Joseph von Benedikt vs Formidilosus

Literally laughed out loud on this one. My wife didn't tape it, but she and her sister always drove around with a boom box on the floor of her '76 Monte Carlo after the 8-track died. They went through a lot of D batteries and Marlboro Lights!
“D batteries and Marlboro lights” needs to be a country album cover lol
JVB is completely bought and paid for.
There is no way he would be objective in public, he would loose all his sponsors.
IDK he was on Bowhunter Chronicles podcast recently and recommended non-Leupold stuff for glass compared to his own podcast that is always Browning with a Leupold on top due to sponsors. Get him away from his paid for audience and maybe he opens up.
Just found out about the guy but from his byline on Instagram it appears he's a writer/editor for a couple of old fashioned hunting/shooting magazines. I don't begrudge him the fact that those audiences (60+ year olds) are generally expecting to hear a certain thing so he gives them what they want. Same with Ron Spomer, he knows his audience and tells them what they want to hear. I'm not going to hold their careers against them but I don't have to take them seriously either.
Looks like JVB and RS both get paid and sponsored to do the stuff we all shell out our hard earned dollars to do. Might be something to appealing to the Fudds.
As much as I hate a sell out, if someone wanted me to tell everyone that a 300WM was the greatest thing since sliced bread and they wanted to send me on a couple good hunts to prove would be hard to say no.
I don't know either person, but a sponsorship doesn't necessary mean someone is lying. A lot of people just decide to use products they like for free. If the goal is just to sell, wouldn't they be switching products or at least models to sell a different one fairly often?

However, I don't think it matters a lot with respect to what cartridge to use since most companies make all of the same popular choices.
Can we crowdfund a discussion (debate) between Joseph von Benedikt and @Formidilosus ? Both men are well spoken and have years of experience in their field. However, their opinions differ enough on many topics that I would pay to listen to them debate. It could happen on Shoot2Hunt or the Backcountry Hunting Podcast. I am sure if we threw enough collective money at them, we could make it happen.
Get them in a neutral podcast like Hunt Backcountry or Big Game Hunting.
As much as I hate a sell out, if someone wanted me to tell everyone that a 300WM was the greatest thing since sliced bread and they wanted to send me on a couple good hunts to prove would be hard to say no.

Why would you say no??

I'm not a 30 cal fan. Generally its more than needed for the task at hand.. BUT if you want to pay for me to go on a hunt with a 30 Cal... My article will go something like this.
I've been a 6mm and 7mm shooter my whole life. My old man handed me a 243 for my 9th birthday. The rifle didn't fit right but we made it work. I shot that gun for years until i decided it was time for a western hunt and then started shooting 7mm's. These calibers always got the job done and I always scoffed at the idea of using 300wm for bear, elk, and caribou. Well about XX months ago Generic company asked me to do a review on their new ultra special magic fairy dust 300wm for an upcoming caribou hunt. Well I reluctantly accepted their offer thinking to myself "this is such a silly worthless caliber"... Well folks, I'm here to tell you that I'm eating crow...