Impressions about Sig Cross? Pros? Cons?


Nov 13, 2020
Pros and cons on a Sig Cross? I looked in the store at one and it seemed very lite, but the bolt wasn't moving like my Tikka and Sakos.
I wanted to pull the trigger on one until I handled it. The bolt was okay, but the deal breaker for me was the safety didn’t engage fully from safe to fire. It kept getting stuck. Not sure if that would work itself out with more repetition but wasn’t a fan of that. Also the butt stock on the one I handled didn’t fold very easily.
I am a tikka guy to the fullest and I feel the bolt on the cross is pretty good compared to most others. It's not tikka smooth but it's better than any savage I have tried. He'll I believe it's probably in the top 5 for rifles under 2k
I had a chance to play with one and shoot it a few weeks ago. It was very nice, but did not trip my trigger in the current offerings. If the 277 fury lives up to expectations or they expand that lineup to include either WSM cartridges or a long action I'll re-evaluate.
You guys really care that much about a "butter smooth" bolt? Run the damn gun and it isn't a problem.
It's more about spendy over $1k on a gun that doesn't have a smooth bolt. Tikka just set the bar extremely high for sun 1k. They make others feel like old milsurp junk.
Happy with mine in 6.5. Scary accurate. I’ve only hunted whitetails but I’ve had zero issues putting them down. I bought the gun for function, not looks. Everyone that has shot it was impressed. To each their own.
You guys really care that much about a "butter smooth" bolt? Run the damn gun and it isn't a problem.
Yelp, the cross I bought for my daughter might be the most effortless action I’ve used in a while. Well designed fast working action
I have a sig cross in .308. Shoots my hand loads very well. biggest complaint would be that it is a bit heavy for what it is. I don't think this would be my sheep hunting rifle.

The biggest pro I can think of is the adjustable length of pull and cheek riser. I can adjust down for my kids to shoot very easily. That paired with some reduced recoil hand loads makes for a very handy beginner rifle.
I picked one up a couple of years ago in .308 because I thought it was neat. It's dumb how well it shoots. I tried about 6 quality factory loads in it to get started and it liked them all. The Nosler 150 gr soft points were consistently grouping in under 3/4" and many times under a half inch at a hundred yards.
I put some match grade ammo into it and took it out to 750 yards a few weeks ago. Shooting a 10" target was almost boring at that range. I don't know what the hell I'll hunt with it, but it is fun to ring steel with.
You have a youtube channel right?
I do. I also should have said earlier that my Cross did NOT shoot right for a while. I had to figure out that the muzzle device was causing me issues.
I have not experienced the same issue with my 3 friends that bought one.