Here it comes

The average American reads at a 6th grade level. That is why their messaging is in sound bites and repeated frequently. Liberals control our schools and our press. They control the flow of information. They determine what is taught and what isn't from an early age and they are working very hard at shutting down any dissent from their narrative. They have been working hard to create new generations of left wing loonies and those kids are now voting.

They know that gun control laws don't reduce violence. They don't care. Ultimately, it is about disarming the portion of America they want to disarm and it isn't the gangs or the criminals. It is the middle class guy that goes to work every day to take of his family and goes to church on Sundays. The guy with morals, values and standards is the guy they fear. If anybody stands up to them it will be that guy and they want to make sure they aren't armed when they do.

Former Russian Communist leader, Nikita Khrushchev once said, “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within.”

In a new recent poll, it was revealed that 70% of millennials (age 24-39) say they would vote for a socialist. The You Gov - Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation found in their poll that 50% of millennials (age 23-38) and 51% of Generation Z (age 16-22) have a somewhat or very unfavorable view of Capitalism.

It seems to me that we are destined to fail and the left is using "racism" and "inequality" to justify it. I have people in my family that are Catholic, hunt and own guns and they voted for Democrats. It makes absolutely no sense to me. They were told they couldn't vote for Trump on the nightly news and they did exactly what they were told.
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It literally hurts me... in the core of my being... that there exists such emotionally-led people devoid of logic and reason whose votes get to have any kind of say, and even equal weight as my own vote, in terms of deciding upon rules which will affect ME... especially when it comes to topics they literally know NOTHING about!
I agree with you. Like the estimated 7 percent of Americans that believe that Trump was sent by God to stop a satanic cabal led by the Clintons that deals in child sex trafficking. And then they vote in leaders that blame wildfires on Jewish space lasers. There is no reasoning with these people.
Ron Johnson is rated AQ by the NRA and is on the record as opposing expanded backround checks. if you add Blackburn and Rubio to the list, you get 5. Also, much more political pressure on Republicans for any legislation that is viewed as limiting or infringing on our stomach for that right now and especially not leading up to 2022. Rubio was in favor of background checks after the parkland shooting, but I think he was more playing politics. I don't think he actually supports them and with Florida currently being the beacon of liberty in the US, I don't see him risking re-election by voting yes to limiting our 2nd amendment rights.

We'll see, i'm just here to watch everyone wet the bed in fears this will pass the Senate.

It won't.

I am not saying it will pass, but I still can’t figure out how Biden got more votes than Obama. I don’t think enough people understand statistics and probabilities. That said, I think peoples points here in this thread are much deeper than this bill. The points are largely that the left wing minority will continue to eat away at our freedoms. Slowly so we don’t even feel it. The frog boiling example hit the nail on the head. I may or may not be affected, but maybe my kids will, or future grand kids.

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The points are largely that the left wing minority will continue to eat away at our freedoms. Slowly so we don’t even feel it. The frog boiling example hit the nail on the head.
The fact that so many of you still think that this is a Left vs Right thing is the reason that are freedoms have been eroded so severely.
I didn't read the entire bill but according to the article it involves background checks. That's a long way from the gestapo coming to get my guns. "THEY" have been coming for my guns my entire life according to the other gunowners I talk to. I still have all of mine and have never had a problem purchasing one. I do have a problem finding ammo to hunt with because apparently the world is ending and some folks want to bury it in their bunkers.
Well May 1 2020 “they” prohibited 1000s of models of firearms here in Canada including basically anything that resembles an Ar15

We had plenty of people that said the same thing as you. I can assure you “they” are coming for our guns, in fact they must be out of my possession by May 1 2022 now.

hope it doesn’t happen to you
Keep your guns handy, fellas...shits gonna get deep!
Serious question, what percent or number of gun owners do people generally believe will stand and fight? Of my gun owning friends, I'm guessing only 10 percent would, and that's only if there are a lot of other people visibly doing the same. I honestly think we're almost to the point of war, maybe ten years out.

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Serious question, what percent or number of gun owners do people generally believe will stand and fight? Of my gun owning friends, I'm guessing only 10 percent would, and that's only if there are a lot of other people visibly doing the same. I honestly think we're almost to the point of war, maybe ten years out.

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Americans would shocked at what 1% could do!
The to-go-box at one of our local pizza pubs. I wonder what kind of resistance to this non-sense we will see from Alaskans?

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Someone should really get this 1% put together. I mean if not now, when?

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You don’t think the Portland crap is by design? They are all just pressing the envelope Their handlers what them mowed down in the streets. Blood in the streets is exactly what the crazy left whats. They can then twist public perception, in turn world perception and they then get the terrorists association and any gun control they want.

hell the media made a crazy guy chasing after a cop with a knife for 100yards a victim.
You don’t think the Portland crap is by design? They are all just pressing the envelope Their handlers what them mowed down in the streets. Blood in the streets is exactly what the crazy left whats. They can then twist public perception, in turn world perception and they then get the terrorists association and any gun control they want.

hell the media made a crazy guy chasing after a cop with a knife for 100yards a victim.

That's exactly right and something I've mentioned on a number of threads in various forums.

If you look at the verbiage being used since Jan. 6, guns and certain groups are a "public health" crisis. That is one strategy they will use to push their agenda.

The other way is to make owning firearms so expensive that many people won't be able to afford to keep them if they want to "comply" with the law.....but that is predicated on a national registry. Although, if you buy a hunting license (rifle season) they can pretty much be certain you own a gun of some type.
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Keep your guns handy, fellas...shits gonna get deep!
The quote is shits going to get real. Shits getting deep mean it’s all nonsense and not real.
Serious question, what percent or number of gun owners do people generally believe will stand and fight? Of my gun owning friends, I'm guessing only 10 percent would, and that's only if there are a lot of other people visibly doing the same. I honestly think we're almost to the point of war, maybe ten years out.

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this is dumb. Nothing is at the point of war.