Space is a HUGE issue with any vehicle consideration.
I own a 2 door Jeep Rubicon.
I consider it a one person vehicle.
Yes it has seat belts for four people, but no gear.
The rear of my Jeep is full of tire chains, high boy jack, jumper cables, tow straps, spare winch line, ect. (You know, safety and recovery gear.)
The rear seat is usually piled high with my gear.
Spare clothes, guns, optics, maps, ect.
The passenger seat is usually home to snacks, binoculars, and such.
On the occasion that I have a friend along, the Jeep gets
beyond full pretty quick.
The new JK Unlimited versions (4 door) have more interior room, and might be more of what you are looking for.
My opinion as a Jeep owner is that Jeeps are not for everyone.
I would never buy Jeep as a daily driver to get to work and visit the grocery store.
I spend a lot of time in areas where ATV, OHV, ORV type vehicles are not allowed. The very best way to get around is an extremely versatile automobile.
That is why I own a Jeep.
I also spend a lot of time on winter range photographing big game.
I don't want to be out in 15 degree weather all day in a side by side.
Personally, I would not buy a Jeep Wrangler that did not have locking differentials and sway bar disconnect.
A winch, 4 inch lift, and 35 inch tires are also requirements for me.
Being stranded in the middle of nowhere on a freezing winter night is not my idea of fun.
A Jeep may not be for you.
I have to second hflier on his recommendation.
I also own a Toyota Sequoia. (same engine and drive train as the Tundra. SUV version)
It has differential locks, is a very capable truck, and has a much nicer ride than my Jeep.
It has much more space and I have slept in it many times along side my gear.
But, it is not a Jeep. It is limited in where it will go.
I have been stuck for hours in the Toyota. The Jeep will go where ever I ask it to whenever I ask it to.
That is why you buy a Jeep.
If you want a lot of gear space and sleeping room, the Jeep wont be for you.
This is why you buy a Jeep.
If you want to own a Jeep, and are looking for a place to sleep.....