weatherby 7 prc 175g elite hunter ammo for elk?


Jan 30, 2018
'spensive for sure. anyone have any input on these for elk? haven't started reloading hunting ammo yet.

berger seems to have a good name for elk and big game and these are some of the heavier bullet offerings in factory loads.

fed 170g terminal ascents seem good but not seeing much of them.
6 bulls, 5 cows. 156 to 680 yds. One shot kills. Even a few pass thru shots. My 280 AI handloads 2930 fps. We've killed quite a few with the 168 Accubond LR bullet as well. My son just killed one this year at 618 yds. Took about 15 steps and tipped over.
Weatherby ammo is loaded by someone else. Could be just standard Federal loads repackaged for Weatherby. No doubt a 175 will kill and elk. Question is what are you really buying paying for the Weatherby name?
Weatherby ammo is loaded by someone else. Could be just standard Federal loads repackaged for Weatherby. No doubt a 175 will kill and elk. Question is what are you really buying paying for the Weatherby name?
seems to be the only factory load with bergers. not seeing fed has any berger loads for the 7prc though i do see them in 300wsm.
Not saying Weatherby produces crap ammo but the micro loaders do a better job on consistency. Usually win price wise also

Copper creek
Dallas reloads
Im curious about these too, but my in field experience with my 7 PRC shows 180 ELD-Ms kill bulls just fine and are half the cost.
there's plenty of this sentiment here for sure. i guess i'm thinking hornady would be marketing the hell out of it for big game hunting if they were great for it. is it dumb luck. is it anything flying at 2-3000fps is going to do some real damage irrespective of bullet design. why would they even waste time on their eld-x line if their match bullets were dual purpose. not doubting folks that have success with eld-m's, just trying to figure out the logic.
Man I totally didn't understand what you were asking. I saw 175 Elite Hunter and I thought you were asking about the 7mm Berger bullets. I've shot Weatherby ammo but it is out of my 300 Weatherby and was loaded with the 180 grain Barnes ttsx. I will say they haul ass at 3200 fps and hit like a freight train! As far as Eld-m are concerned I think they are really good on black bear and deer in cartridges like 6.5 creeds and 308s. You get them started over 3000 fps and they get splashy. I sure wouldn't put them in a 28 nosler or 257 Weatherby and then go shoot an elk in the shoulder at 75 yds. Be a rodeo for sure. My buddy shot a cow elk last year with a 175 eldx and was less than pleased. He was trying to punch it through the gut with a steep quartering away shot. Bullet got pretty well stopped by the feed in its gut and the jacket was laying on the offside lung. Elk was hurt and we tracked it down and found it in an alder thicket. He shot it two more times and she was done. Really have to be mindful of those match bullets or cup and core on where your aiming and what you're asking of it. Not the bullets fault. User error.
anyone used the factory wby 175 berger ammo in the 7prc. accuracy, ballistics, results on elk?

sounds like it's a good bullet, just wondering how good wby did loading it?

maybe no one's even used it given $$$.

will check out some of the custom loaders also but seem to be similar or more dollars.
anyone used the factory wby 175 berger ammo in the 7prc. accuracy, ballistics, results on elk?

sounds like it's a good bullet, just wondering how good wby did loading it?

maybe no one's even used it given $$$.

will check out some of the custom loaders also but seem to be similar or more dollars.

I haven’t used it but I would, if the precision and consistency are there.

I have had such a bad experience with factory hornady ammo.

Please post your results if you give them a try.

Not saying Weatherby produces crap ammo but the micro loaders do a better job on consistency. Usually win price wise also

Copper creek
Dallas reloads
was checking out the copper creek website, thanks. they sell load testing packages with different powder weights and COALs. might check that out with 7prc and the berger 175s. again not cheap but i'll get the bullet i think i want, and hopefully some tight groups! it will be a couple of months before i get to this but i will post results.