I'm gonna go ahead and apologize for a very poorly worded response to you and everyone else that added as well and to
@idahohikker, the 6th was my birthday and I had a few drinks and didn't word what I was trying to say well at all. I can totally see how I came across as lazy, which is not what I was trying to do or who I am, especially since I'm trying to get after a hard hunt in rough terrain. Completely my fault. I have read this thread at least twice and others, but when I read through the thread I didn't see much if any advice for June hunts, most advice seemed to go in May when there are fewer green-up areas but I can't go any earlier. I'm not out here just looking for a GPS coordinate or a rock to sit on, if I wanted my hand held through the whole hunt, I would book a closed fence hunt.
Let me try and reword what I'm saying, I'm looking to go bear hunting in 1st week of June. I can't go earlier. I've been looking into central Idaho around the Salmon river since I won't be able to bait or run hounds so will be doing spot and stalk and am planning on climbing to glassing spots and trying to stay out of grizzly country. So I'm looking at units like 19, 26, 20A, or 28. I know most of the advice here is to go earlier when there's less snow melted, but in June when more snow has melted would it be better to be chasing the melting snow line or looking at a more open country that late in the season? Also is there any good way to avoid running into hound hunters and bait stands besides hiking deeper? If those have been answered, I apologize, I missed them when I read through.