I propose the “Fair opportunity in America’s Outdoors Act”

Go ahead and continue down this line of reasoning until you can convince yourself your position isn't ridiculous.

It's the American way!

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Your right, the American way is becoming more of a hand out welfare setup, let the government take care of us all. If you don’t think public lands are public welfare ok, we can disagree but it’s no different then any other handout and the states with the most public land would go bankrupt if they had to manage that welfare.

Sure hope your not against welfare for others that doesn’t directly effect you and that you don’t ever vote red.
Your right, the American way is becoming more of a hand out welfare setup. If you don’t think public lands are public welfare ok, we can disagree but it’s no different then any other handout and the states with the most public land would go bankrupt if they had to manage that welfare.
The point is that every state accepts federal welfare. You are trying to weaponize this against western states because you don't like the way they allocate tags.

Your position is absurd on its face. Get your own house in order before you criticize others.

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The point is that every state accepts federal welfare. You are trying to weaponize this against western states because you don't like the way they allocate tags.

Your position is absurd on its face. Get your own house in order before you criticize others.

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Haha, if you think KS is my house that’s hilarious, your in my house, lol and I get otc tags there. Doesn’t mean I won’t stand up for the NR and doesn’t mean I think public lands necessarily should be federally owned, many in western states agree.
Let's get some memes in here and get this baby shut down already.
Couldn't agree more. I've been trying to think of something that would work in a meme, but I'm having a hard enough time following the tangential arguments. I'm just too old I guess. Maybe the BOAL OP lives in Ohio?
Haha, if you think KS is my house that’s hilarious, your in my house, lol and I get otc tags there. Doesn’t mean I won’t stand up for the NR and doesn’t mean I think public lands necessarily should be federally owned, many in western states agree.
Lol... it does not matter what state you decide to call home. There are basically no states in the union that meet your standards. Even the states that are tax positive right now have not always been that way, nor will they always continue to be.

That's why your position is absurd. You can try to make yourself feel better by only getting upset about the specific statistics that make you feel better (this state takes xx dollars, my state only takes yy dollars!) but you aren't fooling anyone.

You can also feel free to advocate against public land. The congressmen from Utah will sure appreciate your support as they attempt to privatize them. Everyone else who actually cares about the outdoors will fight against you.

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Let's get some memes in here and get this baby shut down already.
Ive always found it highly annoying when someone tries to get a thread discussion shut down. You dont have to read it. Go read another thread if you dont like this one.
Lol... it does not matter what state you decide to call home. There are basically no states in the union that meet your standards. Even the states that are tax positive right now have not always been that way, nor will they always continue to be.

That's why your position is absurd. You can try to make yourself feel better by only getting upset about the specific statistics that make you feel better (this state takes xx dollars, my state only takes yy dollars!) but you aren't fooling anyone.

You can also feel free to advocate against public land. The congressmen from Utah will sure appreciate your support as they attempt to privatize them. Everyone else who actually cares about the outdoors will fight against you.

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Exactly just goes to show how much each state relies on nonresidents.
Ha! that’s because there isnot as much demand for people to come to ******* Florida to chase all your white tails around as there is wanting to come hunt the limited amounts of deer, elk and antelope out west. How can you not get that through ya skull.

This whole argument is about trophies. It's all about trophy hunting and people wanting to be all alone up there on some mountain, same as in a You Tube video. There are a bunch of residents getting pissy cause there are few trophy animals left.

Instead of looking to see how F&G can fix things - reduce doe tags, antler restrictions to stop all those young 2x2s from getting shot, improve migration corridors, etc. The new goal is to remove NR hunters, many who have been loyal to WY for 20+ years.

As a hunter of 40+ seasons with over 20 years as a hunter advocate, there is no other group of people who are so whiney and me-me-me as hunters. It's not an out-west thing, it is completely universal.

I just got a call about having an annual meeting at a NWR we hunt down here. I'm one of the liasons - they want to call a meeting and listen to the hunters piss and moan about this or that. The hunters want stuff but are are never willing to concede anything, and if anything ever changes, it is the end of the world.

This 90/10 thing for E/D/A is a case in point.
I’m sure when it was first suggested that wildlife should be managed by science for recreational opportunity rather than slaughtered for profit it was scoffed at.

Same with setting aside landscapes for conservation.

You can be apart of a conversation that might help all of our opportunities and access in the long run or you can make stupid memes. Your choice.
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I’m sure when it was first suggested that wildlife should be managed by science for recreational opportunity rather than slaughtered for profit it was scoffed at.

Same wish setting aside landscapes for conservation.

You can be apart of a conversation that might help all of our opportunities and access in the long run or you can make stupid memes. Your choice.
You let your thread drift so far off that they are arguing over federal funding of each state and selling off all public lands but this you have something to say about?

The only thing your thread has done is opened up the discussion of privatizing our public lands which is asinine and quite frankly dangerous.

If you want a discussion about tag allocations then keep it on track. I’m shocked this thread has even made it this far considering I’ve read welfare state over a dozen times now.
Didn’t read 14 pages but I do have a question. Who’s changed their opinion based on the 14 pages of back and forth?
We aren’t talking about tag allocations anymore…. Now it’s either we sell all of our public lands or if you chose to live in a state where you get to enjoy them you do not deserve those types of privileges and should pay for it.
Ive always found it highly annoying when someone tries to get a thread discussion shut down. You dont have to read it. Go read another thread if you dont like this one.
Fair point - I agree. My agreement with the prior post should have made clear that I want to get some memes on here to make it interesting.
You let your thread drift so far off that they are arguing over federal funding of each state and selling off all public lands but this you have something to say about?

The only thing your thread has done is opened up the discussion of privatizing our public lands which is asinine and quite frankly dangerous.

If you want a discussion about tag allocations then keep it on track. I’m shocked this thread has even made it this far considering I’ve read welfare state over a dozen times now.
I NEVER suggested divesting public lands, transferring them to states, or any such nonsense. Those are ideas are asinine.

The only suggestion I made is perhaps using federal dollars to incentivize states to offer a very small slice of the opportunity, keep those tag prices within reach of most Americans, and end onerous outfitting requirements and tag allocations.

I’m not a moderator, I have no control over who posts what in this thread or what those ideas are. Further I don’t have time to sit here all day and reply to each post.