Here it comes


President Trump did expose republicans and Democrats are nothing more than the opposite side of the same coin.
You’re right. No politician, no outsider like trump, no one we elect will save this country. Our civil rights and labor force will be whittled away little by little by both sides of the aisle. The only way to stop it is if democrats and republicans stand together and perform a general strike to stop paying these politicians. We stop their paychecks. We stop sending our money to Pakistan for “gender studies”. Unfortunately Americans these days couldn’t endure the hardships. Too many bills, too many mouths to feed, I can’t go without my iPhone for that long. Plus the media and politicians keep us so divided we would never unite as a country. Just like the guy above who said he didn’t read the entire bill but wanted to give his opinion because he’s a democrat and blindly supports whatever laws democrats pass because his daddy and his granddaddy before voted democrat.
"THEY" have been coming for my guns my entire life according to the other gunowners I talk to. I still have all of mine and have never had a problem purchasing one.

For now. If you are a "Gen X'er" or younger, you will see the inability to purchase a currently legally owned firearm of today. Their crown jewel will be the banning of all semi-auto firearms; pistols, rifles, and shotguns.

The whole point to all of this is slowly turning up the heat from cold water and before long, the frog is boiled.

Ever wonder why they have this deranged mental illness toward private ownership of firearms? What difference does it make if someone owns a certain firearm and keeps it stored in a gun safe?

Study the rise of the Third Reich and the USSR and you'll understand why people are alarmed by all of this...
Don’t be naive. The reason they don’t have your guns is guys like myself and millions of other gun owners fighting them at every turn.

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This needs to be heard by all that thinks this gun control push is ok, and I still have my guns so I’m not worried or concerned Crowd.

It completely baffles me that some gun owners have this attitude. Fix that and stop letting others fight for your rights and get into the fray!
Blackburn, Rubio, and my rep Ron Johnson would flip. Rubio has introduced legislation in the past and the other 2 have said UBCs and red flag laws are needed. I’m sure if money gets thrown around for certain states they might get their votes. Remember Obamacare and Nebraska? $$$$.

name me 10 republican Senators that would vote for this.

I'll give you 3, 4 at best...Collins, Romney, Toomey and MAYBE Murkowski

and i'd bet at a minumum Steve Daines (MT) is a no...if so that makes 11 republican votes needed.
Contact your Senator and let them know how you’ll be voting next go-round. It really does matter.
its blow my mind on how many people are just okay with mandatory registration and no private gun sales unless it goes to FFL... Ant the number of people that trust our politicians that blows my mind.. Is the National Guard and razor wire still protecting the Capital?
That’s the most dangerous thing. I already know the enemies on the left. They’re predictable.

It’s the hidden enemy, pretending to stand by my side that scares me. Do I trust them? Or will they put a bullet in my head as I look away?
Just in case you missed it the the Democratic socialist took over all positions of power in the Democratic Party here in Nevada. These are card carrying communist. The existing Nevada democratic staffers quit since the new officers are so radical. Here comes legislation possibly even more radical than we are seeing now.
The politicians pushing this...
...Some truly are just ignorant. They don't know better, are "just trying to help", but also don't seek out increasing their knowledge.
...Some know better but are scared to get out of their lane and push back... They're too comfortable.
...The scary ones, though, are doing this for power alone. They know it doesn't make a iota of difference to crime, but it's a necessary step in their path to furthering their broader agenda.
...Fighting what they bring up is of course necessary, but only a part of how we will be successful long term.

Have to also wonder about whether they aren't aware of, or just don't care about, the other laws preventing this overreach... For example Congress can regulate INTERSTATE and foreign commerce, without the same authority within state borders. Also, the requirement to register has been repeatedly struck down on several grounds, obviously 2A and also a lesser known reason that it goes against a person's 5th amendment right to not incriminate oneself... The act of registration being a self incrimination if legally permitted to possess... So literally all that could be legally required is for LEGAL OWNERS to register, not criminals.

So in addition to watching for, and fighting, these direct attacks on our rights, we must also watch for erosions in the these other arguments and protections that, once changed, make it much easier for them to take the direct steps.
Something to realize is it does NOT take 60 votes in the senate to pass a bill. Only takes a simple majority. It does take 60 votes to end a filibuster and force the actual vote. Unless the so called nuclear option is invoked to bypass a filibuster and force the vote. I think it would be naive to think democrats wouldn't start using that option, if needed, to force these, and future, bills through.

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Blackburn, Rubio, and my rep Ron Johnson would flip. Rubio has introduced legislation in the past and the other 2 have said UBCs and red flag laws are needed. I’m sure if money gets thrown around for certain states they might get their votes. Remember Obamacare and Nebraska? $$$$.
Ron Johnson is rated AQ by the NRA and is on the record as opposing expanded backround checks. if you add Blackburn and Rubio to the list, you get 5. Also, much more political pressure on Republicans for any legislation that is viewed as limiting or infringing on our stomach for that right now and especially not leading up to 2022. Rubio was in favor of background checks after the parkland shooting, but I think he was more playing politics. I don't think he actually supports them and with Florida currently being the beacon of liberty in the US, I don't see him risking re-election by voting yes to limiting our 2nd amendment rights.

We'll see, i'm just here to watch everyone wet the bed in fears this will pass the Senate.

It won't.
Ron Johnson is rated AQ by the NRA and is on the record as opposing expanded backround checks. if you add Blackburn and Rubio to the list, you get 5. Also, much more political pressure on Republicans for any legislation that is viewed as limiting or infringing on our stomach for that right now and especially not leading up to 2022. Rubio was in favor of background checks after the parkland shooting, but I think he was more playing politics. I don't think he actually supports them and with Florida currently being the beacon of liberty in the US, I don't see him risking re-election by voting yes to limiting our 2nd amendment rights.

We'll see, i'm just here to watch everyone wet the bed in fears this will pass the Senate.

It won't.
Just saving your post for posterity. See how it ages without any editing. ✌️
Ron Johnson is rated AQ by the NRA and is on the record as opposing expanded backround checks. if you add Blackburn and Rubio to the list, you get 5. Also, much more political pressure on Republicans for any legislation that is viewed as limiting or infringing on our stomach for that right now and especially not leading up to 2022. Rubio was in favor of background checks after the parkland shooting, but I think he was more playing politics. I don't think he actually supports them and with Florida currently being the beacon of liberty in the US, I don't see him risking re-election by voting yes to limiting our 2nd amendment rights.

We'll see, i'm just here to watch everyone wet the bed in fears this will pass the Senate.

It won't.
And Rubio has Trumps in his backyard eyeballing his seat.
I don't have much faith in politicians. I do think there are a lot of Americans that are getting fed up with all the bullshit but there are a lot that just don't care or want these things.

I seriously think that the majority of Americans are like "They may take away our lives, but they'll never take our fre...oh new Netflix special is on, gotta go."
Do I worry about it passing? Yes. Because the problem is numbers. There are vastly more numbers of emotionally-led "the sky is falling!" Karen types all throughout this country now. And these a-holes have gotten really good at inflaming them up and then capitalizing on framing things into Identity-politics social division tactics so that these idiots become useful with their virtue-signalling and white-knighting. Dumbing everything down into "'Dis Good.... Dis Bad" as opposed to saying hrmm, well let's look at the merits of each viewpoint and pass them thru the sieve of logic and reason with an eye toward the desired long-term results.

Also because of in-group vs out-group Tribalism. And since CA has successfully snowed a ton of these emotionally-led fools to allow a lot of these things to already be enacted... and those within this state are producing the majority of Media content... THIS becomes the social attitude that gets broadcast out as the socially accepted "norm". Especially content produced for 'tweeners now. OMG it's sickening how infected the writing is in that content. It's pathetic~! Their anti-bullying, safe-space, live-your-best-life crap that they spew now...Ugh. Makes ya wanna just barf it's such blatant and pie-in-the-sky BS that doesn't reflect reality.

And why? All because some A-holes thought it'd be a good idea to hand out participation trophies so their suck @$$ kids wouldn't boohoo their own lack of determination. SMDH.