The politicians pushing this...
...Some truly are just ignorant. They don't know better, are "just trying to help", but also don't seek out increasing their knowledge.
...Some know better but are scared to get out of their lane and push back... They're too comfortable.
...The scary ones, though, are doing this for power alone. They know it doesn't make a iota of difference to crime, but it's a necessary step in their path to furthering their broader agenda.
...Fighting what they bring up is of course necessary, but only a part of how we will be successful long term.
Have to also wonder about whether they aren't aware of, or just don't care about, the other laws preventing this overreach... For example Congress can regulate INTERSTATE and foreign commerce, without the same authority within state borders. Also, the requirement to register has been repeatedly struck down on several grounds, obviously 2A and also a lesser known reason that it goes against a person's 5th amendment right to not incriminate oneself... The act of registration being a self incrimination if legally permitted to possess... So literally all that could be legally required is for LEGAL OWNERS to register, not criminals.
So in addition to watching for, and fighting, these direct attacks on our rights, we must also watch for erosions in the these other arguments and protections that, once changed, make it much easier for them to take the direct steps.