Can we stop being rude & insulting please? Think before you click. Please don't get banned!

The I/me/we society has been happening since the dawn of time.

It’s not new, your just starting to see the compounding effects.
*"You're ..."* --- LOL

People say things from a keyboard that they would never say face-to-face, or even in traditional print or letters, which are generally not anonymous.

So that's new.

But your main point stands. Humans start out out for themselves.

Not sure why we are amazed at that.
Good reminder. I'm guilty of a poor post here and there. For me it's usually when it's a question that gets asked over, and over, and over.....and over. I try not to be a total a-hole though.
Sadly, the people that get banned from RS wind up on other outdoor forums that have since slid into the gutter bringing out the worst in all of us...

You can tell by the increse in frequency of posts.
Maybe in Kansas east to west.... But I'd guess it's more like 20% nationwide.

Do you know anyone in Lawrenceville?
“Ironically some of the folks guilty of this actually have a lot to offer and can be a great source of info.”

There are several members with high post count who show up on threads just to be shitty. Sometimes it’s subtle but the intent is obvious and the post adds no real value. Biggest annoyance on this forum IMO.
I think there are two things going on here…

One is the internet phenomena in general. People are rude when they don’t have to look someone in the face.

Second is hunting in general. There is a lot of “gate keeping” in the hunting community. It’s a limited resource that we all compete for, so people either intentionally or unintentionally dissuade others from enjoying said resource. Some do that by being a-holes to newbies.

That’s not excusing either, and I’m frankly glad you are calling it out bluntly. But identifying the cause can help people (myself included) recognize when they are posting out of character.
I think it is important to offer what you have knowledge. Not the perspective that you have the only answer and everyone should follow you. Egos - a nasty driving force.
I state my opinion and move along. I dont give anyone a reason to argue by challenging them directly . If you start off quoting someones post by using the words “ I disagree “ or ” you don't know what your talking about” then your begging for an argument. I dont respond when someone does that to me. I dont need to be right with someone on the internet I dont even know. I am on several forums and use them to trade info and see what other outdoorsman are doing. I’m not looking for street cred on these forums. Its a shame grown people dont know how to act or communicate without getting nasty. Some need to be reminded occasionally.
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We all are or should be grownups here. As such should be able to take some crap without getting hurt feelings or triggered. But there is a line where it seems personal and we shouldn't depend on the mods to point it out. That said I'm sure I've been maybe possibly slightly guilty. Allegedly. In a rash moment.o_O
A good way to post is with the intention of leaving your advice on the table for others to consider. Having the expectation for others to digest it without question doesn’t help anything.

Debating is learning, take it as such. Often someone comments with an opinion or experience that doesn’t follow what everyone else said. Take pause and find out why because it’s usually posted as honest helpful advice not to contradict someone however it’s easy to take it wrong which becomes an argument.

Something I would like to add to this is trolling, as in trolling subjects. Doing this to be helpful and in a positive manner is great but not when you’re just looking for an opportunity to complain or cut something down.
I frequent a few different forums for hunting and other hobbies and by far the most moderated forum is RS. My belief it’s due to the members being more sensitive than other forum’s members. I say this due to seeing how some RS members act on other hunting forums. For lack of a better word I find it ironic as to the image RS tries to portray 😄.

“We’re going to run our floor less tent and go ultralight light way back there but OMG you hurt my feelings with your post. REPORTED.

Of course all my opinion from browsing different types of forums since 1999…
This goes with a question I can’t figure out, is the internet one of the best things or worse things ever invented. I think its both
Copy that chief. I'm as guilty as anybody. Mostly when new people are too lazy to search, or people start burning spots.

I'll shape up. 😬