Is the Expen$$$ive Turkey ammo worth it?

Absolutely NOT!

Just because there are a lot of fools nowadays (you know what they say about a fool and his money) does not mean you need to pay $80 for shells to hunt turkeys.

Case in point. The turkey i shot last year was shot with my grandfathers 60 yo 16 gauge with shells i found in my Dads ammo box. Those shells are probably 20 years old that he bought at Walmart. The Turkey i shot before that was with a 20 gauge with small game shells that were $10 for 25.

They are just turkeys, so basically an afterthought. Something to hunt when you’re not hunting something else and you can kill then with ANY shotgun with ANY shell. Anyone who tells you any different is one of them fools i mentioned.
TSS is well worth the money to me because I've gone to a .410 for all of my turkey hunting. I shoot the 9.5's and killed a bird at 58 steps last year with it. I don't like shooting them that far and didn't know it was that far, but he picked me out and it was a now or never situation. The other bird I killed last year was at 15 yds and he didn't even flop afterwards. Man I love turkey hunting.
I love the TSS, I'm a "run and gun" turkey hunter. Used my nice semi auto Beretta 12ga for years. I bought a cheap single shot 16" 20ga, a Charles Daly for under 100 bucks. Put a flip flop pad, spray paint, sling and red dot on it and now have a 5.5lb shotgun that I have no problem getting out past 40 with TSS. I wish I would have went with a .410 now that I know how effective it is.
I started using it because California is non-lead but after using it I think TSS is well worth the money.


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I have killed plenty of geese at 40 plus yards with 2 shot steel if i was to hunt turkeys i would shoot that. I guess if your worried about them flying away run it to the plug and make sure they are down
You don't have to have it but you may need it. After all the time and effort to get a turkey in range, a $15 shell ain't squat. If you miss or worse, wound a bird, you will regret it.
I say no way on steel shot for turkey. If I didn't want to buy TSS, I would go with Hevi-shot or Bismuth.
Pattern density is the issue. I’ve patterned #2 steel at 50. It’s way past unacceptable. I’d bet good money on an unrecovered crippled bird 50% of the time if not more.

There’s an easy solution to that problem. . . Don’t shoot at birds half a football field away.

It wasn’t all that long ago that shooting at turkeys past 35 yards wasn’t even a consideration, and it’s still not to a lot of serious turkeys hunters. Call him in to your lap, it’s more fun. Plus side is anything that’s legal will be just fine.

It’s ok if the turkey wins.

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There’s an easy solution to that problem. . . Don’t shoot at birds half a football field away.

It wasn’t all that long ago that shooting at turkeys past 35 yards wasn’t even a consideration, and it’s still not to a lot of serious turkeys hunters. Call him in to your lap, it’s more fun. Plus side is anything that’s legal will be just fine.

It’s ok if the turkey wins.

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I agree you do not need to hunt turkeys at rifles ranges. In my experience, steel is an acceptable 25-30yard round for turkeys. On pressured public birds, I have found I severely limit myself if I cannot kill them at 40 though. In my opinion, the only way to get to that range ethically with non-tox shot is bismuth or tungsten.
Herter's at BP or Cabela's is a solid "budget" TSS load.

No way I am shooting steel for turkey, maybe Bismuth bit it still is not even as lethal as lead!

Hevi shot still has mag blend it is not cheap either!
Thanks, I went through online and found Herters TSS was a lot cheaper so I’ll give it a try
Definitely go TSS. It may be expensive but it is that much better. I like Apex and Federal TSS. Both pattern well for me. I only get to take 1 or 2 shots at a turkey in a year. If that costs me $30 in ammo, it's still not even close to what I spend on arrows or duck and goose shells or rifle shells in a year. Well worth worth it to be that much more effective. With that being said, every turkey I've ever killed was inside 30 yards.
I’m in the call them right into your lap camp. I have zero desire to shoot them beyond 30 yards. I wouldn’t even hunt turkeys if if you couldn’t call them in. I’ve killed ALOT of waterfowl with steel 2’s. They will 100% kill a turkey just fine. I think the price of TSS is flat out silly. That being said TSS is crazy good and patterns amazing. And there is cheaper options but it’s still pretty ridiculous IMO. If I were super into sub guages I’d definitely be shooting it. My dad shoots a .410 and he shoots TSS
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20 dollar solution.

A whole hell of a lot of turkeys have been killed further than 30 yards with hevi-shot.

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I have been hunting with this brand for my entire turkey hunting career. I have never had any issues and have shot several turkeys around the 40 yard mark.
Absolutely every penny. The "best" is Nitro Company ammo .I have no idea how they keep the pressures in check but they do. I shoot 1 shot to be sure I'm still on target. 1 at a bird. That 30$ a year for the holy grail of ammo.
I’m using a Steven’s 410 and the tss lets me hit confidently at 40 yards. Its awesome.

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TSS throws an amazing pattern and I have yet to have a bird get away after 1 shot out of my 20 ga. However Winchester Longbeards are equally amazing. A complaint I have about #9 shot is stray tiny shot in the meat…
I have shot gobblers from 25 to 45 yards with Winchester Long Beard XR #5 shot 20 gauge and all have been 1 shot flop. I’d say it’s more about picking a good choke, I’m using a Kicks with a .570 constriction.
Get yourself a 20 ga Remington, Benelli or whatever, a nice reliable red dot scope, good TSS choke and TSS of your choice and don‘t look back. Let the haters hate.