Wayne La Pierre Resigns

I am glad he's finally gone. The only reason I stayed in the NRA was that my range required it for insurance, I don't think they do anymore as they have a different way for insurance. I bought a five year member about four years ago if I can rememebr so they keep sending me the FINAL notice of renewing. Not renewing unless they get back to their roots and just causes. Sad to watch what happened to the organization.

you reminded me of an interesting point. My range requires an NRA membership too.

also, until it was struck down, I am pretty sure the NY law stated that you could only carry a handgun to and from the range and to and from an NRA sanctioned competition. Now NY is trying to sue them out of existence.
I guess if you hop in the "sewer" with the politicians and your 3 piece suit ,sooner or later your gonna smell like shit . Early on i think WLP was good for the NRA , not so much later .
My membership must have expired recently. The phone calls have ramped up considerably. Not sure I will re-up.
I was happy to belong but I told them when I joined that the only thing I wanted to see was my renewal notice. I got a couple years and then I got drowned in beg letters and other junk. I put up with it for a year and then dropped out.

I absolutely hate junkmail and begging emails. I'm very reluctant to give to anything because it usually triggers a rain of crap on me that is difficult to get stopped.

They (NRA) wanted to dissolve the org. Presumably so they could keep the money they had and spent (stole) and ride off into the sunset. Obviously the court wasn’t going to let them do that and glad they shut that down.
I was happy to belong but I told them when I joined that the only thing I wanted to see was my renewal notice. I got a couple years and then I got drowned in beg letters and other junk. I put up with it for a year and then dropped out.

I absolutely hate junkmail and begging emails. I'm very reluctant to give to anything because it usually triggers a rain of crap on me that is difficult to get stopped.


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His corruption trial is slated to kick off Monday in New York.


I have a lot of experience with complex litigation. It is likely that there are settlement discussions going on.

In this type of case, it would be very difficult to reach a settlement with Wayne still running the show.

I suspect the Board pushed him out so they can reach a settlement.

They (NRA) wanted to dissolve the org. Presumably so they could keep the money they had and spent (stole) and ride off into the sunset. Obviously the court wasn’t going to let them do that and glad they shut that down.
THIS ^^^^ is why WLP is now gone! **** He can't fight it when the truth gets thrown in his face next week. DEFINITELY not saying that Josh Powell did the right thing (in fact, I think he's pretty much a turncoat...) but when he spills the beans next week, WLP would not have been able to stand against what J. Powell will have to say....
My membership must have expired recently. The phone calls have ramped up considerably. Not sure I will re-up.
My membership is still in force until 2027 but I think I receive between 2 and 3 calls per DAY from "NRA" lately... suck it, NRA. (SAF, FPC are much better and leading the fight currently; NRA just attaches it's name to s**T and expects to be able to say "see, we helped too!" ... rrrrrrr
So now that it's clear that human nature ruins just about everything - what's next?
Well since the NRA will be restructured (and potentially neutered from having a legal side to fight for us) by this court I guess we have no choice but to continue with supporting the other org’s that have been currently fighting the fight. They killed their goose and what was the best org (at one time) we had. No sympathy for them but sad it got lost to greed.
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Well back in the day the NRA was about all we had to stand up for gun ownership. WLP was relentless in his efforts to fight for gun laws, I mean he didn't give an inch! I used to think sometimes he was too hardline but his mantra was Im not giving them an inch and he was right. But I think the DC funk overcame him and he caved for the $$.Who knows. Too bad, I hope they get their head outa there a$$ in time and get someone in there with the same mindset, but with high morals and character . We as gun owners need all the help we can get, because I promise you the left wants all our guns, and they are better organized, better funded and have no moral compass and ZREO common sense. Makes for a tough fight.
In the late 70s it was odd that the NRA decided to go from a non partisan organization to a republican one. Today 1/3 of gun owners are Democrat, yet the goal hasn’t been to unite all gun owners, but to make gun issues partisan for the benefit of republican politicians. How often is that statistic talked about? Never. Who has pushed this? Billionaire donors (Koch brothers, Harland Crow, etc) who don’t give two turds rolled into little balls about guns, they just want their guys elected to cut taxes for the top tax bracket.

We’ve managed to alienate entire generations of Democrat kids who love to shoot and hunt, who grow up hearing nothing other than gun owners hate democrats. These kids grow up and vote - if you tell someone you don’t like them for two decades, guess who they will vote for.

So, when you’re in line at the sporting goods store buying ammo telling democrat jokes, odds are one of the guys either in front or behind you is a democrat and automatically thinks you’re an ass.