TSS Choke vs Reg Choke?

Do you have bad experience that leads you to want 300 pellets in 10”? The typical advice I have heard since forever is that a good turkey pattern requires 100 pellets in 10”. Or is it very shot size dependent, ie the 9’s need a lot more hits? Or are you just looking for 100/10” at 70 yards, not 40?

Ive been shooting win XR HD ammo in 6’s for decades. They advertised this stuff as “10% denser than lead”, but never called it tungsten. They stopped making it, and I only have 3-4 shells left. But every turkey I ever shot with it died “quite” well, often at ranges where I was getting only a bit more than 100 pellets in a 10” circle. Same with lead 6’s when I was using that. So curious on why you want 3x the pattern density as I would have said was standard to define a killing pattern?
100 is the stated minimum and not size dependent that I’ve ever heard. I want the tightest pattern I can get to shoot out to 50 or 60 yards, easily.

I hear folks all the time say, I never shoot turkeys past 25 yards. That’s great. They’re wasting money shooting TSS. Doesn’t make any sense to me, but hey, it’s their money. Lol
Damn. This is the stuff I like & geek out about.

I think I just need to pattern this stuff & try out some different options & choked.

My wife is going to hate me. 😆
Loading it yourself is the way to go, if you’re really interested in doing that. Also, a shot trap saves some money, as well.
100 is the stated minimum and not size dependent that I’ve ever heard. I want the tightest pattern I can get to shoot out to 50 or 60 yards, easily.

I hear folks all the time say, I never shoot turkeys past 25 yards. That’s great. They’re wasting money shooting TSS. Doesn’t make any sense to me, but hey, it’s their money. Lol
100% you are wasting money on tss if you only want 25 or 35 yard performance. 40-45 yards is easy with lead in a 12ga, a regular 20 perhaps 35 without much effort. Tss is only relevant past 40 yards, or for subgauges. Thats not really where I was going though.

I always understood and used the 100 pellets in 10” circle to be a measure of maximum range, ie the range you can consistently do that is the maximum range of your gun/load. Obviously if you want 60 yard performance youre going to need a lot more than 100/10” at 40 yards. My question is if you’ve ever found that 100 hits in 10” circle lacking at that range on a turkey. I definitely have not, just curious if you have.

The downside of having an ultra-tight pattern is having +\- a rifle at closer range—a rds or rifle sights can help mitigate that, but having a forgiving pattern is clearly helpful at close range if you dont need 50-60yd performance…and those folks are also probably good candidates for using lead shot. Ive definitely seen a few turkeys missed at 10-15 yards, buddies were NOT psyched! 😁
100% you are wasting money on tss if you only want 25 or 35 yard performance. 40-45 yards is easy with lead in a 12ga, a regular 20 perhaps 35 without much effort. Tss is only relevant past 40 yards, or for subgauges. Thats not really where I was going though.

I always understood and used the 100 pellets in 10” circle to be a measure of maximum range, ie the range you can consistently do that is the maximum range of your gun/load. Obviously if you want 60 yard performance youre going to need a lot more than 100/10” at 40 yards. My question is if you’ve ever found that 100 hits in 10” circle lacking at that range on a turkey. I definitely have not, just curious if you have.

The downside of having an ultra-tight pattern is having +\- a rifle at closer range—a rds or rifle sights can help mitigate that, but having a forgiving pattern is clearly helpful at close range if you dont need 50-60yd performance…and those folks are also probably good candidates for using lead shot. Ive definitely seen a few turkeys missed at 10-15 yards, buddies were NOT psyched! 😁
I haven’t shot one at the range my pattern drops to 100 pellets, so I can’t speak to that. 50 yards is my self imposed limit. Much past that and I get alot of pellets in the meat. TSS is rough on teeth, so I try not to do that. Lol. Personally, I’ve never missed because a bird was too close. 4 steps is as close as I’ve killed one, though.
A TSS specific choke vs a regular choke is simply marketing. There’s no difference, pick the constriction you want and don’t worry if “TSS” is stamped on it. TSS isn’t picky so no need to overspend.
100% you are wasting money on tss if you only want 25 or 35 yard performance. 40-45 yards is easy with lead in a 12ga, a regular 20 perhaps 35 without much effort. Tss is only relevant past 40 yards, or for subgauges. Thats not really where I was going though.

I always understood and used the 100 pellets in 10” circle to be a measure of maximum range, ie the range you can consistently do that is the maximum range of your gun/load. Obviously if you want 60 yard performance youre going to need a lot more than 100/10” at 40 yards. My question is if you’ve ever found that 100 hits in 10” circle lacking at that range on a turkey. I definitely have not, just curious if you have.

The downside of having an ultra-tight pattern is having +\- a rifle at closer range—a rds or rifle sights can help mitigate that, but having a forgiving pattern is clearly helpful at close range if you dont need 50-60yd performance…and those folks are also probably good candidates for using lead shot. Ive definitely seen a few turkeys missed at 10-15 yards, buddies were NOT psyched! 😁
Very true, waste money on $15 a piece loads and only kill birds out to 20 yards haha
When I shot my 12's with TSS #9 shot, the factory knurled full choke did very well. No need to spend the $$ on a new choke.
I like a spread, yeah, I know the latest fashion is, "How many pellets can I put in a softball at X yards." I've done this too long to be in that category. That head can bob at the wrong moment, a limb could be in the way, etc. You don't need holes in your pattern, but you need some spread. I've killed them with a sawed off shotgun at a few steps, modified chokes and full chokes, I haven't seen the need for more than that in 50+ years of hunting them. I don't shoot at the head anyway. Inside of 30 yards, I'm aiming where the feathers meet the neck, over 30, I may aim a little above the butt of the wing. I've missed my share over the years, but I've brought more in than most. I learned from an old turkey hunter, not some youtube, tv show, showoff trying to market crap.

FYI, it doesn't take 100 pellets in the head to kill a turkey.