Has your dog been injured?

Has your dog ever been injured and needed medical care by a vet?

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Jan 7, 2021
After some conversations at the Wyoming Game and Fish Commissioners meeting, it just really interested what's everyone experiences with their dog over the years.
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The perpetrating "wild animal" was a porcupine.... so probably the mutt's fault and not the porky's. I haven't yet complained to our commission about our landscapes being overrun by quill pigs, but I just might.

They're both animals, doing animal things. I'm just curious as an over all what's the most common injuries to a pet dog.
Once while camping, my dog jumped over a log and ripped his crotch skin on the stob of a branch that had been broken off.

Another time, we got him x-rayed and found out that, at some point, he had broken a paw which since healed.
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Porky quils are the only thing I can think of with our current or previous boxer. Cut on paw pad every once in while, I guess. Nothing too serious.
Barbed wire fences. He does pretty good with the fences that are still standing. It’s the drift fences and old section fences that are laying on the ground that have gotten him a few times.
Wild animals are his own fault.
Porcupine. It was late on a Sunday night, so I wound up removing them myself. Luckily it wasn't too bad.
My 8 year old lab just had what amounts to ACL surgery on her back leg. Pretty brutal all the way around, she is a much better patient than I would have guessed.

Years ago we had another lab get a bad infection in her chest cavity, vet said the bacteria was the same as what is found in the second dirtiest place they know of, first being a Komodo dragons mouth……he said this is found in cats mouths. We think she might have got it from a mobile vet we used to give her shots. After the fact we realized they were reusing needles.
No way of knowing for sure but that’s the only thing we could come up with.
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Broke back knee at 11 months after slipping through the backside of a stair. 4 pins later….
Impaled with a stick in his chest. 6 stitches…..
Ran a stick under his tongue. (Bled an insane amount).

healed up after all injuries
Porcupine quills once, other dogs- 3 times, and one very expensive encounter with a nutria on a Sunday afternoon 2 hours from the emergency vet.
Have had 2 different dogs get impaled by sticks to the chest. One it came right out, the other broke it off and was still working with the stick coming 6-8" out of his chest.

Both had collapsed lungs from the injury.

Dog that was working with the stuck in his chest also got into a fight with a coyote, got his side laid open.

I'm sure several others, that's just what sticks out as being the big vet bills.