Is the Expen$$$ive Turkey ammo worth it?

Quite a few replies already address the important point, and the answer is you can kill a turkey with steel #2s.

If, as a new turkey hunter you’re interested in learning a little about the why behind shotgun rounds here are a couple things I’ve learned over the years.

Turkey shot is generally sized in 4,5, or 6 in a lead turkey load.

Steel shot generally needs to be 2 sizes larger to be effective. So think 2, 3, or 4 in a comparable steel load.

Steel is lighter (less density) than lead, so you’re going to lose a little bit of range. Things like proper choke tube selection and or a higher velocity shell can compensate for some of what you might lose with a steel shot shell.

If you spend a little more money for a TSS round, you’re going to be able to utilize a smaller shot size than 4, 5, or 6 which means you will have more pellets going down range towards your turkey. This can be beneficial for several reasons like taking shots in dense vegetation or getting a better shot pattern because there are more pellets in the pattern. Because TSS is denser than lead, the shot will tend to carry more energy down range and increase your effective range.

There are a couple other things to consider when choosing a turkey round, but I think those are the big ones.

For me, I prefer Hevi Shot magnum blend (tungsten) because it patterns well in my gun and I get the advantages mentioned earlier.

Good luck with your Turkey season!
TSS is very effective but as others stated it depends on what range you plan to shoot turkeys and what choke and shot you use that best patterns out of your gun. For other options that hit hard and more affordable, Boss shot shells have a bismuth round that hits very hard if you are looking for better pricing and 45 and under shots. They also have cheaper than some other brands for tss rounds. Good luck this spring!
How do you intend to pattern those loads?!?!

It's a giant waddling buzzard with a cool beard. I have never intentionally tried to hunt a turkey, but if I did, the appeal would be calling it into my lap, not smoking it at 80 yards.
There you go! I`d never characterize a wild turkey as " a giant waddling buzzard with a cool beard ", but you`re dead on target concerning calling them in . I agree that TSS has revolutionized turkey hunting, particularly with the sub-gauges, but the real sport is enticing him in to 25-35 yards, not, IMHO, sniping him at 60+ yards. What doesn`t get talked about very much are the cripples at those extreme ranges. If I can`t get him inside of 40 yards, he`ll be roosting with the hens that night.
TSS is pretty unbelievable. Once I started using it, I couldn’t believe how devastating. To the point, that if I were to just buy a Turkey gun, it would definitely be a 20 gauge shooting TSS #9’s.

I WAS a skeptic
I have never hunted turkey with a shotgun before. Where I live, my only semi-realistic chance to hunt turkey will be at a wildlife Management Area that only allows non-toxic shot size 2 or smaller.

I was in Bass Pro yesterday, and I saw they had only one particular type of 12 gauge non lead ammo specifically advertised for turkeys…..and it was $79.99 for a box of 5.

that is not a typo, $80 for five shells.

i can get size 2 (or smaller) steel shot for about a Buck a shell, vs $18 per shell for the tungsten stuff.

is the TSS stuff worth a 1,800% markup over steel shot?
Whenever i go hunting one of my goals is to kill the animal in the most effective way possible and honestly tungsten does that. It holds such a tight pattern and I have almost cut turkeys heads off at 30 yards before. I think it is definitely worth it. In my opinion i can save money in other areas, not buy this call or whatever but i would not skimp on shells. I personally wont shoot a turkey over 50 yards. It takes some of the fun out of it for me and i like to hear them drum so usually they’re about 25 yards. All that being said I still use TSS. I sight in my gun with cheap high brass dove loads and then use a regular lead turkey shell the same size i am going to use in TSS. Then i will buy the box of 5 TSS use one or two to finalize my pattern and sight in then there are three left for the rest of the season. That’s three gobblers which is most states limit. $80 for a whole season doesn’t seem that much to me based off the efficency at which these things kill. If you’re looking for a tried and true recommendation. I use APEX ammunition TSS #9 you can get a box of those shells for $60 for 5.
I have never hunted turkey with a shotgun before. Where I live, my only semi-realistic chance to hunt turkey will be at a wildlife Management Area that only allows non-toxic shot size 2 or smaller.

I was in Bass Pro yesterday, and I saw they had only one particular type of 12 gauge non lead ammo specifically advertised for turkeys…..and it was $79.99 for a box of 5.

that is not a typo, $80 for five shells.

i can get size 2 (or smaller) steel shot for about a Buck a shell, vs $18 per shell for the tungsten stuff.

is the TSS stuff worth a 1,800% markup over steel shot?
Since you stated you don't have much choice, I'd probably go TSS #9's.

Now, to answer your question!
I'm not required to use non-toxic shot, so avoid the high $ dollar stuff like the plague. I DID, out of desperation, purchase some .410 ammo that was TSS! Yeppers, that was $6/shell!

I have always shot #8's for turkeys. I recently had to give up my Rem 870 twelve gauge. Now I'm shooting a Rem "Sportsman" 16 gauge, but I still shoot plain Jane old #8's.
Call 'em in tight, shoot 'em in the head or neck.
I never hunt public land, so if I can't get 'im in tight enough, let 'im walk.
He'll probably be hanging around the next time you go hunting!

Several years ago, shotgun editor Phil Bourjaily (F&S), wrote an article in which he touted killing a turkey 🦃 at over 60 yards with some fancy, 3.5" magnum, turkey specific ammo with lead shot.
He defended his actions by stating he had tested his gun/load extensively* at that range!

By publishing this story, I wonder just how many not so dedicated "sportsmen" have shot at birds beyond 40 (+/-) yards to leave birds wounded or unrecovered!

* - due to the cost of the stuff, not too many hunters have the budget to burn up "extensive" amounts of ammo!
Here's a novel idea! Make your own!20200326_122202.jpg
This is just a few that I've made.
Made from the radii, ulna and humerus of a turkey's wing. Pretty easy and a lot of fun to make.
Everything I've read, the "wing bone yelper" is the loudest call.

Most importantly, you gotta kill a turkey to make one!
I’ve killed at least 15 birds with steel 2’s. Keep them under 50 yards. I used to spot/stalk and jump shoot them when I was out duck hunting. I don’t remember shooting at one within a reasonable distance that got away. I’ve used TSS on 3 birds just last year and they all died. Never shot at one past 42 paces with it.
tss is just expensive. $55+ per pound of shot. That’s about $3.50 per 1 oz. It is amazing stuff, shoots same as 2 sizes larger lead, so about the same as 4 sizes larger steel. Because of that you can either use less or get more pellets.
I have not used it on turkey yet, but will this year. I have used it for years on pheasants. 9-9.5’s kill them quite well, but I like 7.5 to really break bones. 9’s just go right through and leave a really small hole. I assume this should work well for head shots on a turkey. 9’s are 365/oz Vs steel 4’s at 189/oz. Almost twice as many pellets with TSS.
I forgot about this Jake. He was under 15 yards. That’s with low base 20 gauge steel 6’s. I didn’t want to waste a $1 lead turkey load on a Jake. Never heard of TSS back then
Here's a novel idea! Make your own!
This is just a few that I've made.
Made from the radii, ulna and humerus of a turkey's wing. Pretty easy and a lot of fun to make.
Everything I've read, the "wing bone yelper" is the loudest call.

Most importantly, you gotta kill a turkey to make one!
Figured I share one of mine I made too!

If you want to kill any Turkey that comes in 0-80+yds TSS would be the way to go. If you are a guy that won't shoot passed 35yds or so... any shot material will work including steel....It is a fricken Turkey not a Rhino.

Yeah Yeah Yeah...TSS is higher density, penetrates better, and can have a bazillion pellets...but a well patterned gun with Steel or standard Lead will kill them just as dead at the average distance a Turkey is shot at.
My longest shot to date was probably 200+ yards! (.22 Hornet)
Shotgun was probably right at 40 yards. Plain Jane old #8's.
I'm an old tightwad. No way I'm spending big money on turkey specific ammo when I can kill birds just as dead with 2.75" ammo with #8's.

If you have the money and want to shoot the expensive stuff? Go for it!
If I don't kill a turkey 🦃 today, I can hunt again tomorrow!