“The best things in life are inaccessible to all but a select few..”
Each individual choose how their life is set up…. I have set up my life for decades- to scout for mule deer 25+ days a year in the best high country units in the nation - then hunt for another 30 if needed. Gave up better jobs, a bigger house, nice car, and more money to do so.. If you have not made this lowest level of commitment to live where you hunt…. Time to call a spade a spade here or stop the woe is me bitchin as you do not deserve any more than 10% of tags…
I like to see the tags go to folks who will put in the work and 8 or 9 times out of 10 it is a resident putting in the work as they have life prioritized, made the commitment, and have the sand to do so. Or the guys consistently killing the biggest bucks in eagle or gunny live there. Same w region G. Put up or shut up = real simple actually
Seems most nr I talk to feel cpw “ows” them a 180” buck or a 350” bull dropped whole in their truck.. Or want pm info about where to start as “I don’t have time to scout”… Well if you don’t have the time to scout you just want a handout as most nr seem to want. Then the same guy shoots a forkie and complains about trophy quality

With that said your proposal sounds good to me or about time we see 90/10 here in Colorado…..
Do you do this all on your own land?
While I agree it might be time to limit NR tags I also agree it’s time to look back at selling off 80% of public lands and look at keeping only the most utilized places that are multi use.
All the residents talk about the state owning wildlife and then get all butt hurt at the concept of selling off public lands, I think it’s great many made a choice to sacrifice for hunting and all, as long as they have free land to do it on, the land welfare concept.
I am one of the few folks that turn down 190” private land buck hunts or 350” bulls on the same private land. Not small chunks either 5k ac here, 6k in another unit, and 20k in another spot.. Or I can hunt huge tracts of private land so I guess I am missing your point…
Not a nr so I guess why do a canned hunt for nothing but antlers, internet, and ego

.. Nothin more ugly to me than a buck whole in the back of a truck…. Or it seems this is a niche currently best filled by the great white non resident hunter most who have neither the commitment or sand to do it right but will be first to bitch their rights are getting trampled

No doubt I take more advantage of public lands than almost anyone posting in this thread - year round but again my choice. If it is a priority for anyone nothing but themselves preventing you from doing the same. I guess just easier to shed snowflake tears on the inet.. Or some of you just stop w the woe is me victim mentality.
I am sure the cities, midwest, east, and south is just as nice as living here at 9k ft in Colorado. Or if it is not put up or shut up and move as the constant academic nr bitchin is what it is.
That’s my 2 cents and it is worth far less than 2 cents so have fun hashin it out boys
