about companies warranty their product and not the owner?

What a novel concept.

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In my opinion, it is about destroying resale value so more people will buy new instead. It is piss poor behavior. Companies like Leatherman and Ka-Bar consider possession of the product as proof of warranty. Enough companies do it, that while I dislike it, I will still buy their products.
Sep 10, 2014
Exactly. Way it’s been for most things, over the years.
most outdoor companies don't care if you're the first or fourth owner and stand behind their products but fanboys gonna fanboy
Hate to say it but this sounds like a classic company flip. Buy a solid company with a great product and loyal customers. Pump out as much product as you can. Cut in customer service and quality to make the business more profitable. Sell the company for a big profit.
"if we keep aron in charge they'll never notice"


Sep 26, 2018
Exactly. Way it’s been for most things, over the years.
Good thing Swaro doesn’t operate like this, optic resale would tank in a heart beat. Most top of the line companies warranty the product.

Plus if that is the new warranty process, the prices should drop to reflect it as anything you now buy is cut in half on the resale market knowing it now has zero warranty.

Also wonder what this means for those of us running 10+yr old gear that are the original owners yet didn’t keep receipts.
Sep 10, 2014
I thought he had partner(s?).
Yea I think to get enough funding for the purchase he brought them on. Who knows if they are majority owners or minority with stake or what not though. Just seem like the direction their customer service is headed is the exact opposite of everything arons been about in building kifaru


Mar 19, 2018
Yea I think to get enough funding for the purchase he brought them on. Who knows if they are majority owners or minority with stake or what not though. Just seem like the direction their customer service is headed is the exact opposite of everything arons been about in building kifaru
It sure does seem like it. That’s always the problem with diluting ownership. More opinions and mouths to feed. Especially if someone got involved that was a “money” or “strategy” guy. They generally only care about an exit.


Jun 29, 2020
Southern AZ
I thought Aron bought out the previous owner. Is that not correct?

I thought he had partner(s?).
Kifaru owners are: Aron Snyder and Chad Shumway
Shumway brought BJ Thompson with him from other businesses. Shumway stated BJ was his CFO in those businesses. BJ is listed as an employee of Kifaru. BJ is listed as working elsewhere as well so it may not be his only gig.
Prob good time for an intro. I have never posted here but have over the years spent time reading posts. Love Rokslide! My name is Chad Shumway. I was lucky enough to be able to buy Kifaru with Aron. I will do my best to address some of the concerns I am reading here. First, Snyder is a rockstar. I will not be taking anything from him or giving him marching orders. In fact it will be to the contrary Fundamentally, the direction of Kifaru will not change. Building the best equip possible in the USA will still be a standard that will NOT be infringed on. This is a promise I made to Patrick that I intend to keep. We are going to make our production and delivery system much better/quicker but we will not sacrifice quality in the process. BJ is my CFO in other businesses and is going to be a great asset for this growth and improvement. There will be new products and we will, in time, delve into other product lines and areas with the same stringent levels of quality you associate with Kifaru. It is important to add that I was a user way before I had any opportunity to be an owner. I love the gear and spend every hour I can in the hills hunting. That being said I do not pretend to be on Aron or Franks level. These guys truly are experts and will captain the ship the way they have been doing in years previous. I am very humbled to be apart of such a great company and I feel a great responsibility to live up to the legacy that is Kifaru.
So much speculation in this thread with no effort to look for facts. :poop:
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Sep 10, 2014
So much speculation in this thread with no effort to look for facts. :poop:
huh franks long gone didn't seem like they were sticklers on repairs/warranties in the past. #margins