How bad do you think its going to get?

This thread has me convinced I need to stockpile some 30-year shelf life mountain house meals for the fam. What kind of sale should I hold out for? Think I can get 30% off around black Friday? If I plan to eat 5 per year, minimum, I might as well buy 150 bags, right?
This thread has me convinced I need to stockpile some 30-year shelf life mountain house meals for the fam. What kind of sale should I hold out for? Think I can get 30% off around black Friday? If I plan to eat 5 per year, minimum, I might as well buy 150 bags, right?
I keep 350 or so for me.
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Glad I don't live in a city or urban area. Not worried, Just don't care for that living on top of each other. But if Sh-T ever hits the fan, good luck if your in that mess. Unfortunatley just look at what happens during hurricanes tornadoes etc. Looting and crime are usually rampant within hours. It a bummer America has come to that for sure. I do get a kick out of watching crooks carrying hugh TV's when they don't have a house to take it to.
Personally, I think the bubble is gonna burst sooner or have 1/2 the country woke and 1/2 the country unwoke...really maybe 60-40% or so and that alone is a conflict brewing. I have traveled via vehicle thru the kansas bordering states at least once a month this year. Usually take state highways and take my time...the difference in people between urban and rural areas is glaring..

stay healthy & fit and constantly improve your skills....

I am looking to move to a more conservative/rural area by end of 25...

Get prepared at home with water/food for at least 3 months and have the go bags packed and ready with at least 10 days of what you will need. This year there have been a few incidents where folks have had to run for it because of natural/manmade disasters in this country....and anyone can face a downturn economically so that stuff is good to have around anyway....
This is a very good representation of what is going on. I could not have said it better. Moving to Idaho was the best decision I have made. Really needed other conservatives and Godly folks around me. Not saying that every city does/doesn't have that but where I moved I feel at home.
With all of the stuff going on around the country right now with the Hurricane, The Longshoreman's Strike, Election, Iran/Israel issues.
How bad do you think things are going to get.
Wife is starting to worry about some of it. Even just daily items that we use every day.

I'm an outdoors type person so I'm not as concerned about food. But everything else could get pretty slim pickings.
I'm thinking back to the stupid Covid times when you couldn't buy toilet paper.
I believ God will give me what I need if anything happens. But, God instructs me to love my neighbor. Which means I fight to protect t them. We are all neighbors. So, I follow Gods rules on all things concerning their welfare. The human in me chooses sides though. That’s on me.
I think just unplugging an going about your day is what has gotten us where we are. my opinion. everyone has a right to theirs
If everyone had always just done that, we’d likely been better off as a human race for the last 2000 years or so. My opinion of course.
Look at everything this country has been through and become stronger. civil war, world wars, dust bowl, great depression, recessions, oil crisis, riots. We will be just fine.
Don’t try and be sensible when others prefer irrational fear. Now go stock up on your Mountain House.
There is a whole lot of people in NC that wish they had some freeze dried meals right now but the sensible folks know that will never happen again. Plus fema said today they are out of money to help.
Just be sensible.
You’re obviously missing the point, those people would be fine if they just “unplugged and went about their business”. 😂
There is a whole lot of people in NC that wish they had some freeze dried meals right now but the sensible folks know that will never happen again. Plus fema said today they are out of money to help.
Just be sensible.
I agree, be sensible. If it is sensible for you to stock up on Mountain House because you are worried about a once in a thousand years rainfall event where you live have at it. For me it is not.