Except the feds were the ones who brought in these wolves and are the reason for the moose population collapse.
The same feds who won’t let us manage grizzlies who are over populated and contributing to the problem.
The same feds who pushed for all mountain goats to be killed in Teton park, even though one of the very best mountain goat hunting areas borders it.
Say what you want, but the state does not have control in some of these situations, they just handle what the feds screw up.
I’m a resident and am not crazy about the 90/10 as it really isn’t going to increase my draw odds much at all, but going to cut funding from the game and fish.
But as a resident I watch these animals all year….. do my best to kill as many predators as possible, dodge deer, elk, bighorn sheep standing on the road, attend G&F meetings, plow snow, watch people struggling with depression from the long cold windy winter, try and help out the local warden, and the list goes on and on in these small Wyoming communities. You think I deserve a better chance of drawing a tag then a guy that rolls into town and is gone in a week?
But this public land belongs to everyone, I encourage everyone to visit the far extends of these beautiful mountains. Nobody is stopping you from that.
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