Has your dog been injured?

Has your dog ever been injured and needed medical care by a vet?

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The porcupine was fun, his dad got stitches from barbed wire twice in the same trip. The most expensive was a small scratch in an eye that wouldn’t heal and ended up costing around $1500 and five trips to the vet and veterinary eye specialist! All in all, totally worth every expense and worry for such awesome hunting partners!!

Shorthairs have an incredibly high pain tolerance, and love to chew on porcupines...I had one that would get a mouth full of quills, lay flat on his back so I could pull them all out, then go right back to hunting the damn thing! Best dog I ever had.

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Now 12, my dog has had all sorts of misadventures throughout his life, from porkys to yellowjacket attacks to domestic dog fights to cut-up foot pads from broken glass. I love his "rub some dirt on it and get me back in the game" attitude.

One thing I hate though? Ticks. Tickborne diseases have been fn horrible. Damn those little bastards.
If I were to name all the injuries I know about within my circle of friends it'd be something like this:

Lots of barbed wire fence cuts
Multiple porcupines, one dog in particular
One got hit by a car but didn't require medical care
Truck got rear ended by a semi and two dogs ejected from the bed, multiple injuries and lucky none died
Grass awn migrated to the spinal column and killed a dog
Dog got into some rat poison and died
Dog got sick and died, tick borne illness
Dog got sick and died, racoon likely ate from her bowl and shared an illness
Dog impaled himself on a mesquite tree branch and died instantly
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Crap...forgot about the dozen Needle Pigs my dogs have gotten into. A bunch of barbed wire cuts or old fence posts....Couple hit by cars. Lots of tongue cuts from cattails and a couple stick jabs inside the throat. Pretty routine hunting injuries. Nothing a couple stitches, staples or duck tape couldn't handle.
Lab came back lame after a long retrieve in Arkansas rice field. Thought it was a sprain/tendon issue. Due to the injury called the hunt short and drove the 4 hours home with him in his kennel. He was passed out and in shock when I arrived home at 9PM. Emergency late night vet visit and noticed a rice stalk had pierced his foot through and through. Spent next 6 weeks reviving him and saving his paw from the flesh eating bacteria that had eaten the skin off his foot.
I currently have one with a missing front leg from a snake bite, and one missing a back hip (top of tibia and part of the pelvis) from a vehicle altercation.

Plenty of stitches, and even more Un stitched cuts. Pulled lots of quills myself.
Just got my lab back from the vet after a spontaneous pneumothorax. 5 years old and the best hunting dog I have been around. I was willing to spend a boatload to save her. Required several days in the er, chest tube, and a lot of luck. She’s on strict rest for 4 weeks minimum. Hope it was a one off event
My shorthair ran through a cattle guard after a javelina in South TX, pulled over by border patrol twice on our 45-minute race to the vet. He bit his tongue straight down the middle about 4 inches and it was real difficult to keep it stitched/healing and his hiatus from fetch nearly drove him mad. Luckily it was our last hunt of the year. He's got a snake tongue now and barks at cattle guards.
I could fill a page with dog injuries in the field hunting with pointing dogs in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and South Dakota over more than 20 years. Injuries to pointing dogs from porcupine "incidents" to torn skin from crashing into sharp objects (including old barbed-wire fences, sage brush branches, etc.) to a non-fatal "dusting" with shot from a hunting partner. One of the saddest days of my life (66 years) was running off a mountain carrying a young, mortally wounded German wirehaired pointer female named Sizzle after she had been more than dusted by a friend who shot at a wild-flushed quail with her hidden in the sage on point in the background. She died of a spontaneous pneumothorax in my arms before I could get her to a vet. Huge lump in my throat and tears rolling down my face as I write this and the event occurred more than 15 years ago. I quit upland hunting with pointing dogs shortly after that. Damned dogs!
One of my dogs got bit by a brown recluse or black widow spider last week, $1000 vet bill and a long road to full recovery is where we're at right now.
Damn, y’all are making me concerned for my 1 year old golden retriever. Not too many snakes out in PA during hunting season but the porcupines just showed up and she tears through the woods with zero regard for her own safety so barbed wire and impalement is definitely a concern in the woods.

Case in point leaping over bush watching the bird with pretty much no regard for what was on the other side.


Any of you guys run any protective equipment on your dogs?
Damn, y’all are making me concerned for my 1 year old golden retriever. Not too many snakes out in PA during hunting season but the porcupines just showed up and she tears through the woods with zero regard for her own safety so barbed wire and impalement is definitely a concern in the woods.

Case in point leaping over bush watching the bird with pretty much no regard for what was on the other side.

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Any of you guys run any protective equipment on your dogs?
I never have.

Ran dogs with lots of other guys who also didn't... Very few injuries that I think the protective equipment out there would have helped.
My pup got into something (prolly yellow jackets) just the other day in our backyard. Lost her appetite for a bit, but bounced back fine.

The last pair of mutts we had racked up a handful of memorable injuries... Rattlesnake bite, multiple skunks, acl surgery, some sort of paw sprain/injury from jumping about 20 feet off a lookout tower to try and get a ground squirrel, scrapes and bumps from falling out of the back of the truck while driving, cut pads from hiking, a near drowning in a swollen stream in the bob marshall, and a busted canine tooth lodged in the skull of one of them after a scrap with a neighbor dog...good times
My current dog lost her eye during training as a pup. Still not sure what she caught it on but she pulled her head back and her eye popped out. I'll spare you the before photo but she's adapted quite well to life with one eye.

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Yikes! I thought mine were bad for running into stuff or eating things they shouldn’t. I should count myself pretty lucky.
Redbone had some copperhead bites. She was embarrassed by the swelling when she got one to the muzzle but no lasting effect except she never messed with a copperhead again..

Our "free" pound pup rolled down the window of my 4runner and jumped out at 60mph. (Please don't ask the wife's question. No I didn't have the child locks on. We haven't had a child in the car in 20 years.) She wasn't so "free" after the surgery to repair her compound femur fracture. Guy behind me saw it occurring and stopped traffic long enough for me to get her back in the vehicle or she probably would have been flattened. Sometimes I regretted not taking surgery option 2 which was remove the leg. She was constantly running off.