Here it comes

Firearm laws in Canada are federal. Handguns have been required to be registered since the 1930’s, ARs I cant remember if it was the 80s or part of bill C68 in the 90s where they were required to be registered. When a firearm is registered any transfer of ownership needs to approved by the government to another license holder and the paper trail continues. We even require authorizations to transport Restricted firearms.
The only people allowed to misplace firearms here are the police (nothing but respect for LEOs it just seems statistically a lot of misplaced restricted/prohibs here are from law enforcement). Misplacing a registered gun would likely have some significant repercussions.
It is a complicated system here. All firearms are classified as non-restricted, restricted or prohibited. Basically the only ppl who have a prohibited license are those that owned firearms classified as prohibited when C68 was made into law in the 90s and they were grandfathered in (When they die the guns can be transferred to another prohib license holder only so eventually these guns will all be destroyed as this population ages). For instance I’m too young at 34 to have held a license in the 90s so no prohibs for me.....ever.
Anything restricted and prohibited is registered (paper trail) and from ~98-2012 ALL firearms in Canada needed to be registered. The non restricted registry was abolished in ~2012 with a conservative government.
A bunch of non restricted firearms were made prohibs in May 2020. These won’t have a paper trail and I suspect, like New Zealand, there will be some amount of non compliance for handing them in. Even then they will be safe queens. I think the pandemic has shown just how likely non compliance is (don’t jump down my throat if you are for or against restrictions it’s just an example!!)
So the AR-15 I purchased in 2009ish when I got a restricted license is now deemed prohibited (I could be wrong but I don’t think there is a single example of a mass shooting in Canada with an AR?). Previously the lower was the only part deemed restricted but they revised the law so any AR lower or upper is prohib.
Worse still is that our federal police force reclassified a number of non restricted firearms as prohibs that were not even listed on the order in council. So there are many law abiding individuals who are likely criminals yet don’t know it while using their legally purchased guns.
Should also mention with C68 some prohibs were taken from owners by the police (literally came for their guns).

along with these laws came mandatory minimum sentences IIRC. So if you want to test your luck you are going to lose 100s of thousands in court and likely go to jail for a period of time as well as never be able to own any type of firearm legally for the rest of your life.

So long story short. We face an erosion of firearms ownership here. Laws have been put into place that have and will continue to waste billions of dollars which could have been used in ways that would actually combat firearm related violence/deaths (Education, mental health programs, law enforcement, etc.)
It’s vote buying and panders to the majority of our population rooted in the big cities whose only exposure to firearms comes from watching the news and seeing crimes committed by unlicensed criminals with illegally acquired firearms. Obviously not effected by any new laws.

Sorry for the rant. I’m not a lawyer and I could be wrong in some of the info I posted. Just want you guys down south to see another example of sweeping loss of firearms rights and ownership. Obviously you have the 2nd amendment and other laws that I am totally unaware of which hopefully make it harder to lose but they’ll keep trying and if you sit back and turn a blind eye it could happen to you too.
Thanks for the info.
Question for you on outfitters and non resident hunting- what are the rifle rules going to be for us Yanks who wish to book a hunt up there?
Thanks for the info.
Question for you on outfitters and non resident hunting- what are the rifle rules going to be for us Yanks who wish to book a hunt up there?
Generally there is no problem at all as long as it is non restricted when coming up here or through to Alaska. I’m not sure what all is required but since the laws are the same across the country you don’t have to worry about differences between where you cross the border. Just follow the storage laws for firearms/ammo.

Most “hunting” rifles are non restricted. Especially on this forum since we are a mostly bolt action rifle crowd.

Another strange addition to our laws in May 2020 was a prohibition on muzzle energy over 10000joules. Basically anything over a .338 lapua mag In terms of energy is prohibited now.
Oh and muzzle diameter above a certain amount anything 10 gauge and smaller is ok.
They made a bunch of signal canons etc prohibited with these additions and for awhile it was thought that if you took the chokes out of your 10 and 12 gauge shotguns you were technically creating a prohib hahahahaha
I hate to say this but the majority of Americans are stupid.

if they asked 100 people here in California what the second amendment is my bet is a large portion would not know.

The media shapes our opinion and the media is decidedly anti-gun.

Most people don’t read past the headline. We have been fed a steady media diet of “guns are bad” and “Trump is bad” for many years.

Most dont know the founders reasoning for a citizen militia is to protect us from our own government Politicians.

Most dont know that trillions in gov social program spending now causes inflation and devalued currency later- which can seriously impact our quality of life in the future.

edit- just think what your life would be like when the dollar is no longer the world currency, and milk is $10 a gallon. Thats what all of the massive social spending now will accomplish....a loss in buying power later.The current admin says, “ Elect me and I will come after guns” Naw, he wont do that!

Yes! No doubt about it, fully half of Americans are stupid.

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I hate to say this but the majority of Americans are stupid.

if they asked 100 people here in California what the second amendment is my bet is a large portion would not know.

The media shapes our opinion and the media is decidedly anti-gun.

Most people don’t read past the headline. We have been fed a steady media diet of “guns are bad” and “Trump is bad” for many years.

Most dont know the founders reasoning for a citizen militia is to protect us from our own government Politicians.

Most dont know that trillions in gov social program spending now causes inflation and devalued currency- which can seriously impact our quality of life in the future.

Yes! A vast majority of Americans are stupid.

I tell my wife and kids the same thing when they ask about something that they were told or saw on the "news" - most people are stupid
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Simple math would tell you that's 3% of house Republicans. 10 of 50 Republican senators is 20%, not a chance.
Well these 20 voted to support a fervently anti gunner as AG.
Roy Blunt (R-MO)
Richard Burr (R-NC)
Shelley Capito (R-WV)
Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
Susan Collins (R-ME)
John Cornyn (R-TX)
Joni Ernst (R-IA)
Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
Ron Johnson (R-WI)
James Lankford (R-OK)
Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Jerry Moran (R-KS)
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Mitt Romney (R-UT)
Mike Rounds (R-SD)
John Thune (R-SD)
Thom Tillis (R-NC)

I think the fastest course of action for this nonsense is for Manchin to backpedal on his word to keep the filibuster. I don't trust him at all he does not have my states value at hearts other than the ones that love a good handout...
They don’t have the votes within the Senate to do that, Manchin and one or two others oppose that

Is that the same Manchin and others that voted to give convicted child molesters and murderers currently in prison $1400 apiece? Because if you are pinning your hopes on that guy you better hold onto your hat.
Updated Post 3/17/2021
Biden Endorses Filibuster Rule Changes
New York Times
Eh, not nessessarily in the context of the anti-gun bills, but I do want to see the old pieces of crap get up there and talk for 6 days straight. Maybe a couple will have to retire for inability to do so.

The irony of not being able to deliver on poor/middle class covid relief and to at least adjust minimum wage for inflation, but he's willing to change rules to ban guns. The Dems are going to get slaughtered in the midterms and that will be the end of the Biden presidency achieving anything.
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The Dems are going to get slaughtered in the midterms and that will be the end of the Biden presidency achieving anything.
Can’t get slaughtered in elections if you rig the vote. All they have to do is continue their plan of vote by mail, amnesty to illegals, giving felons the vote, etc and it’s authoritarian one party rule till the end of time
The “not gonna happen” gang might change their tune once the talking filibuster is back. Don’t worry about Turtle, He won’t do crap after midterms if they gain seats. 2 years of both house and senate and all they did was stall and in fight about Orange Man Bad and went with every conspiracy the Dems cooked up.

At least there’s no mean tweets...
The “not gonna happen” gang might change their tune once the talking filibuster is back. Don’t worry about Turtle, He won’t do crap after midterms if they gain seats. 2 years of both house and senate and all they did was stall and in fight about Orange Man Bad and went with every conspiracy the Dems cooked up.

At least there’s no mean tweets...
We will be up $hit creek without a paddle if they get this done. But damn he is going to be great for public land.