That ship has sailed. Literally decades now since AZ went to 90/10 and had challenges in court. Other states have since followed and now WYO is another of many. Precedent has been set and likely nothing to stop a 90/10 allocation if a state chooses to do so.
I don’t think his problem is with the 90/10. I think it is with the fact that of the 10%, there seems to be a growing number being dedicated to those using outfitters. I think his problem is this, that the overall trend is headed in the wrong direction and the apathy that many have about people being priced out of diy hunting. When I was growing up it seemed the sentiment was that sportsman never wanted hunting and fishing to become a rich man’s game. Now the common sentiment seems to be ‘put up or shut up’. Some people either don’t see the eventuality of that mindset or don’t care (or they know there is little to nothing that can be done about it).
The outfitter bias out west is absolutely ridiculous. It’s like coastal states telling NR you can come to the beach, but you can’t fish without hiring a guide. I live in probably the most common fishing destination in the country and I would never back something like that. You want to come fish, buy your license and bring a rod. If you need help, plenty of guides who will take your money.
I know it isn’t apples to apples, fishing is different, much more plentiful and accessible of a resource etc… but I think you can understand. This is supposed to be our land and water. The idea of someone telling you that you can’t do this without paying through the nose for someone to hold your hand, is pretty freaking lame. I am not complaining or whining, I get it, it’s the world we live in, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t lame.
I understand money makes the world go round and NR that use outfitters pump more money into the local economy and that diy NR are an easy scape goat for outfitters and grumpy locals alike. I get it and I understand supply and demand. It’s easy for me to fall into the same thought pattern about NR coming to hunt Osceola turkeys in S FL. The attention put on them in the last few years is insane. Many of the places I grew up hunting them, I may never be able to again nor my kids.
People would probably be surprised that there are places in Florida where it takes over a decade to draw a whitetail hunt. Let that sink in. I can draw the best place in the country, in Iowa, twice, before I can draw particular FL deer hunts on public land. This isn’t due to NRs, it’s due to a lack of opportunity. Once you get rid of the NR ‘problem’, residents are next on the chopping block for reduced opportunity. That is a fact.
These issues aren’t new, overcrowding, habitat loss and destruction, restricting and losing access, large predators unchecked due to bogus ESA status. We have been dealing with this stuff for generations in FL at a rate that would make your head spin. I am a 3rd generation South Floridian and my family has watched this place get decimated in the last 60+ years. I know S FL has some unique problems that do not translate to the West, but I believe it has given us an accelerated view of where this path leads.
I feel for you guys out west I really do. Most of you will never see it but your children's children will. Things will continue to degrade as will the opportunities. Think about what the last 40 years have been like and now look ahead to the next 40 and accelerate that trajectory by 2-4x. That is your reality when it comes to opportunity, access and issues facing the lifestyle that you love. So if the future you see is a good one for hunters and outdoorsman as whole, then disregard what I am saying. But if you see the writing on the wall that there is a lot of work that needs to be done to shift the momentum, then the name calling, finger pointing and sticking our tongues out at each other over our home address, might not be the best way forward. That’s just coming from someone who loves the outdoors and wild places as much as you do, that has seen his local wild places become desolate and wildlife become nearly non-existent.
We should be building bridges, not walls.
Anyways, there is my 10 minute contribution to this dumpster fire.