Non-toxic pheasant whacking experience

Was just ordering 2 boxes of Hevi Bismuth for an old 20ga. double.
Got to checkout and after shipping/taxes was $117.00 !!!!!
I'm bout to order a MEC instead.
I'll buy myself a nice Pheasant dinner before I would pay that. I can't find any real reason non-toxic shells are so expensive. Steel's been around since the 70's and rest for awhile, what gives? That said my good friend dropped shot size for Sandhills, his theory is the smaller shot gets through the feathers better. Better penetration than large shot?
I'll buy myself a nice Pheasant dinner before I would pay that. I can't find any real reason non-toxic shells are so expensive. Steel's been around since the 70's and rest for awhile, what gives? That said my good friend dropped shot size for Sandhills, his theory is the smaller shot gets through the feathers better. Better penetration than large shot?
With steel nontoxic I agree. It just should be cheaper considering the input costs. The only real explanations are the cost of small (by comparison to target ammo) manufacturing runs and high profit margins. For bismuth and TSS the spot price of the metals means those shells are never going to be cheap.